278 lines
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278 lines
9.9 KiB
// Copyright (c) 2012-2021 fo-dicom contributors.
// Licensed under the Microsoft Public License (MS-PL).
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Drawing.Imaging;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using FellowOakDicom;
using FellowOakDicom.Imaging;
using FellowOakDicom.IO;
using FellowOakDicom.Network;
using FellowOakDicom.Printing;
using FellowOakDicom.Network.Client;
using FellowOakDicom.IO.Buffer;
namespace Print_SCU
internal class PrintJob
public string CallingAE { get; set; }
public string CalledAE { get; set; }
public string RemoteAddress { get; set; }
public int RemotePort { get; set; }
public FilmSession FilmSession { get; private set; }
private FilmBox _currentFilmBox;
public PrintJob(string jobLabel)
FilmSession = new FilmSession(DicomUID.BasicFilmSession)
FilmSessionLabel = jobLabel,
MediumType = "PAPER",
NumberOfCopies = 1
public FilmBox StartFilmBox(string format, string orientation, string filmSize)
var filmBox = new FilmBox(FilmSession, null, DicomTransferSyntax.ExplicitVRLittleEndian)
ImageDisplayFormat = format,
FilmOrientation = orientation,
FilmSizeID = filmSize,
MagnificationType = "NONE",
BorderDensity = "BLACK",
EmptyImageDensity = "BLACK"
_currentFilmBox = filmBox;
return filmBox;
public void AddImage(Bitmap bitmap, int index)
if (FilmSession.IsColor)
AddColorImage(bitmap, index);
AddGreyscaleImage(bitmap, index);
private void AddGreyscaleImage(Bitmap bitmap, int index)
if (_currentFilmBox == null)
throw new InvalidOperationException("Start film box first!");
if (index < 0 || index > _currentFilmBox.BasicImageBoxes.Count)
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(index), "Image box index out of range");
if (bitmap.PixelFormat != PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb && bitmap.PixelFormat != PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb
&& bitmap.PixelFormat != PixelFormat.Format32bppRgb)
throw new ArgumentException("Not supported bitmap format", nameof(bitmap));
var dataset = new DicomDataset();
dataset.Add<ushort>(DicomTag.Columns, (ushort)bitmap.Width)
.Add<ushort>(DicomTag.Rows, (ushort)bitmap.Height)
.Add<ushort>(DicomTag.BitsAllocated, 8)
.Add<ushort>(DicomTag.BitsStored, 8)
.Add<ushort>(DicomTag.HighBit, 7)
.Add(DicomTag.PixelRepresentation, (ushort)PixelRepresentation.Unsigned)
.Add(DicomTag.PlanarConfiguration, (ushort)PlanarConfiguration.Interleaved)
.Add<ushort>(DicomTag.SamplesPerPixel, 1)
.Add(DicomTag.PhotometricInterpretation, PhotometricInterpretation.Monochrome2.Value);
var pixelData = DicomPixelData.Create(dataset, true);
var pixels = GetGreyBytes(bitmap);
var buffer = new MemoryByteBuffer(pixels.Data);
var imageBox = _currentFilmBox.BasicImageBoxes[index];
imageBox.ImageSequence = dataset;
private void AddColorImage(Bitmap bitmap, int index)
if (_currentFilmBox == null)
throw new InvalidOperationException("Start film box first!");
if (index < 0 || index > _currentFilmBox.BasicImageBoxes.Count)
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(index), "Image box index out of range");
if (bitmap.PixelFormat != PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb && bitmap.PixelFormat != PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb
&& bitmap.PixelFormat != PixelFormat.Format32bppRgb)
throw new ArgumentException("Not supported bitmap format", nameof(bitmap));
var dataset = new DicomDataset();
dataset.Add<ushort>(DicomTag.Columns, (ushort)bitmap.Width)
