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//using DevExpress.Drawing.Internal.Fonts.Interop;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Drawing.Drawing2D;
using System.Drawing.Imaging;
using System.Drawing.Text;
using System.Linq;
using System.Security.Cryptography;
namespace _1200Gxml心电图绘制
public class CommonPrintEcgWave
private const int LeadCount12 = 12;
private const int LeadCount15 = 15;
private const int LeadCount18 = 18;
private const double PerInch = 1.03f; //振幅高度百分比y值 显示波形
private const float PrintInch = 0.30f;//0.95 //打印时波形
private const int LeadWaveLenth = 4; //前排波形的尾部与后排波形的标压名称之间的间隔
private const int LeadLenght = 550;
private readonly Dictionary<int, Point> _firstPointArray = new Dictionary<int, Point>(); //标压的坐标集合
private readonly List<int> _leadList = new List<int>
{ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 };
private readonly string[] _leadNameArray =
"I", "II", "III", "aVR", "aVL", "aVF", "V1", "V2", "V3", "V4", "V5", "V6", "V3R", "V4R", "V5R", "V7", "V8",
private readonly Dictionary<int, List<Point>> _points = new Dictionary<int, List<Point>>(); //下坡线点集合
private double _amplitude = 10; //振幅,默认值
private int _baseLine;
private int _clearCount; //绘制QRS滤掉的点数
private readonly int _dpi = 300; //打印DPI默认300
private Bitmap _ecgCanvas;
private Dictionary<int, List<float>> _ecgDatas = new Dictionary<int, List<float>>(); //心电数据集合
private Graphics _ecgGraphics;
private Pen _ecgPen; //画笔普通波形除QRS波之外
private Pen _ecgPenQrs; //画笔QRS波
private Point _firstPosition = new Point(0, 0);
private int _freePixs;
private double _intervalPixCountPerPoint;
private string _isQb; //是否起搏
private readonly double _lenthPerInch = 25.4;
private readonly int _oldDpi = 96; //电脑DPI默认96
private double _paperSpeed = 25; //走速,默认值
private Pen _pen; //画笔报告标题和参数
private readonly double _samplingRate = 1000; //默认值
private Point _secondPosition = new Point(0, 0);
/// <summary>
/// 波形打印初始化参数
/// </summary>
/// <param name="btmp"></param>
/// <param name="ecgDatas"></param>
/// <param name="isQiBo"></param>
public void InitEcgParameter(Bitmap btmp, Dictionary<int, List<float>> ecgDatas, string isQiBo,
double paperSpeed, double amplitude)
_paperSpeed = paperSpeed;
_amplitude = amplitude;
_ecgCanvas = btmp;
_ecgGraphics = Graphics.FromImage(_ecgCanvas);
_ecgGraphics.Clear(Color.White); //填充指定颜色
_ecgGraphics.SmoothingMode = SmoothingMode.AntiAlias; //抗锯齿
//Ecg_Graphics.CompositingQuality = CompositingQuality.HighQuality;//消除锯齿,最高品质
_ecgDatas = ecgDatas;
_pen = new Pen(Color.Black, float.Parse("2"));
_ecgPen = new Pen(Color.Black, float.Parse("2"));
_ecgPenQrs = new Pen(Color.Black,2); //ConfigHelper.WaveColor
_freePixs = (int)(Math.Round(_dpi / _lenthPerInch) * 5);
_isQb = isQiBo;
_intervalPixCountPerPoint = _paperSpeed / _samplingRate * _dpi / _lenthPerInch;
/// <summary>
/// 绘制心电图的背景网格
/// </summary>
public void PrintBackGroundGrid(int height1, int height2)
var ep = new Pen(Color.Gray, float.Parse("1")); //Black 背景网格颜色深 Gray 背景网格颜色浅
//if (ConfigHelper.IsDashOrSolid)
// ep.DashStyle = DashStyle.Solid;
// ep.DashStyle = DashStyle.Dash;
ep.DashStyle = DashStyle.Dash;
const float
pointCountPerMM = 12f; //每个小网格间距 12mm;// Math.Abs(float.Parse(Dpi.ToString()) / (float)LenthPerInch);
var heightTop = height1 * pointCountPerMM + 8; //+ 0.2f
var heightBottm = height2 * (pointCountPerMM - 0.2f);
float x;
float y;
var cHeight = (int)heightBottm; //网格高度
_ecgGraphics.SmoothingMode = SmoothingMode.None; //保证网格线的清晰
for (int i = _ecgCanvas.Width, j = 0; i >= -72; i -= (int)pointCountPerMM, j++) //72 代表宽度相差6个小格间距
if (j % 5 == 0)
x = (float)Math.Round(i + j / 5 * 1.2, 2); //每个大格相差1.2mm
_ecgGraphics.DrawLine(ep, x, heightTop, x, cHeight);
// EcgViewPro.WatchDog.WriteMsg(j / 5 + "两竖线间距:" + Math.Round((xtest - x),2)+"----"+x+":"+i);
for (int i = cHeight, j = 0; i >= heightTop - 36; i -= (int)pointCountPerMM, j++) //36 代表高度相差3个小格的间距
if (j % 5 == 0)
y = (float)Math.Round(i + j / 5 * 1.2, 2); //每个大格相差1.2mm
_ecgGraphics.DrawLine(ep, 0, y, _ecgCanvas.Width, y);
// EcgViewPro.WatchDog.WriteMsg(j / 5 + "两横线间距:" + Math.Round((xtest - y), 2) + "----" + y + ":" + i);
y = (float)Math.Round(i + j * 0.24, 2);
for (int k = _ecgCanvas.Width, t = 0; k >= -72; k -= (int)pointCountPerMM, t++)
x = (float)Math.Round(k + t * 0.24, 2); //每个小格相差0.24
if ((int)y < cHeight && (int)x < _ecgCanvas.Width)
if (t % 5 != 0)
_ecgCanvas.SetPixel((int)x, (int)y, Color.Black); //ConfigHelper.WaveColor
/// <summary>
/// 绘制心电报告的报告头
/// </summary>
public void PrintReportHeadInfo(string reportTitle, string reportDate)
var height = _freePixs * 3 - 55;
var font = new Font("隶书", 20);
var brush = Brushes.Black;
float reportLength = reportTitle.Any(t => t >= 0x4e00 && t <= 0x9fbb)? 20 * _dpi / _oldDpi * reportTitle.Length: 10 * _dpi / _oldDpi * reportTitle.Length;
var pointF = new PointF((_ecgCanvas.Width - reportLength) / 2 - 20 * _dpi / _oldDpi * 3, 15);
_ecgGraphics.DrawString(reportTitle, font, brush, pointF);
font = new Font("宋体", 10);
pointF = new PointF(_ecgCanvas.Width - 470, height - 50);
//_ecgGraphics.DrawString(LocalStorage.ResManager.GetString("ReportDate") + reportDate, font, brush, pointF); //报告日期
_ecgGraphics.DrawString( reportDate, font, brush, pointF); //报告日期
_ecgGraphics.DrawLine(_pen, 0, height, _ecgCanvas.Width, height); //第一条横线
/// <summary>
/// 绘制长十二导心电报告的报告头
/// </summary>
/// <param name="reportTitle"></param>
public void PrintLongReportHeadInfo(string reportTitle)
var font = new Font("隶书", 20);
var brush = Brushes.Black;
//float reportLength = 20 * _dpi / _oldDpi * reportTitle.Length;
float reportLength = reportTitle.Any(t => t >= 0x4e00 && t <= 0x9fbb) ? 20 * _dpi / _oldDpi * reportTitle.Length : 10 * _dpi / _oldDpi * reportTitle.Length;
var point = new PointF((_ecgCanvas.Width - reportLength) / 2 - 20 * _dpi / _oldDpi * 3, (_freePixs * 3 + 20) / 3);
_ecgGraphics.DrawString(reportTitle, font, brush, point);
_ecgGraphics.DrawLine(_pen, 0, _freePixs * 3 + 20, _ecgCanvas.Width, _freePixs * 3 + 20);
/// <summary>
/// 绘制患者的心电识别的参数
/// </summary>
public void PrintEcgInfo(string[] diagInfoList, string idStr)
var font = new Font("宋体", 10, FontStyle.Regular);
var brush = Brushes.Black;
var firstPoint = 0;
var secondPoint = 850;
var height = _freePixs * 2 + 15;
// var pId = LocalStorage.ResManager.GetString("pId");
var pointF = new PointF(firstPoint, height);
//_ecgGraphics.DrawString(pId + "" + idStr, font, brush, pointF); //ID
_ecgGraphics.DrawString("编号:" + idStr, font, brush, pointF); //ID
pointF = new PointF(firstPoint, height + _freePixs);
_ecgGraphics.DrawString(diagInfoList[0], font, brush, pointF); //姓名
pointF = new PointF(firstPoint, height + _freePixs * 2);
_ecgGraphics.DrawString(diagInfoList[1], font, brush, pointF); //性别
pointF = new PointF(firstPoint, height + _freePixs * 3);
_ecgGraphics.DrawString(diagInfoList[2], font, brush, pointF); //年龄
pointF = new PointF(firstPoint, height + _freePixs * 4);
_ecgGraphics.DrawString(diagInfoList[10], font, brush, pointF); //病室
pointF = new PointF(firstPoint, height + _freePixs * 5);
_ecgGraphics.DrawString(diagInfoList[12], font, brush, pointF); //住院号
pointF = new PointF(secondPoint, height);
_ecgGraphics.DrawString(diagInfoList[9], font, brush, pointF); //心率
pointF = new PointF(secondPoint, height + _freePixs * 1);
_ecgGraphics.DrawString(diagInfoList[4], font, brush, pointF); //P-R
pointF = new PointF(secondPoint, height + _freePixs * 2);
_ecgGraphics.DrawString(diagInfoList[5], font, brush, pointF); //QRS
pointF = new PointF(secondPoint, height + _freePixs * 3);
_ecgGraphics.DrawString(diagInfoList[6], font, brush, pointF); //QT/QTC
pointF = new PointF(secondPoint, height + _freePixs * 4);
//_ecgGraphics.DrawString(diagInfoList[7], font, brush, pointF); //QRS电轴
//_ecgGraphics.DrawString("", font, brush, pointF); //QRS电轴
_ecgGraphics.DrawString(diagInfoList[8].Replace(" ", string.Empty), font, brush, pointF); //RV5/SV1
pointF = new PointF(secondPoint, height + _freePixs * 5);
_ecgGraphics.DrawString(diagInfoList[3], font, brush, pointF); //RV5+SV1
pointF = new PointF(secondPoint + 550, height);
_ecgGraphics.DrawString(diagInfoList[7], font, brush, pointF); //qrs
pointF = new PointF(secondPoint + 550, height + _freePixs * 1);
_ecgGraphics.DrawString(diagInfoList[13], font, brush, pointF); //p
//_ecgGraphics.DrawLine(_pen, 0, height + _freePixs * 5 + 54, _ecgCanvas.Width, height + _freePixs * 5 + 54);//第二条横线
//if (ConfigHelper.IsPrintQuickResponse && File.Exists(Application.StartupPath + "\\wx.gif"))
// using (Image img = Image.FromFile(Application.StartupPath + "\\wx.gif"))
// {
// _ecgGraphics.DrawImage(img, _ecgCanvas.Width - 229, _freePixs * 2 + 20, 229, 230);
// }
/// <summary>
/// 绘制长十二导心电识别的参数
/// </summary>
/// <param name="diagInfoList"></param>
