新增BS-460-1 14项 调整代码

This commit is contained in:
lxd 2024-12-17 15:44:54 +08:00
parent 1b7539a083
commit 1c886fdebc
3 changed files with 400 additions and 22 deletions

View File

@ -68,9 +68,20 @@
<add key="BC-5120" value="PC-202106061449,BC-5120,121,,5600,GB18030" />
<add key="MA-4210" value="wstwsy-PC,MA-4210,90,COM1,9600,NONE,8,1" />
<add key="U120" value="user-PC,U120,89,COM1,4800,NONE,8,1,GB18030" />
<add key="BS-330E" value="PC-202106061449,BS-330E,121,,5600,GB18030" />
<!-- BC-5120 -->
<add key="BC-5120" value="PC-202106061449,BC-5120,121,,5600,GB18030" />
<add key="BS-460" value="User-2024H-II,BS-460,91,,6688,GB18030" />
<add key="CurrentDevice" value="BC-5130" />
<!--迈瑞BS-460-1 14项-->
<add key="BS-460-1" value="User-2024H-II,BS-460-1,91,,6688,GB18030" />
<add key="CurrentDevice" value="BS-460-1" />

View File

@ -1713,7 +1713,7 @@ namespace FlyDockTool
dataOutPutShow("数据和图像提交失败:" + jsonStr, null);
catch(Exception ex) { /*MessageBox.Show(ex.ToString()); */}
catch (Exception ex) { /*MessageBox.Show(ex.ToString()); */}
if (apiOptions.CurrentDevice == "SD1")//斯玛特SD1
@ -1982,14 +1982,250 @@ namespace FlyDockTool
dataOutPutShow("数据提交失败:" + jsonStr, null);
if (apiOptions.CurrentDevice == "U120")//尿常规U120
string MachineCode = apiOptions.MachineCode;
string MachineID = apiOptions.MachineID;
List<examResultMode> ermList = new List<examResultMode>();
string[] resulteArray = deviceDataStr.Split('\n');
// File.WriteAllText("BT-200.TXT", deviceDataStr);
for (int i = 0; i < resulteArray.Length; i += 15)
//这里需要判断一下数据是否超过了 当前数据的长度
if (i + 15 > resulteArray.Length)
string[] spArray = resulteArray[2].Trim().Split(' ');
string sampleNo1 = spArray[2].Substring(0, 1).TrimStart('0');
// string sampleNo1 = resulteArray[2].Trim().Split(' ')[1]; .Replace("-", "0").TrimStart('0')
//string testDate1 = jiexiDate(resulteArray[i + 1], resulteArray[i + 2]);
string testDate1 = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");
examResultMode erm = new examResultMode();
erm.machineCode = MachineCode;
erm.machineID = MachineID;
erm.sampleNo = sampleNo1;
erm.testDate = testDate1;
erm.chanelNo = "LEU";//项目代号
erm.itemValue = resulteArray[i + 3].Substring(4, 15).Trim();//项目结果//项目结果
erm.itemUnit = "";
examResultMode erm1 = new examResultMode();
erm1.machineCode = MachineCode;
erm1.machineID = MachineID;
erm1.sampleNo = sampleNo1;
erm1.testDate = testDate1;
erm1.chanelNo = "NIT";//项目代号
erm1.itemValue = resulteArray[i + 4].Substring(4, 11).Trim();//项目结果
erm1.itemUnit = "";
examResultMode erm2 = new examResultMode();
erm2.machineCode = MachineCode;
erm2.machineID = MachineID;
erm2.sampleNo = sampleNo1;
erm2.testDate = testDate1;
erm2.chanelNo = "URO";//项目代号
erm2.itemValue = resulteArray[i + 5].Substring(4, 13).Trim();//项目结果
erm2.itemUnit = "";
examResultMode erm3 = new examResultMode();
erm3.machineCode = MachineCode;
erm3.machineID = MachineID;
erm3.sampleNo = sampleNo1;
erm3.testDate = testDate1;
erm3.chanelNo = "PRO";//项目代号