.Add<ushort>(DicomTag.Rows, (ushort)bitmap.Height)
.Add<ushort>(DicomTag.BitsAllocated, 8)
.Add<ushort>(DicomTag.BitsStored, 8)
.Add<ushort>(DicomTag.HighBit, 7)
.Add(DicomTag.PixelRepresentation, (ushort)PixelRepresentation.Unsigned)
.Add(DicomTag.PlanarConfiguration, (ushort)PlanarConfiguration.Interleaved)
.Add<ushort>(DicomTag.SamplesPerPixel, 3)
.Add(DicomTag.PhotometricInterpretation, PhotometricInterpretation.Rgb.Value);
var pixelData = DicomPixelData.Create(dataset, true);
var pixels = GetColorbytes(bitmap);
var buffer = new MemoryByteBuffer(pixels.Data);
var imageBox = _currentFilmBox.BasicImageBoxes[index];
imageBox.ImageSequence = dataset;
public void EndFilmBox()
_currentFilmBox = null;
public async Task Print()
var dicomClient = DicomClientFactory.Create(RemoteAddress, RemotePort, false, CallingAE, CalledAE);
await dicomClient.AddRequestAsync(
new DicomNCreateRequest(FilmSession.SOPClassUID, FilmSession.SOPInstanceUID)
Dataset = FilmSession
foreach (var filmbox in FilmSession.BasicFilmBoxes)
var imageBoxRequests = new List<DicomNSetRequest>();
var filmBoxRequest = new DicomNCreateRequest(FilmBox.SOPClassUID, filmbox.SOPInstanceUID)
Dataset = filmbox
filmBoxRequest.OnResponseReceived = (request, response) =>
if (response.HasDataset)
var seq = response.Dataset.GetSequence(DicomTag.ReferencedImageBoxSequence);
for (int i = 0; i < seq.Items.Count; i++)
var req = imageBoxRequests[i];
var imageBox = req.Dataset;
var sopInstanceUid = seq.Items[i].GetSingleValue<string>(DicomTag.ReferencedSOPInstanceUID);
imageBox.AddOrUpdate(DicomTag.SOPInstanceUID, sopInstanceUid);
req.Command.AddOrUpdate(DicomTag.RequestedSOPInstanceUID, sopInstanceUid);
await dicomClient.AddRequestAsync(filmBoxRequest);
foreach (var image in filmbox.BasicImageBoxes)
var req = new DicomNSetRequest(image.SOPClassUID, image.SOPInstanceUID) { Dataset = image };
await dicomClient.AddRequestAsync(req);
await dicomClient.AddRequestAsync(new DicomNActionRequest(FilmSession.SOPClassUID, FilmSession.SOPInstanceUID, 0x0001));
await dicomClient.SendAsync();
private unsafe PinnedByteArray GetGreyBytes(Bitmap bitmap)
var pixels = new PinnedByteArray(bitmap.Width * bitmap.Height);
var data = bitmap.LockBits(
new Rectangle(0, 0, bitmap.Width, bitmap.Height),
var srcComponents = bitmap.PixelFormat == PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb ? 3 : 4;
var dstLine = (byte*)pixels.Pointer;
var srcLine = (byte*)data.Scan0.ToPointer();
for (int i = 0; i < data.Height; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < data.Width; j++)
var pixel = srcLine + j * srcComponents;
int grey = (int)(pixel[0] * 0.3 + pixel[1] * 0.59 + pixel[2] * 0.11);
dstLine[j] = (byte)grey;
srcLine += data.Stride;
dstLine += data.Width;
return pixels;
private unsafe PinnedByteArray GetColorbytes(Bitmap bitmap)
var pixels = new PinnedByteArray(bitmap.Width * bitmap.Height * 3);
var data = bitmap.LockBits(
new Rectangle(0, 0, bitmap.Width, bitmap.Height),
var srcComponents = bitmap.PixelFormat == PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb ? 3 : 4;
var dstLine = (byte*)pixels.Pointer;
var srcLine = (byte*)data.Scan0.ToPointer();
for (int i = 0; i < data.Height; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < data.Width; j++)
var srcPixel = srcLine + j * srcComponents;
var dstPixel = dstLine + j * 3;
//convert from bgr to rgb
dstPixel[0] = srcPixel[2];
dstPixel[1] = srcPixel[1];
dstPixel[2] = srcPixel[0];
srcLine += data.Stride;
dstLine += data.Width * 3;
return pixels;