// Copyright (c) 2012-2021 fo-dicom contributors. // Licensed under the Microsoft Public License (MS-PL). using System; using System.Drawing; using FellowOakDicom; using FellowOakDicom.Imaging; using FellowOakDicom.Log; namespace Print_SCU { internal static class Program { private static async System.Threading.Tasks.Task Main(string[] args) { // Initialize log manager. new DicomSetupBuilder() .RegisterServices(s => s .AddFellowOakDicom() .AddLogManager() .AddImageManager()) .Build(); var stopwatch = new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch(); stopwatch.Start(); var printJob = new PrintJob("DICOM PRINT JOB") { RemoteAddress = "localhost", RemotePort = 8000, CallingAE = "PRINTSCU", CalledAE = "PRINTSCP" }; //greyscale var greyscaleImg = new DicomImage(@"Data\"); using (var bitmap = greyscaleImg.RenderImage().As()) { printJob.StartFilmBox("STANDARD\\1,1", "PORTRAIT", "A4"); printJob.FilmSession.IsColor = false; //set to true to print in color printJob.AddImage(bitmap, 0); printJob.EndFilmBox(); } //color var colorImg = new DicomImage(@"Data\US-RGB-8-epicard.dcm"); using (var bitmap = colorImg.RenderImage().As()) { printJob.StartFilmBox("STANDARD\\1,1", "PORTRAIT", "A4"); printJob.FilmSession.IsColor = true; //set to true to print in color printJob.AddImage(bitmap, 0); printJob.EndFilmBox(); } await printJob.Print(); stopwatch.Stop(); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine(stopwatch.Elapsed); } } }