erm3.itemValue = resulteArray[i + 6].Substring(5, 15).Trim();//项目结果
erm3.itemUnit = "";
examResultMode erm4 = new examResultMode();
erm4.machineCode = MachineCode;
erm4.machineID = MachineID;
erm4.sampleNo = sampleNo1;
erm4.testDate = testDate1;
erm4.chanelNo = "pH";//项目代号
erm4.itemValue = resulteArray[i + 7].Substring(4, 12).Trim();//项目结果
erm4.itemUnit = "";
examResultMode erm5 = new examResultMode();
erm5.machineCode = MachineCode;
erm5.machineID = MachineID;
erm5.sampleNo = sampleNo1;
erm5.testDate = testDate1;
erm5.chanelNo = "BLO";//项目代号
erm5.itemValue = resulteArray[i + 8].Substring(4, 15).Trim();//项目结果
erm5.itemUnit = "";
examResultMode erm6 = new examResultMode();
erm6.machineCode = MachineCode;
erm6.machineID = MachineID;
erm6.sampleNo = sampleNo1;
erm6.testDate = testDate1;
erm6.chanelNo = "SG";//项目代号
erm6.itemValue = resulteArray[i + 9].Substring(4, 13).Trim();//项目结果
erm6.itemUnit = "";
examResultMode erm10 = new examResultMode();
erm10.machineCode = MachineCode;
erm10.machineID = MachineID;
erm10.sampleNo = sampleNo1;
erm10.testDate = testDate1;
erm10.chanelNo = "KET";//项目代号
erm10.itemValue = resulteArray[i + 10].Substring(4, 15).Trim();//项目结果
erm10.itemUnit = "";
examResultMode erm7 = new examResultMode();
erm7.machineCode = MachineCode;
erm7.machineID = MachineID;
erm7.sampleNo = sampleNo1;
erm7.testDate = testDate1;
erm7.chanelNo = "BIL";//项目代号
erm7.itemValue = resulteArray[i + 11].Substring(4, 13).Trim();//项目结果
erm7.itemUnit = "";
examResultMode erm8 = new examResultMode();
erm8.machineCode = MachineCode;
erm8.machineID = MachineID;
erm8.sampleNo = sampleNo1;
erm8.testDate = testDate1;
erm8.chanelNo = "GLU";//项目代号
erm8.itemValue = resulteArray[i + 12].Substring(4, 14).Trim();//项目结果
erm8.itemUnit = "";
examResultMode erm9 = new examResultMode();
erm9.machineCode = MachineCode;
erm9.machineID = MachineID;
erm9.sampleNo = sampleNo1;
erm9.testDate = testDate1;
erm9.chanelNo = "ASC";//项目代号
erm9.itemValue = resulteArray[i + 13].Substring(4, 12).Trim();//项目结果
erm9.itemUnit = "";
baseMsgModel bmm1 = apiOptions.CreateInstance().upLoadExamResult(ermList);
string jsonStr = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(ermList);
if (bmm1.code == 200)
dataOutPutShow("数据提交成功:" + jsonStr, null);
dataOutPutShow("数据提交失败:" + jsonStr, null);
if (apiOptions.CurrentDevice == "BS-330E")//BS-330E 他是一次性发一条样本 但一个样本号有多个项目 挨个发其中的项目 生化
string MachineCode = apiOptions.MachineCode;
string MachineID = apiOptions.MachineID;
List<examResultMode> ermList = new List<examResultMode>();
string[] itemArray = new string[10] { "ALT", "AST", "T-Bil", "UA", "UREA", "CREA-S", "TC", "TG", "HDL-C", "LDL-C" };
//string[] resulteArray = deviceDataStr.Split('\n');
//deviceDataStr = deviceDataStr.Replace("\r", "").Replace("\n", "");
string[] valArray = deviceDataStr.Split('');
string sampleNo1 = string.Empty;//样本号
string itemStr = string.Empty;
string itemValue = string.Empty;
for (int i = 0; i < itemArray.Length; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < valArray.Length; j++)