public void PrintLongEcgInfo(string[] diagInfoList, string idStr)
var font = new Font("宋体", 10);
var brush = Brushes.Black;
var num = 3;
var point = new PointF(_ecgCanvas.Width - LeadLenght, _freePixs * num + 65);
_ecgGraphics.DrawString(LocalStorage.ResManager.GetString("pId") + "" + idStr, font, brush, point); //ID
point = new PointF(_ecgCanvas.Width - LeadLenght, _freePixs * (num + 1) + 65);
_ecgGraphics.DrawString(diagInfoList[0], font, brush, point); //姓名
point = new PointF(_ecgCanvas.Width - LeadLenght, _freePixs * (num + 2) + 65);
_ecgGraphics.DrawString(diagInfoList[1], font, brush, point); //性别
point = new PointF(_ecgCanvas.Width - LeadLenght, _freePixs * (num + 3) + 65);
_ecgGraphics.DrawString(diagInfoList[2], font, brush, point); //年龄
point = new PointF(_ecgCanvas.Width - LeadLenght, _freePixs * (num + 4) + 65);
_ecgGraphics.DrawString(diagInfoList[10], font, brush, point); //病室
point = new PointF(_ecgCanvas.Width - LeadLenght, _freePixs * (num + 5) + 65);
_ecgGraphics.DrawString(diagInfoList[12], font, brush, point); //住院号
//point = new PointF(_ecgCanvas.Width - LeadLenght, _freePixs * 2 + 10);
//_ecgGraphics.DrawString(diagInfoList[11], font, brush, point);//床号
point = new PointF(_ecgCanvas.Width - LeadLenght, _freePixs * (num + 6) + 65);
_ecgGraphics.DrawString(diagInfoList[9], font, brush, point); //心率
point = new PointF(_ecgCanvas.Width - LeadLenght, _freePixs * (num + 7) + 65);
_ecgGraphics.DrawString(diagInfoList[4], font, brush, point); //P-R
point = new PointF(_ecgCanvas.Width - LeadLenght, _freePixs * (num + 8) + 65);
_ecgGraphics.DrawString(diagInfoList[5], font, brush, point); //QRS
point = new PointF(_ecgCanvas.Width - LeadLenght, _freePixs * (num + 9) + 65);
_ecgGraphics.DrawString(diagInfoList[6], font, brush, point); //QT/QTC
point = new PointF(_ecgCanvas.Width - LeadLenght, _freePixs * (num + 10) + 65);
_ecgGraphics.DrawString(diagInfoList[7], font, brush, point); //QRS电轴
point = new PointF(_ecgCanvas.Width - LeadLenght, _freePixs * (num + 11) + 65);
_ecgGraphics.DrawString(diagInfoList[8].Replace(" ", string.Empty), font, brush, point); //RV5/SV1
point = new PointF(_ecgCanvas.Width - LeadLenght, _freePixs * (num + 12) + 65);
_ecgGraphics.DrawString(diagInfoList[3], font, brush, point); //RV5+SV1
point = new PointF(_ecgCanvas.Width - LeadLenght, _freePixs * (num + 13) + 65);
_ecgGraphics.DrawString(diagInfoList[13], font, brush, point); //p
//_ecgGraphics.DrawLine(_pen, 0, _freePixs * 3 + 48, _ecgCanvas.Width, _freePixs * 3 + 48);
//if (ConfigHelper.IsPrintQuickResponse && File.Exists(Application.StartupPath + "\\wx.gif"))
// if (File.Exists(Application.StartupPath + "\\wx.gif"))
// {
// using (Image img = Image.FromFile(Application.StartupPath + "\\wx.gif"))
// {
// _ecgGraphics.DrawImage(img, _ecgCanvas.Width - 320, _freePixs * 2 + 1480, 229, 230);
// }
// }
/// <summary>
/// 绘制心电诊断结论
/// </summary>
/// <param name="diagInfoContent"></param>
/// <param name="reportDoctorName"></param>
/// <param name="filter"></param>
/// <param name="collectTime"></param>
/// <param name="dept"></param>
/// <param name="amp"></param>
/// <param name="ps"></param>
/// <param name="img"></param>
/// <param name="addr"></param>
public void PrintDiagInfo(string diagInfoContent, string reportDoctorName, string filter, string collectTime,
string dept, string amp, string ps, Image img, string addr)
var font = new Font("宋体", 10, FontStyle.Regular);
var brush = Brushes.Black;
var firstPoint = 0;
var threePoint = 1800;
var height = _freePixs * 2 + 15;
filter = filter.Replace("低通:", "");
//diagInfoContent = $"{LocalStorage.ResManager.GetString("DiagnosticTips")}{diagInfoContent}" ;
diagInfoContent = $"{""}{diagInfoContent}";
var len = diagInfoContent.Any(t => t >= 0x4e00 && t <= 0x9fbb) ? 33 : 72;
var drCnt = new string[diagInfoContent.Length / len + 1];
for (var a = 0; a < diagInfoContent.Length / len + 1; a++)
if (a < diagInfoContent.Length / len)
drCnt[a] = diagInfoContent.Substring(a * len, len);
if (diagInfoContent.Length - a * len > len)
drCnt[a] = diagInfoContent.Substring(a * len, len);
drCnt[a + 1] =
diagInfoContent.Substring((a + 1) * len, diagInfoContent.Length - a * len);
drCnt[a] = diagInfoContent.Substring(a * len, diagInfoContent.Length - a * len);
var pointF = new PointF(threePoint, height);
//_ecgGraphics.DrawString($"{diagnosticTips}", font, brush, pointF); //诊断结果
for (var i = 0; i < drCnt.Length; i++)
pointF = new PointF(threePoint, height + i * _freePixs);
_ecgGraphics.DrawString(drCnt[i].Trim(), font, brush, pointF); //诊断结果
//var len = diagInfoContent.Any(t => t >= 0x4e00 && t <= 0x9fbb) ? 33 : 66;
//var drCnt = new string[diagInfoContent.Length / len + 1];
//for (var a = 0; a < diagInfoContent.Length / len + 1; a++)
// if (a < diagInfoContent.Length / len)
// {
// drCnt[a] = diagInfoContent.Substring(a * len, len);
// }
// else
// {
// if (diagInfoContent.Length - a * len > len)
// {
// drCnt[a] = diagInfoContent.Substring(a * len, len);
// drCnt[a + 1] =
// diagInfoContent.Substring((a + 1) * len, diagInfoContent.Length - a * len);
// }
// else
// {
// drCnt[a] = diagInfoContent.Substring(a * len, diagInfoContent.Length - a * len);
// }
// }
/* //23.11.21分号换行
var font = new Font("宋体", 10, FontStyle.Regular);
var brush = Brushes.Black;
var firstPoint = 0;
var threePoint = 1800;
var height = _freePixs * 2 + 15;
filter = filter.Replace("低通:", "");
var drCnt = diagInfoContent.Split(';');
PointF pointF;
var diagnosticTips = LocalStorage.ResManager.GetString("DiagnosticTips");
//_ecgGraphics.DrawString(diagnosticTips + "", font, brush, pointF); //诊断结果
if (drCnt.Length > 0) drCnt[0] = $"{diagnosticTips}{drCnt[0]}";
for (var i = 0; i < drCnt.Length; i++)
pointF = new PointF(threePoint, height + i * _freePixs);//threePoint + 200
_ecgGraphics.DrawString(drCnt[i].Trim(), font, brush, pointF); //诊断结果
//pointF = new PointF(_ecgCanvas.Width - 1000, height + _freePixs * 5);
pointF = new PointF(threePoint, height + _freePixs * 5);
_ecgGraphics.DrawString(dept, font, brush, pointF); //科室
pointF = new PointF(_ecgCanvas.Width - 750, height + _freePixs * 5);
if (img == null)
//var report = LocalStorage.ResManager.GetString("Report");
var report = "报告医生:";
_ecgGraphics.DrawString(report + reportDoctorName, font, brush, pointF); //报告医生
using (var bmpSource = new Bitmap((Bitmap)img, 160, 80))
bmpSource.SetResolution(200, 200);
//var reportDoctor = LocalStorage.ResManager.GetString("ReportDoctor");
//_ecgGraphics.DrawString(reportDoctor + "", font, brush, pointF); //报告医生
var report = "报告医生:";
_ecgGraphics.DrawString(report, font, brush, pointF); //报告医生
pointF = new PointF(_ecgCanvas.Width - 444, height + _freePixs * 4 - 10);
_ecgGraphics.DrawImage(bmpSource, pointF);
// bmpSource.Dispose();
pointF = new PointF(_ecgCanvas.Width - 450, _ecgCanvas.Height - _freePixs - 50);
_ecgGraphics.DrawString(Convert.ToDateTime(collectTime).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"), font, brush,
pointF); //波形的起始时间点
//_ecgGraphics.DrawLine(_pen, 0, _ecgCanvas.Height - _freePixs + 49, _ecgCanvas.Width, _ecgCanvas.Height - _freePixs + 49);//第四条横线_ecgCanvas.Height==2375
font = new Font("宋体", 8, FontStyle.Regular);
//var address = LocalStorage.ResManager.GetString("Address") + "" + addr;
var address = "地址:" + addr;
var parameters = ps + " " + amp + " " + filter;
//var reportDec = LocalStorage.ResManager.GetString("ReportDec");
var reportDec = "";
var r1w = GetStrWidth(reportDec) * font.Size;
var l1w = GetStrWidth(address) * font.Size;
var c1w = GetStrWidth(parameters) * font.Size;
var locX = l1w + (_ecgCanvas.Width - r1w - l1w - c1w) / 2;
//pointF = new PointF((_ecgCanvas.Width - parameters.Length) / 2 - 20 * _dpi / _oldDpi * 3, _ecgCanvas.Height - _freePixs);
pointF = new PointF(locX, _ecgCanvas.Height - _freePixs);
_ecgGraphics.DrawString(parameters, font, brush, pointF); //振幅 走纸速度 滤波
pointF = new PointF(firstPoint, _ecgCanvas.Height - _freePixs);
_ecgGraphics.DrawString(address, font, brush, pointF); //地址
//pointF = new PointF(secondPoint, _ecgCanvas.Height - _freePixs);
pointF = new PointF(_ecgCanvas.Width - 20 - r1w, _ecgCanvas.Height - _freePixs);
_ecgGraphics.DrawString(reportDec, font, brush, pointF);
/// <summary>
/// 绘制QRS波群
/// </summary>
/// <param name="xp"></param>
/// <param name="leadindex"></param>
private void PointContrast(List<Point> xp, int leadindex)
var lp = new List<Point>();
for (var k = 1; k < xp.Count; k++)
if (k + 1 < xp.Count)
if (_isQb == "1")
if (xp[k + 1].X - xp[k].X < 10 && xp[k + 1].X - xp[k].X >= 0) //
if ((xp[k + 1].X - xp[k].X < 10 && xp[k + 1].X - xp[k].X > 0) ||
(xp[k].Y >= xp[k + 1].Y && xp[k].Y > xp[k - 1].Y) ||
(xp[k].Y <= xp[k + 1].Y && xp[k].Y < xp[k - 1].Y)) //
if (!lp.Contains(xp[k])) lp.Add(xp[k]);
