DicomServer/Desktop/QueryRetrieve SCU/Program.cs

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2024-12-13 10:06:20 +08:00
// Copyright (c) 2012-2021 fo-dicom contributors.
// Licensed under the Microsoft Public License (MS-PL).
using FellowOakDicom;
using FellowOakDicom.Network;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using FellowOakDicom.Network.Client;
namespace QueryRetrieve_SCU
internal static class Program
private const string _storagePath = @".\DICOM";
// values of the Query Retrieve Server to test with.
private const string _qrServerHost = "localhost"; // "www.dicomserver.co.uk";
private const int _qrServerPort = 8001; // 104;
private const string _qrServerAET = "QRSCP"; // "STORESCP";
private const string _aet = "FODICOMSCU";
static async Task Main(string[] args)
var client = DicomClientFactory.Create(_qrServerHost, _qrServerPort, false, _aet, _qrServerAET);
// Find a list of Studies
var request = CreateStudyRequestByPatientName("Traxler^Y*");
var studyUids = new List<string>();
request.OnResponseReceived += (req, response) =>
await client.AddRequestAsync(request);
await client.SendAsync();
// find all series from a study that previous was returned
var studyUID = studyUids[0];
request = CreateSeriesRequestByStudyUID(studyUID);
var serieUids = new List<string>();
request.OnResponseReceived += (req, response) =>
await client.AddRequestAsync(request);
await client.SendAsync();
// now get all the images of a serie with cGet in the same association
client = DicomClientFactory.Create(_qrServerHost, _qrServerPort, false, _aet, _qrServerAET);
var cGetRequest = CreateCGetBySeriesUID(studyUID, serieUids.First());
client.OnCStoreRequest += (DicomCStoreRequest req) =>
Console.WriteLine(DateTime.Now.ToString() + " recived");
return Task.FromResult(new DicomCStoreResponse(req, DicomStatus.Success));
// the client has to accept storage of the images. We know that the requested images are of SOP class Secondary capture,
// so we add the Secondary capture to the additional presentation context
// a more general approach would be to mace a cfind-request on image level and to read a list of distinct SOP classes of all
// the images. these SOP classes shall be added here.
var pcs = DicomPresentationContext.GetScpRolePresentationContextsFromStorageUids(
await client.AddRequestAsync(cGetRequest);
await client.SendAsync();
// if the images shall be sent to an existing storescp and this storescp is configured on the QR SCP then a CMove could be performed:
// here we want to see how a error case looks like - because the test QR Server does not know the node FODICOMSCP
client = DicomClientFactory.Create(_qrServerHost, _qrServerPort, false, _aet, _qrServerAET);
var cMoveRequest = CreateCMoveByStudyUID("STORESCP", studyUID);
bool? moveSuccessfully = null;
cMoveRequest.OnResponseReceived += (DicomCMoveRequest requ, DicomCMoveResponse response) =>
if (response.Status.State == DicomState.Pending)
Console.WriteLine("Sending is in progress. please wait: " + response.Remaining.ToString());
else if (response.Status.State == DicomState.Success)
Console.WriteLine("Sending successfully finished");
moveSuccessfully = true;
else if (response.Status.State == DicomState.Failure)
Console.WriteLine("Error sending datasets: " + response.Status.Description);
moveSuccessfully = false;
await client.AddRequestAsync(cMoveRequest);
await client.SendAsync();
if (moveSuccessfully.GetValueOrDefault(false))
Console.WriteLine("images sent successfully");
// images sent successfully from QR Server to the store scp
public static DicomCFindRequest CreateStudyRequestByPatientName(string patientName)
// there is a built in function to create a Study-level CFind request very easily:
// return DicomCFindRequest.CreateStudyQuery(patientName: patientName);
// but consider to create your own request that contains exactly those DicomTags that