if (itemArray[i] == valArray[j].Substring(valArray[j].IndexOf("OBX|1|NM|")).Split('|')[4])
sampleNo1 = valArray[j].Substring(valArray[j].IndexOf("OBR|1||") + "OBR|1||".Length, valArray[j].IndexOf("|Mindray^BS-330E|") - valArray[j].IndexOf("OBR|1||") - "OBR|1||".Length).Trim();
itemStr = valArray[j].Substring(valArray[j].IndexOf("OBX|1|NM|")).Split('|')[4];
itemValue = valArray[j].Substring(valArray[j].IndexOf("OBX|1|NM|")).Split('|')[5];
string testDate1 = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");
examResultMode erm1 = new examResultMode();
erm1.machineCode = MachineCode;
erm1.machineID = MachineID;
erm1.sampleNo = sampleNo1;
erm1.testDate = testDate1;
erm1.chanelNo = itemStr;//项目代号
erm1.itemValue = itemValue;
erm1.itemUnit = "";
baseMsgModel bmm1 = apiOptions.CreateInstance().upLoadExamResult(ermList);
string jsonStr = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(ermList);
if (bmm1.code == 200)
dataOutPutShow("数据和图像提交成功:" + jsonStr, null);
dataOutPutShow("数据和图像提交失败:" + jsonStr, null);
if (apiOptions.CurrentDevice == "BC-5120")//BC-5120
string MachineCode = apiOptions.MachineCode;
string MachineID = apiOptions.MachineID;
deviceDataStr = deviceDataStr.Replace("\r", "").Replace("\n", "");
//string[] resulteArray = deviceDataStr.Split('\n');
string sampleNo1 = string.Empty;//样本号
List<examResultMode> ermList = new List<examResultMode>();
string[] itemArray = new string[] { "WBC", "BAS#", "BAS%", "NEU#", "NEU%", "EOS#", "EOS%", "LYM#", "LYM%", "MON#", "MON%", "RBC", "HGB", "MCV", "MCH", "MCHC", "RDW-CV", "RDW-SD", "HCT", "PLT", "MPV", "PDW", "PCT", "PLCC", "PLCR" };
string[] itemArray_2 = new string[] { "PCT", "PLCC", "PLCR" };
for (int i = 0; i < itemArray.Length; i++)
string itemStr = string.Empty;
if (itemArray_2.Contains(itemArray[i]))
itemStr = itemArray[i] + "^99MRC||";
itemStr = itemArray[i] + "^LN||";
string val1 = deviceDataStr.Substring(deviceDataStr.IndexOf("OBR"), 30);
sampleNo1 = val1.Split('|')[3];
string testDate1 = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");
examResultMode erm1 = new examResultMode();
erm1.machineCode = MachineCode;
erm1.machineID = MachineID;
erm1.sampleNo = sampleNo1;
erm1.testDate = testDate1;
erm1.chanelNo = itemArray[i];//项目代号
erm1.itemValue = jiexiVal(deviceDataStr.IndexOf(itemStr), itemStr, deviceDataStr).ToString();
erm1.itemUnit = "";
string jsonStr = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(ermList);
baseMsgModel bmm1 = apiOptions.CreateInstance().upLoadExamResult(ermList);
if (bmm1.code == 200)
dataOutPutShow("数据提交成功:" + jsonStr, null);
dataOutPutShow("数据提交失败:" + jsonStr, null);
if (apiOptions.CurrentDevice == "BS-460")//生化BS-460
string MachineCode = apiOptions.MachineCode;
string MachineID = apiOptions.MachineID;
List<examResultMode> ermList = new List<examResultMode>();
string[] itemArray = new string[18] { "Glu-G", "T-Bil-V", "D-Bil-V", "ALT", "AST", "ALP", "γ-GT", "TG", "LDL-C", "HDL-C","TC","CREA-S","UREA","ALB_II","TP_II","AST/ALT","IBIL-V" , "UA" };