if (xp[k].X == xp[k + 1].X && xp[k].Y != xp[k + 1].Y &&
leadindex == 0) //leadindex==0 以I导为标准
if (_clearCount > xp.Count * 0.6) //0.7 代表滤掉的点数大于总点数的百分之七十
lp = xp;
_ecgGraphics.SmoothingMode = SmoothingMode.AntiAlias; //抗锯齿
_ecgGraphics.DrawLines(_ecgPenQrs, lp.ToArray());
/// <summary>
/// 绘制长十二导心电诊断结论
/// </summary>
/// <param name="diagInfoContent"></param>
/// <param name="reportDoctorName"></param>
/// <param name="reportDate"></param>
/// <param name="filter"></param>
/// <param name="collectTime"></param>
/// <param name="dept"></param>
/// <param name="amp"></param>
/// <param name="ps"></param>
/// <param name="img"></param>
/// <param name="addr"></param>
public void PrintLongDiagInfo(string diagInfoContent, string reportDoctorName, string reportDate, string filter,
string collectTime, string dept, string amp, string ps, Image img, string addr)
//ConfigHelper.EcgReportTitle = "注:本报告仅供临床医师参考,不作疾病证明。";
var flag = diagInfoContent.Any(t => t >= 0x4e00 && t <= 0x9fbb);
var diagResult = flag ? diagInfoContent.Split(';', ' ', ',', '', '。', '') : diagInfoContent.Split(';');
var brush = Brushes.Black;
var font = new Font("宋体", 8, FontStyle.Regular);
var address = LocalStorage.ResManager.GetString("Address") + "" + addr;
var parameters = ps + " " + amp + " " + filter;
var reportDec = LocalStorage.ResManager.GetString("ReportDec");
var r1w = GetStrWidth(reportDec) * font.Size;
var l1w = GetStrWidth(address) * font.Size;
var c1w = GetStrWidth(parameters) * font.Size;
var locX = l1w + (_ecgCanvas.Width - r1w - l1w - c1w) / 2;
var pointF = new PointF(locX, _ecgCanvas.Height - _freePixs + 10);
_ecgGraphics.DrawString(parameters, font, brush, pointF); //振幅 走纸速度 滤波
pointF = new PointF(0, _ecgCanvas.Height - _freePixs + 10);
_ecgGraphics.DrawString(address, font, brush, pointF); //地址
//pointF = new PointF(secondPoint, _ecgCanvas.Height - _freePixs);
pointF = new PointF(_ecgCanvas.Width - 20 - r1w, _ecgCanvas.Height - _freePixs + 10);
_ecgGraphics.DrawString(reportDec, font, brush, pointF);
//var pointF = new PointF(_ecgCanvas.Width - 3400, _ecgCanvas.Height - _freePixs + 10);
//_ecgGraphics.DrawString("地址:" + addr, font, brush, pointF); //地址
//pointF = new PointF(_ecgCanvas.Width - LeadLenght * 1.25f, _ecgCanvas.Height - _freePixs + 10);
//_ecgGraphics.DrawString(LocalStorage.ResManager.GetString("ReportDec"), font, brush, pointF); //注意 ConfigHelper.EcgReportTitle
//pointF = new PointF(_ecgCanvas.Width - 1800, _ecgCanvas.Height - _freePixs + 10);
//_ecgGraphics.DrawString(ps + " " + amp + " " + filter, font, brush, pointF); //振幅 走纸速度滤波低通
font = new Font("宋体", 10);
pointF = new PointF(_ecgCanvas.Width - LeadLenght, _ecgCanvas.Height - _freePixs * 7 - 18);
//var len = GetStrWidth(dept) * 8;
//if (len > 24)
// _ecgGraphics.DrawString(dept.Substring(0, 12), font, brush, pointF); //科室
// pointF = new PointF(_ecgCanvas.Width - LeadLenght, _ecgCanvas.Height - _freePixs * 6);
// _ecgGraphics.DrawString(dept.Substring(12, dept.Length - 12), font, brush, pointF); //科室
// _ecgGraphics.DrawString(dept, font, brush, pointF); //科室
var layoutRect = new RectangleF(pointF.X, pointF.Y, 550, 132);
var sf = new StringFormat
Alignment = StringAlignment.Far,
LineAlignment = StringAlignment.Near,
Trimming = StringTrimming.None
sf.Alignment = StringAlignment.Near;
sf.LineAlignment = StringAlignment.Center;
sf.Trimming = StringTrimming.EllipsisCharacter;
_ecgGraphics.DrawString(dept, font, brush, layoutRect, sf); //科室
pointF = new PointF(_ecgCanvas.Width - LeadLenght, _ecgCanvas.Height - _freePixs * 5);
if (img == null)
_ecgGraphics.DrawString(LocalStorage.ResManager.GetString("Report") + reportDoctorName, font, brush, pointF); //报告医生
using (var bmpSource = new Bitmap(img, 160, 80))
bmpSource.SetResolution(200, 200);
var point2Img = new PointF(_ecgCanvas.Width - LeadLenght + 200, _ecgCanvas.Height - _freePixs * 5);
//_ecgGraphics.DrawString(LocalStorage.ResManager.GetString("ReportDoctor") + "", font, brush, pointF); //报告医生
_ecgGraphics.DrawImage(bmpSource, point2Img);
pointF = new PointF(_ecgCanvas.Width - LeadLenght, _freePixs * 3 - 20);
_ecgGraphics.DrawString(LocalStorage.ResManager.GetString("ReportDate") + reportDate, font, brush, pointF); //报告日期
pointF = new PointF(_ecgCanvas.Width - LeadLenght * 0.8f, _ecgCanvas.Height - _freePixs * 1.9f); //
_ecgGraphics.DrawString(collectTime, font, brush, pointF); //波形的起始时间点
pointF = new PointF(_ecgCanvas.Width - LeadLenght, _freePixs * 17 + 65);
_ecgGraphics.DrawString(LocalStorage.ResManager.GetString("DiagnosticTips") + "", font, brush, pointF); //诊断结果
//layoutRect = new RectangleF(pointF.X, pointF.Y, 550, 132);
//_ecgGraphics.DrawString(diagResult, font, brush, layoutRect, sf); //科室
diagResult = diagResult.Where(it => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(it)).Select(it => it.Trim()).ToArray();
var k = 0;
var len = diagInfoContent.Any(t => t >= 0x4e00 && t <= 0x9fbb) ? 12 : 24;
for (var i = 0; i < diagResult.Length; i++)
if (!diagInfoContent.Any(t => t >= 0x4e00 && t <= 0x9fbb))
diagResult[i] += "";
if (diagResult[i].Length <= len)
pointF = new PointF(_ecgCanvas.Width - LeadLenght, _freePixs * (18 + i + k) + 65);
_ecgGraphics.DrawString(diagResult[i].Substring(0, diagResult[i].Length), font,
brush, pointF, sf); //诊断结果
var ok = true;
while (ok)
if (diagResult[i].Length - k * len > len)
pointF = new PointF(_ecgCanvas.Width - LeadLenght, _freePixs * (18 + i + k) + 65);
_ecgGraphics.DrawString(diagResult[i].Substring(k * len, len), font, brush,
pointF, sf); //诊断结果
pointF = new PointF(_ecgCanvas.Width - LeadLenght, _freePixs * (18 + i + k) + 65);
diagResult[i].Substring(k * len, diagResult[i].Length - k * len), font,
brush, pointF, sf); //诊断结
ok = false;
_ecgGraphics.DrawLine(_pen, 0, _ecgCanvas.Height - _freePixs, _ecgCanvas.Width,
_ecgCanvas.Height - _freePixs);
/// <summary>
/// 绘制6x2模式波形--打印
/// </summary>
/// <param name="drawInitHeight"></param>
/// <param name="bottomHeight"></param>
/// <param name="dataIndex"></param>
public void PrintEcgWave(int drawInitHeight, int bottomHeight, int dataIndex)
drawInitHeight *= _freePixs;
bottomHeight *= _freePixs;
for (var i = 0; i < LeadCount12; i++)
var leadIndex = _leadList[i]; //取导联下标 0 1 2 3 ...11
if (i < 6)
_baseLine = (_ecgCanvas.Height - drawInitHeight - bottomHeight) / (LeadCount12 / 2) / 2 +
i * ((_ecgCanvas.Height - drawInitHeight - bottomHeight) / (LeadCount12 / 2)) +
_firstPosition.Y = _baseLine;
_firstPosition.X = _freePixs;
_secondPosition.Y = _baseLine;
_secondPosition.X = _freePixs;
var fp = new Point(_firstPosition.X + _freePixs, _firstPosition.Y);
_firstPointArray.Add(leadIndex, fp);
_baseLine = (_ecgCanvas.Height - drawInitHeight - bottomHeight) / (LeadCount12 / 2) / 2 +
(i - 6) * ((_ecgCanvas.Height - drawInitHeight - bottomHeight) / (LeadCount12 / 2)) +
_firstPosition.Y = _baseLine;
_firstPosition.X = _freePixs + _ecgCanvas.Width / 2;
_secondPosition.Y = _baseLine;
_secondPosition.X = _freePixs + _ecgCanvas.Width / 2;
var fp = new Point(_firstPosition.X + _freePixs, _firstPosition.Y);
_firstPointArray.Add(leadIndex, fp);
// int aaa = 1000 / ConfigHelper.PrintSampleRate;
if (_ecgDatas.Count > 0)
// for (var b = dataIndex; b < _ecgDatas[leadIndex].Count; b += 1000 / ConfigHelper.PrintSampleRate)
for (var b = dataIndex; b < _ecgDatas[leadIndex].Count; b += 1000 /1000)
if (i < 6)
if (_firstPosition.X > _ecgCanvas.Width / 2 - 5) break;
if (_firstPosition.X > _ecgCanvas.Width) break;
var yValues = _ecgDatas[leadIndex][b] * (_dpi / _lenthPerInch) * _amplitude * PrintInch;
_secondPosition.Y = _baseLine - (int)yValues; //后一点Y轴位置
var x = (b - dataIndex) * _intervalPixCountPerPoint;
var nextX = (int)Math.Round(x);
if (Math.Abs(_firstPosition.X - _secondPosition.X) < 5)
if (i < 6)
_secondPosition.X = nextX + _freePixs;
_secondPosition.X = _ecgCanvas.Width / 2 + _freePixs + nextX;
if (_firstPosition.X != _secondPosition.X && _firstPosition.Y == _secondPosition.Y) //
_ecgGraphics.DrawLine(_ecgPen, _firstPosition, _secondPosition);
if (!_points.ContainsKey(i))
var xp = new List<Point> { _firstPosition };
_points.Add(i, xp);
_firstPosition = _secondPosition;
PointContrast(_points[leadIndex], leadIndex); //绘制所有导联的QRS波群
/// <summary>
/// 绘制6X2模式标压名称---打印
/// </summary>
/// <param name="cVoltagescale"></param>
public void PrintEcgLeadName(double cVoltagescale)
_ecgPen = new Pen(Color.Black, float.Parse("1"));
for (var d = 0; d < LeadCount12; d++)
if (d < 6)
_ecgGraphics.DrawLine(_ecgPen, 0, _firstPointArray[_leadList[d]].Y, _freePixs / 5,
_ecgGraphics.DrawLine(_ecgPen, _freePixs / 5, _firstPointArray[_leadList[d]].Y, _freePixs / 5,
_firstPointArray[_leadList[d]].Y - (short)Math.Round(_freePixs * cVoltagescale));
_ecgGraphics.DrawLine(_ecgPen, _freePixs / 5,
_firstPointArray[_leadList[d]].Y - (short)Math.Round(_freePixs * cVoltagescale),
