# WADO Sample This is a sample of a partial WADO implementation using Web Api in an Asp.Net Project. If needed, web api, can be hosted outside of IIS. ## Specification and what's missing official specification: ftp://medical.nema.org/medical/dicom/2009/09_18pu.pdf what is not implemented: * Single Frame Objects (still conform to specification): The Server SHOULD also support the following MIME types: * image/gif * image/png * image/jp2 * Multi Frame Objects (still conform to specification): The Server SHOULD also support the following MIME types: * video/mpeg * image/gif * nothing is implemented in 7.3 TEXT OBJECTS * nothing is implemented in 7.4 OTHER OBJECTS * charset is not implemented, but it's conform to specification * anonymize is not implemented, but it's conform to specification * many parameters in 8.2 are not implemented : * annotation * region * rows * columns * frame number * windwsCenter * windowsWidth * imageQuality * presentationUID * presentationSeriesUID ## How to test it Launch the project and browse to : http://localhost:{port}/wado?requestType=WADO&studyUID={studyUID}&seriesUID={serieUID}&objectUID={objectUID}&contentType=image/jpeg replace {port} with your local port, you can replace {studyUID}, {serieUID} and {objectUID} by any value : it always return the same image in the sample. ## How to use it in your own application Implement your own IDicomImageFinderService with your database. replace this line : ```csharp _dicomImageFinderService = new TestDicomImageFinderService(); ``` by ```csharp _dicomImageFinderService = new \*your own implementation here\*; ``` in WadoUriController parameterless constructor