string[] itemArrayC = new string[18] { "葡萄糖", "总胆红素", "直接胆红素", "丙氨酸氨基转移酶", "天门冬氨酸氨基转移酶", "碱性磷酸酶", "γ-谷氨酰转移酶", "甘油三酯", "低密度脂蛋白胆固醇", "高密度脂蛋白胆固醇", "总胆固醇", "肌酐(肌氨酸氧化酶法)", "尿素", "白蛋白", "总蛋白(双缩脲法)", "AST/ALT", "IBIL-V", "尿酸" };
string[] itemArray = new string[18] { "Glu-G", "T-Bil-V", "D-Bil-V", "ALT", "AST", "ALP", "γ-GT", "TG", "LDL-C", "HDL-C", "TC", "CREA-S", "UREA", "ALB_II", "TP_II", "AST/ALT", "IBIL-V", "UA" };//
string[] itemArrayC = new string[18] { "葡萄糖", "总胆红素", "直接胆红素", "丙氨酸氨基转移酶", "天门冬氨酸氨基转移酶", "碱性磷酸酶", "γ-谷氨酰转移酶", "甘油三酯", "低密度脂蛋白胆固醇", "高密度脂蛋白胆固醇", "总胆固醇", "肌酐(肌氨酸氧化酶法)", "尿素", "白蛋白", "总蛋白(双缩脲法)", "AST/ALT", "IBIL-V", "尿酸" };//
deviceDataStr = deviceDataStr.Replace("\r", "").Replace("\n", "");
//string[] valArray = deviceDataStr.Split(',');
string[] valArray = deviceDataStr.Split('|');
@ -2014,24 +2250,56 @@ namespace FlyDockTool
if (apiOptions.CurrentDevice == "BC-5120")//BC-5120
baseMsgModel bmm1 = apiOptions.CreateInstance().upLoadExamResult(ermList);
string jsonStr = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(ermList);
if (bmm1.code == 200)
dataOutPutShow("数据提交成功:" + jsonStr, null);
dataOutPutShow("数据提交失败:" + jsonStr, null);
if (apiOptions.CurrentDevice == "BS-460-1")//生化BS-460
string MachineCode = apiOptions.MachineCode;
string MachineID = apiOptions.MachineID;
List<examResultMode> ermList = new List<examResultMode>();
string[] itemArray = new string[14] { "Glu-G", "T-Bil-V", "D-Bil-V", "ALT", "AST", "TG", "LDL-C", "HDL-C", "TC", "CREA-S", "UREA", "ALB_II", "AST/ALT", "IBIL-V" };//
string[] itemArrayC = new string[14] { "葡萄糖(葡萄糖氧化酶法)", "总胆红素(钒酸盐氧化法)", "直接胆红素(钒酸盐氧化法)", "丙氨酸氨基转移酶", "天门冬氨酸氨基转移酶", "甘油三酯", "低密度脂蛋白胆固醇", "高密度脂蛋白胆固醇", "总胆固醇", "肌酐(肌氨酸氧化酶法)", "尿素", "白蛋白", "AST/ALT", "IBIL-V" };//
deviceDataStr = deviceDataStr.Replace("\r", "").Replace("\n", "");
//string[] resulteArray = deviceDataStr.Split('\n');
string sampleNo1 = string.Empty;//样本号
//string[] valArray = deviceDataStr.Split(',');
string[] valArray = deviceDataStr.Split('|');
string sampleNo1 = valArray[54];//样本号
for (int i = 0; i < itemArrayC.Length; i++)
string testDate1 = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");
examResultMode erm1 = new examResultMode();
erm1.machineCode = MachineCode;
erm1.machineID = MachineID;
erm1.sampleNo = sampleNo1;
erm1.testDate = testDate1;
erm1.chanelNo = itemArray[i];//项目代号
// MessageBox.Show(deviceDataStr+"\r\n\r\n :"+ggg[5]);
string itemStr = itemArrayC[i] + "|";
int index1 = deviceDataStr.IndexOf(itemStr);
string valueS = jiexiVal(index1, itemStr, deviceDataStr);
double roundedValue = Math.Round(double.Parse(valueS), 2);
erm1.itemValue = roundedValue.ToString();//项目结果
erm1.itemUnit = "";
baseMsgModel bmm1 = apiOptions.CreateInstance().upLoadExamResult(ermList);
string jsonStr = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(ermList);
if (bmm1.code == 200)
dataOutPutShow("数据和图像提交成功:" + jsonStr, null);
dataOutPutShow("数据提交成功:" + jsonStr, null);
dataOutPutShow("数据和图像提交失败:" + jsonStr, null);