_freePixs * 5 / 6,
_firstPointArray[_leadList[d]].Y - (short)Math.Round(_freePixs * cVoltagescale));
_ecgGraphics.DrawLine(_ecgPen, _freePixs * 5 / 6,
_firstPointArray[_leadList[d]].Y - (short)Math.Round(_freePixs * cVoltagescale),
_freePixs * 5 / 6, _firstPointArray[_leadList[d]].Y);
_ecgGraphics.DrawLine(_ecgPen, _freePixs * 5 / 6, _firstPointArray[_leadList[d]].Y,
_freePixs / 3 * 3, _firstPointArray[_leadList[d]].Y);
var str = _leadNameArray[_leadList[d]];
var font = new Font("宋体", 11);
var brush = Brushes.Black;
if (d < _firstPointArray.Count)
var point = new PointF(0, _firstPointArray[_leadList[d]].Y);
_ecgGraphics.DrawString(str, font, brush, point);
_ecgGraphics.DrawLine(_ecgPen, _ecgCanvas.Width / 2, _firstPointArray[_leadList[d]].Y,
_ecgCanvas.Width / 2 + _freePixs / 5, _firstPointArray[_leadList[d]].Y);
_ecgGraphics.DrawLine(_ecgPen, _ecgCanvas.Width / 2 + _freePixs / 5,
_firstPointArray[_leadList[d]].Y, _ecgCanvas.Width / 2 + _freePixs / 5,
_firstPointArray[_leadList[d]].Y - (short)Math.Round(cVoltagescale * _freePixs));
_ecgGraphics.DrawLine(_ecgPen, _ecgCanvas.Width / 2 + _freePixs / 5,
_firstPointArray[_leadList[d]].Y - (short)Math.Round(cVoltagescale * _freePixs),
_ecgCanvas.Width / 2 + _freePixs / 6 * 5,
_firstPointArray[_leadList[d]].Y - (short)Math.Round(cVoltagescale * _freePixs));
_ecgGraphics.DrawLine(_ecgPen, _ecgCanvas.Width / 2 + _freePixs / 6 * 5,
_firstPointArray[_leadList[d]].Y - (short)Math.Round(cVoltagescale * _freePixs),
_ecgCanvas.Width / 2 + _freePixs / 6 * 5, _firstPointArray[_leadList[d]].Y);
_ecgGraphics.DrawLine(_ecgPen, _ecgCanvas.Width / 2 + _freePixs / 6 * 5,
_firstPointArray[_leadList[d]].Y, _ecgCanvas.Width / 2 + _freePixs,
var str = _leadNameArray[_leadList[d]];
var font = new Font("宋体", 11);
var brush = Brushes.Black;
if (d < _firstPointArray.Count)
var point = new PointF(_ecgCanvas.Width / 2, _firstPointArray[_leadList[d]].Y);
_ecgGraphics.DrawString(str, font, brush, point);
/// <summary>
/// 绘制6x2+2模式波形--打印
/// </summary>
/// <param name="drawInitHeight"></param>
/// <param name="bottomHeight"></param>
/// <param name="longLeadInfo"></param>
/// <param name="dataIndex"></param>
/// <param name="dataLengthIndex"></param>
public void PrintEcgWave(int drawInitHeight, int bottomHeight, List<int> longLeadInfo, int dataIndex,
int dataLengthIndex)
drawInitHeight *= _freePixs;
bottomHeight = bottomHeight * _freePixs;
for (var i = 0; i < LeadCount12; i++)
var leadIndex = _leadList[i]; //取导联下标 0 1 2 3 ...11
if (i < 6)
_baseLine = (_ecgCanvas.Height - drawInitHeight - bottomHeight) / (LeadCount12 / 2 + 2) / 2 +
i * ((_ecgCanvas.Height - drawInitHeight - bottomHeight) / (LeadCount12 / 2 + 2)) +
//_baseLine = _baseLine - drawInitHeight / 10 * i;
_firstPosition.Y = _baseLine;
_firstPosition.X = _freePixs;
_secondPosition.Y = _baseLine;
_secondPosition.X = _freePixs;
var fp = new Point(_firstPosition.X + _freePixs, _firstPosition.Y);
_firstPointArray.Add(leadIndex, fp);
_baseLine = (_ecgCanvas.Height - drawInitHeight - bottomHeight) / (LeadCount12 / 2 + 2) / 2 +
(i - 6) * ((_ecgCanvas.Height - drawInitHeight - bottomHeight) /
(LeadCount12 / 2 + 2)) + drawInitHeight;
//_baseLine = _baseLine - drawInitHeight / 10 * (i - 6);
_firstPosition.Y = _baseLine;
_firstPosition.X = _freePixs + _ecgCanvas.Width / 2;
_secondPosition.Y = _baseLine;
_secondPosition.X = _freePixs + _ecgCanvas.Width / 2;
var fp = new Point(_firstPosition.X + _freePixs, _firstPosition.Y);
_firstPointArray.Add(leadIndex, fp);
for (var b = dataIndex; b < _ecgDatas[leadIndex].Count; b += 1000 / ConfigHelper.PrintSampleRate)
if (i < 6)
if (_firstPosition.X > _ecgCanvas.Width / 2 - 5) break;
if (_firstPosition.X > _ecgCanvas.Width) break;
var yValues = _ecgDatas[leadIndex][b] * (_dpi / _lenthPerInch) * _amplitude * PrintInch;
_secondPosition.Y = _baseLine - (int)yValues; //后一点Y轴位置
var x = (b - dataIndex) * _intervalPixCountPerPoint;
var nextX = (int)x;
if (Math.Abs(_firstPosition.X - _secondPosition.X) < 5)
if (i < 6)
_secondPosition.X = nextX + _freePixs;
_secondPosition.X = _ecgCanvas.Width / 2 + _freePixs + nextX;
if (_firstPosition.X != _secondPosition.X && _firstPosition.Y == _secondPosition.Y) //
_ecgGraphics.DrawLine(_ecgPen, _firstPosition, _secondPosition);
if (!_points.ContainsKey(i))
var xp = new List<Point> { _firstPosition };
_points.Add(i, xp);
_firstPosition = _secondPosition;
PointContrast(_points[i], i); //绘制所有导联的QRS波群
for (var i = 0; i < longLeadInfo.Count; i++)
var leadIndex = _leadList[longLeadInfo[i]]; //取导联下标 0 1 2 3 ...11
_baseLine = (_ecgCanvas.Height - drawInitHeight - bottomHeight) / (LeadCount12 / 2 + 2) / 2 +
(i + 6) * ((_ecgCanvas.Height - drawInitHeight - bottomHeight) / (LeadCount12 / 2 + 2)) +
//_baseLine = _baseLine - drawInitHeight / 10 * (i + 6);
_firstPosition.Y = _baseLine;
_firstPosition.X = _freePixs;
_secondPosition.Y = _baseLine;
_secondPosition.X = _freePixs;
var fp = new Point(_firstPosition.X + _freePixs, _firstPosition.Y);
_firstPointArray.Add(i + 12, fp);
if (_ecgDatas.Count > 0)
for (var b = dataLengthIndex;
b < _ecgDatas[leadIndex].Count;
b += 1000 / ConfigHelper.PrintSampleRate)
if (_firstPosition.X > _ecgCanvas.Width) break;
var yValues = _ecgDatas[leadIndex][b] * (_dpi / _lenthPerInch) * _amplitude * PrintInch;
_secondPosition.Y = _baseLine - (int)yValues; //后一点Y轴位置
var x = (b - dataLengthIndex) * _intervalPixCountPerPoint;
var nextX = (int)x;
if (Math.Abs(_firstPosition.X - _secondPosition.X) < 5)
_secondPosition.X = nextX + _freePixs;
if (_firstPosition.X != _secondPosition.X && _firstPosition.Y == _secondPosition.Y) //
_ecgGraphics.DrawLine(_ecgPen, _firstPosition, _secondPosition);
if (!_points.ContainsKey(leadIndex))
var xp = new List<Point> { _firstPosition };
_points.Add(leadIndex, xp);
_firstPosition = _secondPosition;
PointContrast(_points[leadIndex], leadIndex); //绘制所有导联的QRS波群
/// <summary>
/// 绘制6X2+2模式标压名称--打印
/// </summary>
/// <param name="cVoltagescale"></param>
/// <param name="longLeadInfo"></param>
public void PrintEcgLeadName(double cVoltagescale, List<int> longLeadInfo)
_ecgPen = new Pen(Color.Black, float.Parse("1"));
for (var d = 0; d < LeadCount12; d++)
if (d < 6)
_ecgGraphics.DrawLine(_ecgPen, 0, _firstPointArray[_leadList[d]].Y, _freePixs / 5,
_ecgGraphics.DrawLine(_ecgPen, _freePixs / 5, _firstPointArray[_leadList[d]].Y, _freePixs / 5,
_firstPointArray[_leadList[d]].Y - (short)Math.Round(_freePixs * cVoltagescale));
_ecgGraphics.DrawLine(_ecgPen, _freePixs / 5,
_firstPointArray[_leadList[d]].Y - (short)Math.Round(_freePixs * cVoltagescale),
_freePixs * 5 / 6,
_firstPointArray[_leadList[d]].Y - (short)Math.Round(_freePixs * cVoltagescale));
_ecgGraphics.DrawLine(_ecgPen, _freePixs * 5 / 6,
_firstPointArray[_leadList[d]].Y - (short)Math.Round(_freePixs * cVoltagescale),
_freePixs * 5 / 6, _firstPointArray[_leadList[d]].Y);
_ecgGraphics.DrawLine(_ecgPen, _freePixs * 5 / 6, _firstPointArray[_leadList[d]].Y,
_freePixs / 3 * 3, _firstPointArray[_leadList[d]].Y);
var str = _leadNameArray[_leadList[d]];
var font = new Font("宋体", 11);
var brush = Brushes.Black;
if (d < _firstPointArray.Count)
var point = new PointF(0, _firstPointArray[_leadList[d]].Y);
_ecgGraphics.DrawString(str, font, brush, point);
_ecgGraphics.DrawLine(_ecgPen, _ecgCanvas.Width / 2, _firstPointArray[_leadList[d]].Y,
_ecgCanvas.Width / 2 + _freePixs / 5, _firstPointArray[_leadList[d]].Y);
_ecgGraphics.DrawLine(_ecgPen, _ecgCanvas.Width / 2 + _freePixs / 5,
_firstPointArray[_leadList[d]].Y, _ecgCanvas.Width / 2 + _freePixs / 5,
_firstPointArray[_leadList[d]].Y - (short)Math.Round(cVoltagescale * _freePixs));
_ecgGraphics.DrawLine(_ecgPen, _ecgCanvas.Width / 2 + _freePixs / 5,
_firstPointArray[_leadList[d]].Y - (short)Math.Round(cVoltagescale * _freePixs),
_ecgCanvas.Width / 2 + _freePixs / 6 * 5,
_firstPointArray[_leadList[d]].Y - (short)Math.Round(cVoltagescale * _freePixs));
_ecgGraphics.DrawLine(_ecgPen, _ecgCanvas.Width / 2 + _freePixs / 6 * 5,
_firstPointArray[_leadList[d]].Y - (short)Math.Round(cVoltagescale * _freePixs),
_ecgCanvas.Width / 2 + _freePixs / 6 * 5, _firstPointArray[_leadList[d]].Y);
_ecgGraphics.DrawLine(_ecgPen, _ecgCanvas.Width / 2 + _freePixs / 6 * 5,
_firstPointArray[_leadList[d]].Y, _ecgCanvas.Width / 2 + _freePixs,
var str = _leadNameArray[_leadList[d]];
var font = new Font("宋体", 11);
var brush = Brushes.Black;
if (d < _firstPointArray.Count)
var point = new PointF(_ecgCanvas.Width / 2, _firstPointArray[_leadList[d]].Y);
_ecgGraphics.DrawString(str, font, brush, point);
for (var d = 0; d < 2; d++)
_ecgGraphics.DrawLine(_ecgPen, 0, _firstPointArray[d + LeadCount12].Y, _freePixs / 5,
_firstPointArray[d + LeadCount12].Y);
_ecgGraphics.DrawLine(_ecgPen, _freePixs / 5, _firstPointArray[d + LeadCount12].Y, _freePixs / 5,