// you realy need pro process your data and not to cause unneccessary traffic and IO load:
var request = new DicomCFindRequest(DicomQueryRetrieveLevel.Study);
// always add the encoding
request.Dataset.AddOrUpdate(new DicomTag(0x8, 0x5), "ISO_IR 100");
// add the dicom tags with empty values that should be included in the result of the QR Server
request.Dataset.AddOrUpdate(DicomTag.PatientName, "");
request.Dataset.AddOrUpdate(DicomTag.PatientID, "");
request.Dataset.AddOrUpdate(DicomTag.ModalitiesInStudy, "");
request.Dataset.AddOrUpdate(DicomTag.StudyDate, "");
request.Dataset.AddOrUpdate(DicomTag.StudyInstanceUID, "");
request.Dataset.AddOrUpdate(DicomTag.StudyDescription, "");
// add the dicom tags that contain the filter criterias
request.Dataset.AddOrUpdate(DicomTag.PatientName, patientName);
return request;
public static DicomCFindRequest CreateSeriesRequestByStudyUID(string studyInstanceUID)
// there is a built in function to create a Study-level CFind request very easily:
// return DicomCFindRequest.CreateSeriesQuery(studyInstanceUID);
// but consider to create your own request that contains exactly those DicomTags that
// you realy need pro process your data and not to cause unneccessary traffic and IO load:
var request = new DicomCFindRequest(DicomQueryRetrieveLevel.Series);
request.Dataset.AddOrUpdate(new DicomTag(0x8, 0x5), "ISO_IR 100");
// add the dicom tags with empty values that should be included in the result
request.Dataset.AddOrUpdate(DicomTag.SeriesInstanceUID, "");
request.Dataset.AddOrUpdate(DicomTag.SeriesDescription, "");
request.Dataset.AddOrUpdate(DicomTag.Modality, "");
request.Dataset.AddOrUpdate(DicomTag.NumberOfSeriesRelatedInstances, "");
// add the dicom tags that contain the filter criterias
request.Dataset.AddOrUpdate(DicomTag.StudyInstanceUID, studyInstanceUID);
return request;
public static DicomCGetRequest CreateCGetBySeriesUID(string studyUID, string seriesUID)
var request = new DicomCGetRequest(studyUID, seriesUID);
// no more dicomtags have to be set
return request;
public static DicomCMoveRequest CreateCMoveBySeriesUID(string destination, string studyUID, string seriesUID)
var request = new DicomCMoveRequest(destination, studyUID, seriesUID);
// no more dicomtags have to be set
return request;
public static DicomCMoveRequest CreateCMoveByStudyUID(string destination, string studyUID)
var request = new DicomCMoveRequest(destination, studyUID);
// no more dicomtags have to be set
return request;
public static void DebugStudyResponse(DicomCFindResponse response)
if (response.Status == DicomStatus.Pending)
// print the results
Console.WriteLine($"Patient {response.Dataset.GetSingleValueOrDefault(DicomTag.PatientName, string.Empty)}, {(response.Dataset.TryGetString(DicomTag.ModalitiesInStudy, out var dummy) ? dummy : string.Empty)}-Study from {response.Dataset.GetSingleValueOrDefault(DicomTag.StudyDate, new DateTime())} with UID {response.Dataset.GetSingleValueOrDefault(DicomTag.StudyInstanceUID, string.Empty)} ");
if (response.Status == DicomStatus.Success)
public static void DebugSerieResponse(DicomCFindResponse response)
if (response.Status == DicomStatus.Pending)
// print the results
Console.WriteLine($"Serie {response.Dataset.GetSingleValue<string>(DicomTag.SeriesDescription)}, {response.Dataset.GetSingleValue<string>(DicomTag.Modality)}, {response.Dataset.GetSingleValue<int>(DicomTag.NumberOfSeriesRelatedInstances)} instances");
if (response.Status == DicomStatus.Success)
catch (Exception)
// ignore errors
public static void SaveImage(DicomDataset dataset)
var studyUid = dataset.GetSingleValue<string>(DicomTag.StudyInstanceUID).Trim();
var instUid = dataset.GetSingleValue<string>(DicomTag.SOPInstanceUID).Trim();
var path = Path.GetFullPath(_storagePath);
path = Path.Combine(path, studyUid);
if (!Directory.Exists(path))
path = Path.Combine(path, instUid) + ".dcm";
new DicomFile(dataset).Save(path);