dataOutPutShow("数据提交失败:" + jsonStr, null);
return rerultJson;
@ -2051,12 +2319,13 @@ namespace FlyDockTool
string ItemValueStr = "";
string Str1 = deviceDataStr.Substring(deviceDataStr.IndexOf(itemStr) + itemStr.Length, 30);
int firstIndex = Str1.IndexOf('|');
ItemValueStr = Str1.Substring(0, firstIndex);
}catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(itemStr + "," + deviceDataStr); }
catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(itemStr + "," + deviceDataStr); }
return ItemValueStr;
@ -2370,13 +2639,13 @@ namespace FlyDockTool
// 设置IP地址和端口号
string tcp_ip = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings[apiOptions.CurrentDevice].Split(',')[3];
string tcp_port = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings[apiOptions.CurrentDevice].Split(',')[4];
// IPAddress ipAddress = IPAddress.Parse(tcp_ip);
IPAddress ipAddress = IPAddress.Any;
// IPAddress ipAddress = IPAddress.Parse(tcp_ip);
IPAddress ipAddress = IPAddress.Any;
// 创建一个监听Socket
if (listener == null)
//listener = new Socket(ipAddress.AddressFamily, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp);
listener = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Stream,ProtocolType.Tcp);
listener = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp);
listener.Bind(new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, int.Parse(tcp_port)));
@ -2501,7 +2770,44 @@ namespace FlyDockTool
_tcpResult.Change(0, 10);//开始tcp数据接收10毫秒频率
if (apiOptions.CurrentDevice == "U120")//尿常规U120
SerialPortOption.CreateInstance().dataOutPutShow += new EventHandler(onReData);
if (apiOptions.CurrentDevice == "BS-330E")//BS-330E 生化
// 设置IP地址和端口号
string tcp_ip = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings[apiOptions.CurrentDevice].Split(',')[3];
string tcp_port = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings[apiOptions.CurrentDevice].Split(',')[4];
IPAddress ipAddress = IPAddress.Parse(tcp_ip);
// IPAddress ipAddress = IPAddress.Any;
// 创建一个监听Socket
if (listener == null)
listener = new Socket(ipAddress.AddressFamily, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp);
listener.Bind(new IPEndPoint(ipAddress, int.Parse(tcp_port)));
_tcpResult.Change(0, 10);//开始tcp数据接收10毫秒频率
if (apiOptions.CurrentDevice == "BC-5120")//BC-5120
// 设置IP地址和端口号
string tcp_ip = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings[apiOptions.CurrentDevice].Split(',')[3];
string tcp_port = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings[apiOptions.CurrentDevice].Split(',')[4];
IPAddress ipAddress = IPAddress.Parse(tcp_ip);
// IPAddress ipAddress = IPAddress.Any;
//// 创建一个监听Socket
if (listener == null)
listener = new Socket(ipAddress.AddressFamily, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp);
listener.Bind(new IPEndPoint(ipAddress, int.Parse(tcp_port)));
_tcpResult.Change(0, 10);//开始tcp数据接收10毫秒频率
if (apiOptions.CurrentDevice == "hhh5")//BC-5130
@ -2545,7 +2851,23 @@ namespace FlyDockTool
_tcpResult.Change(0, 10);//开始tcp数据接收10毫秒频率