_firstPointArray[d + LeadCount12].Y - (short)Math.Round(_freePixs * cVoltagescale));
_ecgGraphics.DrawLine(_ecgPen, _freePixs / 5,
_firstPointArray[d + LeadCount12].Y - (short)Math.Round(_freePixs * cVoltagescale),
_freePixs * 5 / 6,
_firstPointArray[d + LeadCount12].Y - (short)Math.Round(_freePixs * cVoltagescale));
_ecgGraphics.DrawLine(_ecgPen, _freePixs * 5 / 6,
_firstPointArray[d + LeadCount12].Y - (short)Math.Round(_freePixs * cVoltagescale),
_freePixs * 5 / 6, _firstPointArray[d + LeadCount12].Y);
_ecgGraphics.DrawLine(_ecgPen, _freePixs * 5 / 6, _firstPointArray[d + LeadCount12].Y,
_freePixs / 3 * 3, _firstPointArray[d + LeadCount12].Y);
var str = _leadNameArray[_leadList[longLeadInfo[d]]];
var font = new Font("宋体", 11);
var brush = Brushes.Black;
if (d < _firstPointArray.Count)
var point = new PointF(0, _firstPointArray[d + LeadCount12].Y);
_ecgGraphics.DrawString(str, font, brush, point);
/// <summary>
/// 绘制12x1模式波形--打印
/// </summary>
/// <param name="drawInitHeight"></param>
/// <param name="bottomHeight"></param>
/// <param name="dataIndex"></param>
public void PrintLongEcgWave(int drawInitHeight, int bottomHeight, int dataIndex)
drawInitHeight *= _freePixs;
bottomHeight *= _freePixs;
for (var i = 0; i < LeadCount12; i++)
var leadIndex = _leadList[i]; //取导联下标 0 1 2 3 ...11
_baseLine = (_ecgCanvas.Height - drawInitHeight - bottomHeight) / LeadCount12 / 2 +
i * ((_ecgCanvas.Height - drawInitHeight - bottomHeight) / LeadCount12) + drawInitHeight;
_firstPosition.Y = _baseLine;
_firstPosition.X = _freePixs;
_secondPosition.Y = _baseLine;
_secondPosition.X = _freePixs;
var fp = new Point(_firstPosition.X + _freePixs, _firstPosition.Y);
_firstPointArray.Add(leadIndex, fp);
for (var b = dataIndex; b < _ecgDatas[leadIndex].Count; b += 1000 / ConfigHelper.PrintSampleRate)
if (_firstPosition.X > _ecgCanvas.Width - LeadLenght) break;
var yValues = _ecgDatas[leadIndex][b] * (_dpi / _lenthPerInch) * _amplitude * PrintInch;
_secondPosition.Y = _baseLine - (int)yValues; //后一点Y轴位置
var x = (b - dataIndex) * _intervalPixCountPerPoint;
var nextX = (int)x;
if (Math.Abs(_firstPosition.X - _secondPosition.X) < 5)
_secondPosition.X = nextX + _freePixs;
if (_firstPosition.X != _secondPosition.X && _firstPosition.Y == _secondPosition.Y) //
_ecgGraphics.DrawLine(_ecgPen, _firstPosition, _secondPosition);
if (!_points.ContainsKey(i))
var xp = new List<Point> { _firstPosition };
_points.Add(i, xp);
_firstPosition = _secondPosition;
PointContrast(_points[i], leadIndex); //绘制所有导联的QRS波群
/// <summary>
/// 绘制12长导模式标压名称--显打印示
/// </summary>
/// <param name="cVoltagescale"></param>
public void PrintLongEcgLeadName(double cVoltagescale)
_ecgPen = new Pen(Color.Black, float.Parse("1"));
for (var d = 0; d < LeadCount12; d++)
_ecgGraphics.DrawLine(_ecgPen, 0, _firstPointArray[_leadList[d]].Y, _freePixs / 5,
_ecgGraphics.DrawLine(_ecgPen, _freePixs / 5, _firstPointArray[_leadList[d]].Y, _freePixs / 5,
_firstPointArray[_leadList[d]].Y - (short)Math.Round(_freePixs * cVoltagescale));
_ecgGraphics.DrawLine(_ecgPen, _freePixs / 5,
_firstPointArray[_leadList[d]].Y - (short)Math.Round(_freePixs * cVoltagescale), _freePixs * 5 / 6,
_firstPointArray[_leadList[d]].Y - (short)Math.Round(_freePixs * cVoltagescale));
_ecgGraphics.DrawLine(_ecgPen, _freePixs * 5 / 6,
_firstPointArray[_leadList[d]].Y - (short)Math.Round(_freePixs * cVoltagescale), _freePixs * 5 / 6,
_ecgGraphics.DrawLine(_ecgPen, _freePixs * 5 / 6, _firstPointArray[_leadList[d]].Y, _freePixs / 3 * 3,
var str = _leadNameArray[_leadList[d]];
var font = new Font("宋体", 11);
var brush = Brushes.Black;
if (d < _firstPointArray.Count)
var point = new PointF(0, _firstPointArray[_leadList[d]].Y);
_ecgGraphics.DrawString(str, font, brush, point);
/// <summary>
/// 绘制4x3+1模式波形--打印
/// </summary>
/// <param name="drawInitHeight"></param>
/// <param name="bottomHeight"></param>
/// <param name="longLeadInfo"></param>
/// <param name="dataIndex"></param>
/// <param name="dataLengthIndex"></param>
public void PrintEcgWaveFourOne(int drawInitHeight, int bottomHeight, int dataIndex, int dataLengthIndex)
drawInitHeight *= _freePixs;
bottomHeight = bottomHeight * _freePixs;
for (var i = 0; i < LeadCount12; i++)
var leadIndex = _leadList[i]; //取导联下标 0 1 2 3 ...11
if (i < 6)
if (i < 3)
_baseLine = (_ecgCanvas.Height - drawInitHeight - bottomHeight) / (LeadCount12 / 4 + 1) / 2 +
i * ((_ecgCanvas.Height - drawInitHeight - bottomHeight) / (LeadCount12 / 4 + 1)) +
//_baseLine = _baseLine - drawInitHeight / 4 * i;
_firstPosition.Y = _baseLine;
_firstPosition.X = _freePixs;
_secondPosition.Y = _baseLine;
_secondPosition.X = _freePixs;
var fp = new Point(_firstPosition.X + _freePixs, _firstPosition.Y);
_firstPointArray.Add(leadIndex, fp);
_baseLine = (_ecgCanvas.Height - drawInitHeight - bottomHeight) / (LeadCount12 / 4 + 1) / 2 +
(i - 3) * ((_ecgCanvas.Height - drawInitHeight - bottomHeight) /
(LeadCount12 / 4 + 1)) + drawInitHeight;
//_baseLine = _baseLine - drawInitHeight / 4 * (i - 3);
_firstPosition.Y = _baseLine;
_firstPosition.X = _freePixs + _ecgCanvas.Width / 4;
_secondPosition.Y = _baseLine;
_secondPosition.X = _freePixs + _ecgCanvas.Width / 4;
var fp = new Point(_firstPosition.X + _freePixs, _firstPosition.Y);
_firstPointArray.Add(leadIndex, fp);
if (i < 9)
_baseLine = (_ecgCanvas.Height - drawInitHeight - bottomHeight) / (LeadCount12 / 4 + 1) / 2 +
(i - 6) * ((_ecgCanvas.Height - drawInitHeight - bottomHeight) /
(LeadCount12 / 4 + 1)) + drawInitHeight;
//_baseLine = _baseLine - drawInitHeight / 4 * (i - 6);
_firstPosition.Y = _baseLine;
_firstPosition.X = _freePixs + _ecgCanvas.Width / 2;
_secondPosition.Y = _baseLine;
_secondPosition.X = _freePixs + _ecgCanvas.Width / 2;
var fp = new Point(_firstPosition.X + _freePixs, _firstPosition.Y);
_firstPointArray.Add(leadIndex, fp);
_baseLine = (_ecgCanvas.Height - drawInitHeight - bottomHeight) / (LeadCount12 / 4 + 1) / 2 +
(i - 9) * ((_ecgCanvas.Height - drawInitHeight - bottomHeight) /
(LeadCount12 / 4 + 1)) + drawInitHeight;
//_baseLine = _baseLine - drawInitHeight / 4 * (i - 9);
_firstPosition.Y = _baseLine;
_firstPosition.X = _freePixs + 3 * _ecgCanvas.Width / 4;
_secondPosition.Y = _baseLine;
_secondPosition.X = _freePixs + 3 * _ecgCanvas.Width / 4;
var fp2 = new Point(_firstPosition.X + _freePixs, _firstPosition.Y);
_firstPointArray.Add(leadIndex, fp2);
for (var b = dataIndex; b < _ecgDatas[leadIndex].Count; b += 1000 / ConfigHelper.PrintSampleRate)
if (i < 6)
if (i < 3)
if (_firstPosition.X > _ecgCanvas.Width / 4 - 5) break;
if (_firstPosition.X > _ecgCanvas.Width / 2 - 5) break;
if (i < 9)
if (_firstPosition.X > 3 * _ecgCanvas.Width / 4) break;
if (_firstPosition.X > _ecgCanvas.Width) break;
var yValues = _ecgDatas[leadIndex][b] * (_dpi / _lenthPerInch) * _amplitude * PrintInch;
_secondPosition.Y = _baseLine - (int)yValues; //后一点Y轴位置
var x = (b - dataIndex) * _intervalPixCountPerPoint;
var nextX = (int)x;
if (Math.Abs(_firstPosition.X - _secondPosition.X) < 5)
if (i < 6)
if (i < 3)
_secondPosition.X = nextX + _freePixs;
_secondPosition.X = _ecgCanvas.Width / 4 + _freePixs + nextX;
if (i < 9)
_secondPosition.X = _ecgCanvas.Width / 2 + _freePixs + nextX;
_secondPosition.X = 3 * _ecgCanvas.Width / 4 + _freePixs + nextX;
if (_firstPosition.X != _secondPosition.X && _firstPosition.Y == _secondPosition.Y) //
_ecgGraphics.DrawLine(_ecgPen, _firstPosition, _secondPosition);
if (!_points.ContainsKey(i))
var xp = new List<Point> { _firstPosition };
_points.Add(i, xp);
_firstPosition = _secondPosition;
PointContrast(_points[i], leadIndex); //绘制所有导联的QRS波群
for (var i = 0; i < 1; i++)
var leadIndex = _leadList[ConfigHelper.SingleLead]; //取导联下标 0 1 2 3 ...11
_baseLine = (_ecgCanvas.Height - drawInitHeight - bottomHeight) / (LeadCount12 / 4 + 1) / 2 +
(i + 3) * ((_ecgCanvas.Height - drawInitHeight - bottomHeight) / (LeadCount12 / 4 + 1)) +
//_baseLine = _baseLine - drawInitHeight / 4 * (i + 3);
_firstPosition.Y = _baseLine;
_firstPosition.X = _freePixs;
_secondPosition.Y = _baseLine;
_secondPosition.X = _freePixs;
var fp = new Point(_firstPosition.X + _freePixs, _firstPosition.Y);
_firstPointArray.Add(i + LeadCount12, fp);
if (_ecgDatas.Count > 0)
for (var b = dataLengthIndex;
b < _ecgDatas[leadIndex].Count;
b += 1000 / ConfigHelper.PrintSampleRate)
if (_firstPosition.X > _ecgCanvas.Width) break;
var yValues = _ecgDatas[leadIndex][b] * (_dpi / _lenthPerInch) * _amplitude * PrintInch;
_secondPosition.Y = _baseLine - (int)yValues; //后一点Y轴位置
var x = (b - dataLengthIndex) * _intervalPixCountPerPoint;
var nextX = (int)x;
if (Math.Abs(_firstPosition.X - _secondPosition.X) < 5)
_secondPosition.X = nextX + _freePixs;
if (_firstPosition.X != _secondPosition.X && _firstPosition.Y == _secondPosition.Y) //
