<img src="https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-Fq3nigRUo7U/VfaIPuJMjfI/AAAAAAAAALo/7oaLrrTBhnw/s1600/Fellow%2BOak%2BSquare%2BTransp.png" alt="fo-dicom logo" height="80" />

# Fellow Oak DICOM Samples
**Sample applications associated with the [fo-dicom](https://github.com/fo-dicom/fo-dicom) framework, version 5.0.0**

### Contributions
Sample contributions from the community are more than welcome. Make a pull request of your sample application for our prompt consideration.

### Available samples
#### .NET
* ConsoleTest, legacy test project
* C-Store SCP, simple implementation of a C-STORE Service Class Provider
* C-Store SCU, simple implementation of a C-STORE Service Class User
* DICOM Compare, compare two DICOM files for differences
* DICOM Media, simple DICOMDIR reader/writer
* Logging Serilog, test application to illustrate logging via Serilog
* Print SCP, simple DICOM PRINT Service Class Provider
* Print SCU, simple DICOM PRINT Service Class User
* QueryRetrieve SCP, simple Query/Retrieve Service Class Provider that handles c-find, c-get and c-move
* QueryRetrieve SCU, simple Query/Retrieve Service Class User
* WADO, simple demonstration of WADO web service implementation, contributed by user [do0om](https://github.com/do0om)
* Worklist SCP, simple Modality Worklist and MPPS Service Class Provider
* Worklist SCU, simple Modality Worklist and MPPS Service Class User

#### Universal Windows Platform
* SimpleViewer, proof-of-concept DICOM viewer for the _Universal Windows Platform_

#### Xamarin Android
* SimpleViewer, proof-of-concept DICOM viewer for _Xamarin Android_

#### Mono
* C-Store SCP, simple implementation of a C-STORE Service Class Provider

### Issues
If you encounter issues with any of the samples, please report on the [fo-dicom-samples issue board](https://github.com/fo-dicom/fo-dicom-samples/issues).

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The *fo-dicom* contributors