if (apiOptions.CurrentDevice == "BS-460-1")//迈瑞生化BS-430
// 设置IP地址和端口号
string tcp_ip = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings[apiOptions.CurrentDevice].Split(',')[3];
string tcp_port = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings[apiOptions.CurrentDevice].Split(',')[4];
// IPAddress ipAddress = IPAddress.Parse(tcp_ip);
IPAddress ipAddress = IPAddress.Any;
// 创建一个监听Socket
if (listener == null)
//listener = new Socket(ipAddress.AddressFamily, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp);
listener = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp);
listener.Bind(new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, int.Parse(tcp_port)));
_tcpResult.Change(0, 10);//开始tcp数据接收10毫秒频率
/// <summary>
@ -2663,6 +2985,22 @@ namespace FlyDockTool
if (apiOptions.CurrentDevice == "MA-4210")//MA-4210
_tResult.Change(5000, 5000);// 数据处理延迟5秒开始 5秒计时
if (apiOptions.CurrentDevice == "U120")//尿常规U120
_tResult.Change(5000, 5000);// 数据处理延迟5秒开始 5秒计时
if (apiOptions.CurrentDevice == "BS-330E")//BS-330E
if (tempData.Split('').Length >= 12 && tempData.Contains("LDL-C"))
tempData = string.Empty;//执行完以后 将临时积累数据清空 以便接收下一个样本数据
if (apiOptions.CurrentDevice == "BC-5120")//BC-5120
_tResult.Change(5000, 5000);// 数据处理延迟5秒开始 5秒计时
if (apiOptions.CurrentDevice == "BS-460")//生化BS-460
//File.WriteAllText("deviceDataLog.txt", deviceDataStr, Encoding.GetEncoding("GB18030"));
@ -2671,6 +3009,16 @@ namespace FlyDockTool
tempData = string.Empty;//执行完以后 将临时积累数据清空 以便接收下一个样本数据
// _tResult.Change(10000, 10000);// 数据处理延迟5秒开始 5秒计时
if (apiOptions.CurrentDevice == "BS-460-1")//生化BS-460
//File.WriteAllText("deviceDataLog.txt", deviceDataStr, Encoding.GetEncoding("GB18030"));
//if (tempData.Contains("OBX|14|"))//OBX|22| 为结束符 说明字符串完整了
tempData = string.Empty;//执行完以后 将临时积累数据清空 以便接收下一个样本数据
// }
// _tResult.Change(10000, 10000);// 数据处理延迟5秒开始 5秒计时
@ -2992,12 +3340,30 @@ namespace FlyDockTool
if (apiOptions.CurrentDevice == "U120")//尿常规U120
if (apiOptions.CurrentDevice == "BS-330E")//BS-330E
_tcpResult.Change(-1, 10);//停止tcp数据接收
if (apiOptions.CurrentDevice == "BC-5120")//BC-5120
_tcpResult.Change(-1, 10);//停止tcp数据接收
if (apiOptions.CurrentDevice == "BS-460")//生化BS-460
_tcpResult.Change(-1, 10);//停止tcp数据接收
if (apiOptions.CurrentDevice == "BS-460-1")//生化BS-460
_tcpResult.Change(-1, 10);//停止tcp数据接收
///// <summary>

View File

@ -32,11 +32,12 @@ namespace FlyDockTool
apiOptions.MachineCode = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings[CurrentDevice].Split(',')[1];
apiOptions.MachineID = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings[CurrentDevice].Split(',')[2];
lb_currentDeviceInfo.Text = CurrentDevice;
//////测试代码 测试完毕后注释调一下两行代码
//string resultDataStr = File.ReadAllText(@"C:\Users\10044\Desktop\BS-460.txt", Encoding.GetEncoding("GB18030"));
////测试代码 测试完毕后注释调一下两行代码
//string resultDataStr = File.ReadAllText(@"C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\察哈尔右翼中旗\宏盘卫生院\血常规BC-5130\血常规BC-5130.txt", Encoding.GetEncoding("UTF-8"));