_ecgGraphics.DrawLine(_ecgPen, _firstPosition, _secondPosition);
if (!_points.ContainsKey(leadIndex))
var xp = new List<Point> { _firstPosition };
_points.Add(leadIndex, xp);
_firstPosition = _secondPosition;
PointContrast(_points[leadIndex], leadIndex); //绘制所有导联的QRS波群
/// <summary>
/// 绘制4x3+1导联模式标压名称--打印
/// </summary>
/// <param name="cVoltagescale"></param>
/// <param name="longLeadInfo"></param>
public void PrintLeadNameFourOne(double cVoltagescale, List<int> longLeadInfo)
_ecgPen = new Pen(Color.Black, float.Parse("1"));
for (var d = 0; d < LeadCount12; d++)
if (d < 6)
if (d < 3)
_ecgGraphics.DrawLine(_ecgPen, 0, _firstPointArray[_leadList[d]].Y, _freePixs / 5,
_ecgGraphics.DrawLine(_ecgPen, _freePixs / 5, _firstPointArray[_leadList[d]].Y, _freePixs / 5,
_firstPointArray[_leadList[d]].Y - (short)Math.Round(_freePixs * cVoltagescale));
_ecgGraphics.DrawLine(_ecgPen, _freePixs / 5,
_firstPointArray[_leadList[d]].Y - (short)Math.Round(_freePixs * cVoltagescale),
_freePixs * 5 / 6,
_firstPointArray[_leadList[d]].Y - (short)Math.Round(_freePixs * cVoltagescale));
_ecgGraphics.DrawLine(_ecgPen, _freePixs * 5 / 6,
_firstPointArray[_leadList[d]].Y - (short)Math.Round(_freePixs * cVoltagescale),
_freePixs * 5 / 6, _firstPointArray[_leadList[d]].Y);
_ecgGraphics.DrawLine(_ecgPen, _freePixs * 5 / 6, _firstPointArray[_leadList[d]].Y,
_freePixs / 3 * 3, _firstPointArray[_leadList[d]].Y);
var str = _leadNameArray[_leadList[d]];
var font = new Font("宋体", 11);
var brush = Brushes.Black;
if (d < _firstPointArray.Count)
var point = new PointF(0, _firstPointArray[_leadList[d]].Y);
_ecgGraphics.DrawString(str, font, brush, point);
_ecgGraphics.DrawLine(_ecgPen, _ecgCanvas.Width / 4, _firstPointArray[_leadList[d]].Y,
_ecgCanvas.Width / 4 + _freePixs / 5, _firstPointArray[_leadList[d]].Y);
_ecgGraphics.DrawLine(_ecgPen, _ecgCanvas.Width / 4 + _freePixs / 5,
_firstPointArray[_leadList[d]].Y, _ecgCanvas.Width / 4 + _freePixs / 5,
_firstPointArray[_leadList[d]].Y - (short)Math.Round(_freePixs * cVoltagescale));
_ecgGraphics.DrawLine(_ecgPen, _ecgCanvas.Width / 4 + _freePixs / 5,
_firstPointArray[_leadList[d]].Y - (short)Math.Round(_freePixs * cVoltagescale),
_ecgCanvas.Width / 4 + _freePixs * 5 / 6,
_firstPointArray[_leadList[d]].Y - (short)Math.Round(_freePixs * cVoltagescale));
_ecgGraphics.DrawLine(_ecgPen, _ecgCanvas.Width / 4 + _freePixs * 5 / 6,
_firstPointArray[_leadList[d]].Y - (short)Math.Round(_freePixs * cVoltagescale),
_ecgCanvas.Width / 4 + _freePixs * 5 / 6, _firstPointArray[_leadList[d]].Y);
_ecgGraphics.DrawLine(_ecgPen, _ecgCanvas.Width / 4 + _freePixs * 5 / 6,
_firstPointArray[_leadList[d]].Y, _ecgCanvas.Width / 4 + _freePixs / 3 * 3,
var str = _leadNameArray[_leadList[d]];
var font = new Font("宋体", 11);
var brush = Brushes.Black;
if (d < _firstPointArray.Count)
var point = new PointF(_ecgCanvas.Width / 4, _firstPointArray[_leadList[d]].Y);
_ecgGraphics.DrawString(str, font, brush, point);
if (d < 9)
_ecgGraphics.DrawLine(_ecgPen, _ecgCanvas.Width / 2, _firstPointArray[_leadList[d]].Y,
_ecgCanvas.Width / 2 + _freePixs / 5, _firstPointArray[_leadList[d]].Y);
_ecgGraphics.DrawLine(_ecgPen, _ecgCanvas.Width / 2 + _freePixs / 5,
_firstPointArray[_leadList[d]].Y, _ecgCanvas.Width / 2 + _freePixs / 5,
_firstPointArray[_leadList[d]].Y - (short)Math.Round(cVoltagescale * _freePixs));
_ecgGraphics.DrawLine(_ecgPen, _ecgCanvas.Width / 2 + _freePixs / 5,
_firstPointArray[_leadList[d]].Y - (short)Math.Round(cVoltagescale * _freePixs),
_ecgCanvas.Width / 2 + _freePixs / 6 * 5,
_firstPointArray[_leadList[d]].Y - (short)Math.Round(cVoltagescale * _freePixs));
_ecgGraphics.DrawLine(_ecgPen, _ecgCanvas.Width / 2 + _freePixs / 6 * 5,
_firstPointArray[_leadList[d]].Y - (short)Math.Round(cVoltagescale * _freePixs),
_ecgCanvas.Width / 2 + _freePixs / 6 * 5, _firstPointArray[_leadList[d]].Y);
_ecgGraphics.DrawLine(_ecgPen, _ecgCanvas.Width / 2 + _freePixs / 6 * 5,
_firstPointArray[_leadList[d]].Y, _ecgCanvas.Width / 2 + _freePixs,
var str = _leadNameArray[_leadList[d]];
var font = new Font("宋体", 11);
var brush = Brushes.Black;
if (d < _firstPointArray.Count)
var point = new PointF(_ecgCanvas.Width / 2, _firstPointArray[_leadList[d]].Y);
_ecgGraphics.DrawString(str, font, brush, point);
_ecgGraphics.DrawLine(_ecgPen, 3 * _ecgCanvas.Width / 4, _firstPointArray[_leadList[d]].Y,
3 * _ecgCanvas.Width / 4 + _freePixs / 5, _firstPointArray[_leadList[d]].Y);
_ecgGraphics.DrawLine(_ecgPen, 3 * _ecgCanvas.Width / 4 + _freePixs / 5,
_firstPointArray[_leadList[d]].Y, 3 * _ecgCanvas.Width / 4 + _freePixs / 5,
_firstPointArray[_leadList[d]].Y - (short)Math.Round(cVoltagescale * _freePixs));
_ecgGraphics.DrawLine(_ecgPen, 3 * _ecgCanvas.Width / 4 + _freePixs / 5,
_firstPointArray[_leadList[d]].Y - (short)Math.Round(cVoltagescale * _freePixs),
3 * _ecgCanvas.Width / 4 + _freePixs / 6 * 5,
_firstPointArray[_leadList[d]].Y - (short)Math.Round(cVoltagescale * _freePixs));
_ecgGraphics.DrawLine(_ecgPen, 3 * _ecgCanvas.Width / 4 + _freePixs / 6 * 5,
_firstPointArray[_leadList[d]].Y - (short)Math.Round(cVoltagescale * _freePixs),
3 * _ecgCanvas.Width / 4 + _freePixs / 6 * 5, _firstPointArray[_leadList[d]].Y);
_ecgGraphics.DrawLine(_ecgPen, 3 * _ecgCanvas.Width / 4 + _freePixs / 6 * 5,
_firstPointArray[_leadList[d]].Y, 3 * _ecgCanvas.Width / 4 + _freePixs,
var str = _leadNameArray[_leadList[d]];
var font = new Font("宋体", 11);
var brush = Brushes.Black;
if (d < _firstPointArray.Count)
var point = new PointF(3 * _ecgCanvas.Width / 4, _firstPointArray[_leadList[d]].Y);
_ecgGraphics.DrawString(str, font, brush, point);
for (var d = 0; d < 1; d++)
_ecgGraphics.DrawLine(_ecgPen, 0, _firstPointArray[d + LeadCount12].Y, _freePixs / 5,
_firstPointArray[d + LeadCount12].Y);
_ecgGraphics.DrawLine(_ecgPen, _freePixs / 5, _firstPointArray[d + LeadCount12].Y, _freePixs / 5,
_firstPointArray[d + LeadCount12].Y - (short)Math.Round(_freePixs * cVoltagescale));
_ecgGraphics.DrawLine(_ecgPen, _freePixs / 5,
_firstPointArray[d + LeadCount12].Y - (short)Math.Round(_freePixs * cVoltagescale),
_freePixs * 5 / 6,
_firstPointArray[d + LeadCount12].Y - (short)Math.Round(_freePixs * cVoltagescale));
_ecgGraphics.DrawLine(_ecgPen, _freePixs * 5 / 6,
_firstPointArray[d + LeadCount12].Y - (short)Math.Round(_freePixs * cVoltagescale),
_freePixs * 5 / 6, _firstPointArray[d + LeadCount12].Y);
_ecgGraphics.DrawLine(_ecgPen, _freePixs * 5 / 6, _firstPointArray[d + LeadCount12].Y,
_freePixs / 3 * 3, _firstPointArray[d + LeadCount12].Y);
var str = _leadNameArray[ConfigHelper.SingleLead];
var font = new Font("宋体", 11);
var brush = Brushes.Black;
if (d < _firstPointArray.Count)
var point = new PointF(0, _firstPointArray[d + LeadCount12].Y);
_ecgGraphics.DrawString(str, font, brush, point);
/// <summary>
/// 绘制4x3+3导联模式波形--打印
/// </summary>
/// <param name="drawInitHeight"></param>
/// <param name="bottomHeight"></param>
/// <param name="longLeadInfo"></param>
/// <param name="dataIndex"></param>
/// <param name="dataLengthIndex"></param>
public void PrintEcgWaveFourThree(int drawInitHeight, int bottomHeight, List<int> longLeadInfo, int dataIndex,
int dataLengthIndex)
drawInitHeight *= _freePixs;
bottomHeight *= _freePixs;
for (var i = 0; i < LeadCount12; i++)
var leadIndex = _leadList[i]; //取导联下标 0 1 2 3 ...11
if (i < 6)
if (i < 3)
_baseLine = (_ecgCanvas.Height - drawInitHeight - bottomHeight) / (LeadCount12 / 2) / 2 +
i * ((_ecgCanvas.Height - drawInitHeight - bottomHeight) / (LeadCount12 / 2)) +
drawInitHeight; //
//_baseLine = _baseLine - drawInitHeight / 8 * i;
_firstPosition.Y = _baseLine;
_firstPosition.X = _freePixs;
_secondPosition.Y = _baseLine;
_secondPosition.X = _freePixs;
var fp = new Point(_firstPosition.X + _freePixs, _firstPosition.Y);
_firstPointArray.Add(leadIndex, fp);
_baseLine = (_ecgCanvas.Height - drawInitHeight - bottomHeight) / (LeadCount12 / 2) / 2 +
(i - 3) * ((_ecgCanvas.Height - drawInitHeight - bottomHeight) /
(LeadCount12 / 2)) + drawInitHeight; //+ Draw_InitHeight
//_baseLine = _baseLine - drawInitHeight / 8 * (i - 3);
_firstPosition.Y = _baseLine;
_firstPosition.X = _freePixs + _ecgCanvas.Width / 4;
_secondPosition.Y = _baseLine;
_secondPosition.X = _freePixs + _ecgCanvas.Width / 4;
var fp = new Point(_firstPosition.X + _freePixs, _firstPosition.Y);
_firstPointArray.Add(leadIndex, fp);
if (i < 9)
_baseLine = (_ecgCanvas.Height - drawInitHeight - bottomHeight) / (LeadCount12 / 2) / 2 +
(i - 6) * ((_ecgCanvas.Height - drawInitHeight - bottomHeight) /
(LeadCount12 / 2)) + drawInitHeight; // + Draw_InitHeight
//_baseLine = _baseLine - drawInitHeight / 8 * (i - 6);
_firstPosition.Y = _baseLine;
_firstPosition.X = _freePixs + _ecgCanvas.Width / 2;
_secondPosition.Y = _baseLine;
_secondPosition.X = _freePixs + _ecgCanvas.Width / 2;
var fp = new Point(_firstPosition.X + _freePixs, _firstPosition.Y);
_firstPointArray.Add(leadIndex, fp);
_baseLine = (_ecgCanvas.Height - drawInitHeight - bottomHeight) / (LeadCount12 / 2) / 2 +
(i - 9) * ((_ecgCanvas.Height - drawInitHeight - bottomHeight) /
(LeadCount12 / 2)) + drawInitHeight; //+ Draw_InitHeight
//_baseLine = _baseLine - drawInitHeight / 8 * (i - 9);
_firstPosition.Y = _baseLine;
_firstPosition.X = _freePixs + 3 * _ecgCanvas.Width / 4;
_secondPosition.Y = _baseLine;
_secondPosition.X = _freePixs + 3 * _ecgCanvas.Width / 4;
var fp2 = new Point(_firstPosition.X + _freePixs, _firstPosition.Y);
_firstPointArray.Add(leadIndex, fp2);
for (var b = dataIndex; b < _ecgDatas[leadIndex].Count; b += 1000 / ConfigHelper.PrintSampleRate)
if (i < 6)
if (i < 3)
if (_firstPosition.X > _ecgCanvas.Width / 4 - 5) break;
if (_firstPosition.X > _ecgCanvas.Width / 2 - 5) break;
if (i < 9)
if (_firstPosition.X > 3 * _ecgCanvas.Width / 4) break;
if (_firstPosition.X > _ecgCanvas.Width) break;
var yValues = _ecgDatas[leadIndex][b] * (_dpi / _lenthPerInch) * _amplitude * PrintInch;
_secondPosition.Y = _baseLine - (int)yValues; //后一点Y轴位置
var x = (b - dataIndex) * _intervalPixCountPerPoint;
var nextX = (int)x;
if (Math.Abs(_firstPosition.X - _secondPosition.X) < 5)
if (i < 6)
if (i < 3)
_secondPosition.X = nextX + _freePixs;
_secondPosition.X = _ecgCanvas.Width / 4 + _freePixs + nextX;
if (i < 9)
_secondPosition.X = _ecgCanvas.Width / 2 + _freePixs + nextX;
_secondPosition.X = 3 * _ecgCanvas.Width / 4 + _freePixs + nextX;
if (_firstPosition.X != _secondPosition.X && _firstPosition.Y == _secondPosition.Y) //
_ecgGraphics.DrawLine(_ecgPen, _firstPosition, _secondPosition);
if (!_points.ContainsKey(i))
var xp = new List<Point> { _firstPosition };
_points.Add(i, xp);
_firstPosition = _secondPosition;
PointContrast(_points[i], leadIndex); //绘制所有导联的QRS波群
for (var i = 0; i < longLeadInfo.Count; i++)
var leadIndex = _leadList[longLeadInfo[i]]; //取导联下标 0 1 2 3 ...11
_baseLine = (_ecgCanvas.Height - drawInitHeight - bottomHeight) / (LeadCount12 / 2) / 2 +
(i + 3) * ((_ecgCanvas.Height - drawInitHeight - bottomHeight) / (LeadCount12 / 2)) +
//_baseLine = _baseLine - drawInitHeight / 8 * (i + 3);
_firstPosition.Y = _baseLine;
_firstPosition.X = _freePixs;
_secondPosition.Y = _baseLine;
_secondPosition.X = _freePixs;
var fp = new Point(_firstPosition.X + _freePixs, _firstPosition.Y);
_firstPointArray.Add(i + 12, fp);
if (_ecgDatas.Count > 0)
for (var b = dataLengthIndex;
b < _ecgDatas[leadIndex].Count;
b += 1000 / ConfigHelper.PrintSampleRate)
if (_firstPosition.X > _ecgCanvas.Width) break;
var yValues = _ecgDatas[leadIndex][b] * (_dpi / _lenthPerInch) * _amplitude * PrintInch;
_secondPosition.Y = _baseLine - (int)yValues; //后一点Y轴位置
var x = (b - dataLengthIndex) * _intervalPixCountPerPoint;
var nextX = (int)x;
if (Math.Abs(_firstPosition.X - _secondPosition.X) < 5)
_secondPosition.X = nextX + _freePixs;
if (_firstPosition.X != _secondPosition.X && _firstPosition.Y == _secondPosition.Y) //
_ecgGraphics.DrawLine(_ecgPen, _firstPosition, _secondPosition);
if (!_points.ContainsKey(leadIndex))
var xp = new List<Point> { _firstPosition };
_points.Add(leadIndex, xp);
_firstPosition = _secondPosition;
PointContrast(_points[leadIndex], leadIndex); //绘制所有导联的QRS波群
/// <summary>
/// 绘制4x3+3导联模式标压名称--打印
/// </summary>
/// <param name="cVoltagescale"></param>
/// <param name="longLeadInfo"></param>
public void PrintLeadNameFourThree(double cVoltagescale, List<int> longLeadInfo)
_ecgPen = new Pen(Color.Black, float.Parse("1"));
for (var d = 0; d < LeadCount12; d++)
if (d < 6)
if (d < 3)
_ecgGraphics.DrawLine(_ecgPen, 0, _firstPointArray[_leadList[d]].Y, _freePixs / 5,
_ecgGraphics.DrawLine(_ecgPen, _freePixs / 5, _firstPointArray[_leadList[d]].Y, _freePixs / 5,
_firstPointArray[_leadList[d]].Y - (short)Math.Round(_freePixs * cVoltagescale));
_ecgGraphics.DrawLine(_ecgPen, _freePixs / 5,
_firstPointArray[_leadList[d]].Y - (short)Math.Round(_freePixs * cVoltagescale),
_freePixs * 5 / 6,
_firstPointArray[_leadList[d]].Y - (short)Math.Round(_freePixs * cVoltagescale));
_ecgGraphics.DrawLine(_ecgPen, _freePixs * 5 / 6,
_firstPointArray[_leadList[d]].Y - (short)Math.Round(_freePixs * cVoltagescale),
_freePixs * 5 / 6, _firstPointArray[_leadList[d]].Y);
_ecgGraphics.DrawLine(_ecgPen, _freePixs * 5 / 6, _firstPointArray[_leadList[d]].Y,
_freePixs / 3 * 3, _firstPointArray[_leadList[d]].Y);
var str = _leadNameArray[_leadList[d]];
var font = new Font("宋体", 11);
var brush = Brushes.Black;
if (d < _firstPointArray.Count)
var point = new PointF(0, _firstPointArray[_leadList[d]].Y);
_ecgGraphics.DrawString(str, font, brush, point);
_ecgGraphics.DrawLine(_ecgPen, _ecgCanvas.Width / 4, _firstPointArray[_leadList[d]].Y,
_ecgCanvas.Width / 4 + _freePixs / 5, _firstPointArray[_leadList[d]].Y);
_ecgGraphics.DrawLine(_ecgPen, _ecgCanvas.Width / 4 + _freePixs / 5,
_firstPointArray[_leadList[d]].Y, _ecgCanvas.Width / 4 + _freePixs / 5,
_firstPointArray[_leadList[d]].Y - (short)Math.Round(_freePixs * cVoltagescale));
_ecgGraphics.DrawLine(_ecgPen, _ecgCanvas.Width / 4 + _freePixs / 5,
_firstPointArray[_leadList[d]].Y - (short)Math.Round(_freePixs * cVoltagescale),
_ecgCanvas.Width / 4 + _freePixs * 5 / 6,
_firstPointArray[_leadList[d]].Y - (short)Math.Round(_freePixs * cVoltagescale));
_ecgGraphics.DrawLine(_ecgPen, _ecgCanvas.Width / 4 + _freePixs * 5 / 6,
_firstPointArray[_leadList[d]].Y - (short)Math.Round(_freePixs * cVoltagescale),
_ecgCanvas.Width / 4 + _freePixs * 5 / 6, _firstPointArray[_leadList[d]].Y);
_ecgGraphics.DrawLine(_ecgPen, _ecgCanvas.Width / 4 + _freePixs * 5 / 6,
_firstPointArray[_leadList[d]].Y, _ecgCanvas.Width / 4 + _freePixs / 3 * 3,
var str = _leadNameArray[_leadList[d]];
var font = new Font("宋体", 11);
var brush = Brushes.Black;
if (d < _firstPointArray.Count)
var point = new PointF(_ecgCanvas.Width / 4, _firstPointArray[_leadList[d]].Y);
_ecgGraphics.DrawString(str, font, brush, point);
if (d < 9)
_ecgGraphics.DrawLine(_ecgPen, _ecgCanvas.Width / 2, _firstPointArray[_leadList[d]].Y,
_ecgCanvas.Width / 2 + _freePixs / 5, _firstPointArray[_leadList[d]].Y);
_ecgGraphics.DrawLine(_ecgPen, _ecgCanvas.Width / 2 + _freePixs / 5,
_firstPointArray[_leadList[d]].Y, _ecgCanvas.Width / 2 + _freePixs / 5,
_firstPointArray[_leadList[d]].Y - (short)Math.Round(cVoltagescale * _freePixs));
_ecgGraphics.DrawLine(_ecgPen, _ecgCanvas.Width / 2 + _freePixs / 5,
_firstPointArray[_leadList[d]].Y - (short)Math.Round(cVoltagescale * _freePixs),
_ecgCanvas.Width / 2 + _freePixs / 6 * 5,
_firstPointArray[_leadList[d]].Y - (short)Math.Round(cVoltagescale * _freePixs));
_ecgGraphics.DrawLine(_ecgPen, _ecgCanvas.Width / 2 + _freePixs / 6 * 5,
_firstPointArray[_leadList[d]].Y - (short)Math.Round(cVoltagescale * _freePixs),
_ecgCanvas.Width / 2 + _freePixs / 6 * 5, _firstPointArray[_leadList[d]].Y);
_ecgGraphics.DrawLine(_ecgPen, _ecgCanvas.Width / 2 + _freePixs / 6 * 5,
_firstPointArray[_leadList[d]].Y, _ecgCanvas.Width / 2 + _freePixs,
var str = _leadNameArray[_leadList[d]];
var font = new Font("宋体", 11);
var brush = Brushes.Black;
if (d < _firstPointArray.Count)
var point = new PointF(_ecgCanvas.Width / 2, _firstPointArray[_leadList[d]].Y);
_ecgGraphics.DrawString(str, font, brush, point);
_ecgGraphics.DrawLine(_ecgPen, 3 * _ecgCanvas.Width / 4, _firstPointArray[_leadList[d]].Y,
3 * _ecgCanvas.Width / 4 + _freePixs / 5, _firstPointArray[_leadList[d]].Y);
// //2
_ecgGraphics.DrawLine(_ecgPen, 3 * _ecgCanvas.Width / 4 + _freePixs / 5,
_firstPointArray[_leadList[d]].Y, 3 * _ecgCanvas.Width / 4 + _freePixs / 5,
_firstPointArray[_leadList[d]].Y - (short)Math.Round(cVoltagescale * _freePixs));
_ecgGraphics.DrawLine(_ecgPen, 3 * _ecgCanvas.Width / 4 + _freePixs / 5,
_firstPointArray[_leadList[d]].Y - (short)Math.Round(cVoltagescale * _freePixs),
3 * _ecgCanvas.Width / 4 + _freePixs / 6 * 5,
_firstPointArray[_leadList[d]].Y - (short)Math.Round(cVoltagescale * _freePixs));
_ecgGraphics.DrawLine(_ecgPen, 3 * _ecgCanvas.Width / 4 + _freePixs / 6 * 5,
_firstPointArray[_leadList[d]].Y - (short)Math.Round(cVoltagescale * _freePixs),
3 * _ecgCanvas.Width / 4 + _freePixs / 6 * 5, _firstPointArray[_leadList[d]].Y);
_ecgGraphics.DrawLine(_ecgPen, 3 * _ecgCanvas.Width / 4 + _freePixs / 6 * 5,
_firstPointArray[_leadList[d]].Y, 3 * _ecgCanvas.Width / 4 + _freePixs,
var str = _leadNameArray[_leadList[d]];
var font = new Font("宋体", 11);
var brush = Brushes.Black;
if (d < _firstPointArray.Count)
var point = new PointF(3 * _ecgCanvas.Width / 4, _firstPointArray[_leadList[d]].Y);
_ecgGraphics.DrawString(str, font, brush, point);
for (var d = 0; d < longLeadInfo.Count; d++)
_ecgGraphics.DrawLine(_ecgPen, 0, _firstPointArray[d + LeadCount12].Y, _freePixs / 5,
_firstPointArray[d + LeadCount12].Y);
_ecgGraphics.DrawLine(_ecgPen, _freePixs / 5, _firstPointArray[d + LeadCount12].Y, _freePixs / 5,
_firstPointArray[d + LeadCount12].Y - (short)Math.Round(_freePixs * cVoltagescale));
_ecgGraphics.DrawLine(_ecgPen, _freePixs / 5,
_firstPointArray[d + LeadCount12].Y - (short)Math.Round(_freePixs * cVoltagescale),
_freePixs * 5 / 6,
_firstPointArray[d + LeadCount12].Y - (short)Math.Round(_freePixs * cVoltagescale));
_ecgGraphics.DrawLine(_ecgPen, _freePixs * 5 / 6,
_firstPointArray[d + LeadCount12].Y - (short)Math.Round(_freePixs * cVoltagescale),
_freePixs * 5 / 6, _firstPointArray[d + LeadCount12].Y);
_ecgGraphics.DrawLine(_ecgPen, _freePixs * 5 / 6, _firstPointArray[d + LeadCount12].Y,
_freePixs / 3 * 3, _firstPointArray[d + LeadCount12].Y);
var str = _leadNameArray[longLeadInfo[d]];
var font = new Font("宋体", 11);
var brush = Brushes.Black;
if (d < _firstPointArray.Count)
var point = new PointF(0, _firstPointArray[d + LeadCount12].Y);
_ecgGraphics.DrawString(str, font, brush, point);
/// <summary>
/// 绘制5x3+1导联模式波形--打印
/// </summary>
/// <param name="drawInitHeight"></param>
/// <param name="bottomHeight"></param>
/// <param name="leaderType"></param>
/// <param name="dataIndex"></param>
public void PrintEcgWaveFifteen(int drawInitHeight, int bottomHeight, int dataIndex)
drawInitHeight = drawInitHeight * _freePixs;
bottomHeight = bottomHeight * _freePixs;
const int rowCount = 6; //分六行
#region 5x3
for (var i = 0; i < LeadCount15; i++)
var leadIndex = _leadList[i]; //取导联下标 0 1 2 3 ...11
if (i < 5)
_baseLine = (_ecgCanvas.Height - drawInitHeight - bottomHeight) / rowCount / 2 +
i * ((_ecgCanvas.Height - drawInitHeight - bottomHeight) / rowCount) + drawInitHeight;
_firstPosition.Y = _baseLine;
_firstPosition.X = _freePixs;
_secondPosition.Y = _baseLine;
_secondPosition.X = _freePixs;
var fp = new Point(_firstPosition.X + _freePixs, _firstPosition.Y);
_firstPointArray.Add(leadIndex, fp);
if (i >= 5 && i < 10)
_baseLine = (_ecgCanvas.Height - drawInitHeight - bottomHeight) / rowCount / 2 +
(i - 5) * ((_ecgCanvas.Height - drawInitHeight - bottomHeight) / rowCount) +
_firstPosition.Y = _baseLine;
_firstPosition.X = _freePixs + _ecgCanvas.Width / 3;
_secondPosition.Y = _baseLine;
_secondPosition.X = _freePixs + _ecgCanvas.Width / 3;
var fp = new Point(_firstPosition.X + _freePixs, _firstPosition.Y);
_firstPointArray.Add(leadIndex, fp);
if (i >= 10 && i < 15)
_baseLine = (_ecgCanvas.Height - drawInitHeight - bottomHeight) / rowCount / 2 +
(i - 10) * ((_ecgCanvas.Height - drawInitHeight - bottomHeight) / rowCount) +
_firstPosition.Y = _baseLine;
_firstPosition.X = _freePixs + 2 * _ecgCanvas.Width / 3;
_secondPosition.Y = _baseLine;
_secondPosition.X = _freePixs + 2 * _ecgCanvas.Width / 3;
var fp = new Point(_firstPosition.X + _freePixs, _firstPosition.Y);
_firstPointArray.Add(leadIndex, fp);
if (leadIndex < LeadCount15)
for (var b = dataIndex; b < _ecgDatas[leadIndex].Count; b += 1000 / ConfigHelper.PrintSampleRate)
if (i < 5)
if (_firstPosition.X > _ecgCanvas.Width / 3 - 5)
if (i >= 5 && i < 10)
if (_firstPosition.X > 2 * _ecgCanvas.Width / 3 - 5)
if (i >= 10 && i < 15)
if (_firstPosition.X > _ecgCanvas.Width)
var yValues = _ecgDatas[leadIndex][b] * (_dpi / _lenthPerInch) * _amplitude * PrintInch;
_secondPosition.Y = _baseLine - (int)yValues; //后一点Y轴位置
var x = (b - dataIndex) * _intervalPixCountPerPoint;
var nextX = (int)x;
if (Math.Abs(_firstPosition.X - _secondPosition.X) < 5)
if (i < 5) _secondPosition.X = nextX + _freePixs;
if (i >= 5 && i < 10) _secondPosition.X = _ecgCanvas.Width / 3 + nextX + _freePixs;
if (i >= 10 && i < 15) _secondPosition.X = 2 * _ecgCanvas.Width / 3 + _freePixs + nextX;
if (_firstPosition.X != _secondPosition.X && _firstPosition.Y == _secondPosition.Y) //
_ecgGraphics.DrawLine(_ecgPen, _firstPosition, _secondPosition);
if (!_points.ContainsKey(i))
var xp = new List<Point>();
_points.Add(i, xp);
_firstPosition = _secondPosition;
PointContrast(_points[i], leadIndex); //绘制所有导联的QRS波群
for (var i = 0; i < 1; i++)
var leadIndex = _leadList[ConfigHelper.SingleLead]; //取导联下标 0 1 2 3 ...11
_baseLine = (_ecgCanvas.Height - drawInitHeight - bottomHeight) / rowCount / 2 +
(i + 5) * ((_ecgCanvas.Height - drawInitHeight - bottomHeight) / rowCount) + drawInitHeight;
_firstPosition.Y = _baseLine;
_firstPosition.X = _freePixs;
_secondPosition.Y = _baseLine;
_secondPosition.X = _freePixs;
var fp = new Point(_firstPosition.X + _freePixs, _firstPosition.Y);
_firstPointArray.Add(i + LeadCount15, fp);
if (_ecgDatas.Count > 0)
for (var b = dataIndex; b < _ecgDatas[leadIndex].Count; b += 1000 / ConfigHelper.PrintSampleRate)
if (_firstPosition.X > _ecgCanvas.Width) break;
var yValues = _ecgDatas[leadIndex][b] * (_dpi / _lenthPerInch) * _amplitude * PrintInch;
_secondPosition.Y = _baseLine - (int)yValues; //后一点Y轴位置
var x = (b - dataIndex) * _intervalPixCountPerPoint;
var nextX = (int)x;
if (Math.Abs(_firstPosition.X - _secondPosition.X) < 5)
_secondPosition.X = nextX + _freePixs;
if (_firstPosition.X != _secondPosition.X && _firstPosition.Y == _secondPosition.Y) //
_ecgGraphics.DrawLine(_ecgPen, _firstPosition, _secondPosition);
if (!_points.ContainsKey(leadIndex))
var xp = new List<Point> { _firstPosition };
_points.Add(leadIndex, xp);
_firstPosition = _secondPosition;
PointContrast(_points[leadIndex], leadIndex); //绘制所有导联的QRS波群
/// <summary>
/// 绘制5x3+1导联模式标压名称--打印
/// </summary>
/// <param name="cVoltagescale"></param>
/// <param name="leaderType"></param>
public void PrintLeadNameFifteen(double cVoltagescale, string leaderType)
_ecgPen = new Pen(Color.Black, float.Parse("1"));
for (var d = 0; d < LeadCount15; d++)
if (d < 5)
_ecgGraphics.DrawLine(_ecgPen, 0, _firstPointArray[_leadList[d]].Y, _freePixs / 5,
_ecgGraphics.DrawLine(_ecgPen, _freePixs / 5, _firstPointArray[_leadList[d]].Y, _freePixs / 5,
_firstPointArray[_leadList[d]].Y - (short)Math.Round(_freePixs * cVoltagescale));
_ecgGraphics.DrawLine(_ecgPen, _freePixs / 5,
_firstPointArray[_leadList[d]].Y - (short)Math.Round(_freePixs * cVoltagescale),
_freePixs * 5 / 6,
_firstPointArray[_leadList[d]].Y - (short)Math.Round(_freePixs * cVoltagescale));
_ecgGraphics.DrawLine(_ecgPen, _freePixs * 5 / 6,
_firstPointArray[_leadList[d]].Y - (short)Math.Round(_freePixs * cVoltagescale),
_freePixs * 5 / 6, _firstPointArray[_leadList[d]].Y);
_ecgGraphics.DrawLine(_ecgPen, _freePixs * 5 / 6, _firstPointArray[_leadList[d]].Y,
_freePixs / 3 * 3, _firstPointArray[_leadList[d]].Y);
var str = _leadNameArray[_leadList[d]];
var font = new Font("宋体", 11);
var brush = Brushes.Black;
if (d < _firstPointArray.Count)
var point = new PointF(0, _firstPointArray[_leadList[d]].Y);
_ecgGraphics.DrawString(str, font, brush, point);
if (d >= 5 && d < 10)
_ecgGraphics.DrawLine(_ecgPen, _ecgCanvas.Width / 3, _firstPointArray[_leadList[d]].Y,
_ecgCanvas.Width / 3 + _freePixs / 5, _firstPointArray[_leadList[d]].Y);
_ecgGraphics.DrawLine(_ecgPen, _ecgCanvas.Width / 3 + _freePixs / 5,
_firstPointArray[_leadList[d]].Y, _ecgCanvas.Width / 3 + _freePixs / 5,
_firstPointArray[_leadList[d]].Y - (short)Math.Round(cVoltagescale * _freePixs));
_ecgGraphics.DrawLine(_ecgPen, _ecgCanvas.Width / 3 + _freePixs / 5,
_firstPointArray[_leadList[d]].Y - (short)Math.Round(cVoltagescale * _freePixs),
_ecgCanvas.Width / 3 + _freePixs / 6 * 5,
_firstPointArray[_leadList[d]].Y - (short)Math.Round(cVoltagescale * _freePixs));
_ecgGraphics.DrawLine(_ecgPen, _ecgCanvas.Width / 3 + _freePixs / 6 * 5,
_firstPointArray[_leadList[d]].Y - (short)Math.Round(cVoltagescale * _freePixs),
_ecgCanvas.Width / 3 + _freePixs / 6 * 5, _firstPointArray[_leadList[d]].Y);
_ecgGraphics.DrawLine(_ecgPen, _ecgCanvas.Width / 3 + _freePixs / 6 * 5,
_firstPointArray[_leadList[d]].Y, _ecgCanvas.Width / 3 + _freePixs,
var str = _leadNameArray[_leadList[d]];
var font = new Font("宋体", 11);
var brush = Brushes.Black;
if (d < _firstPointArray.Count)
var point = new PointF(_ecgCanvas.Width / 3, _firstPointArray[_leadList[d]].Y);
_ecgGraphics.DrawString(str, font, brush, point);
if (d >= 10 && d < 15)
_ecgGraphics.DrawLine(_ecgPen, 2 * _ecgCanvas.Width / 3, _firstPointArray[_leadList[d]].Y,
2 * _ecgCanvas.Width / 3 + _freePixs / 5, _firstPointArray[_leadList[d]].Y);
_ecgGraphics.DrawLine(_ecgPen, 2 * _ecgCanvas.Width / 3 + _freePixs / 5,
_firstPointArray[_leadList[d]].Y, 2 * _ecgCanvas.Width / 3 + _freePixs / 5,
_firstPointArray[_leadList[d]].Y - (short)Math.Round(cVoltagescale * _freePixs));
_ecgGraphics.DrawLine(_ecgPen, 2 * _ecgCanvas.Width / 3 + _freePixs / 5,
_firstPointArray[_leadList[d]].Y - (short)Math.Round(cVoltagescale * _freePixs),
2 * _ecgCanvas.Width / 3 + _freePixs / 6 * 5,
_firstPointArray[_leadList[d]].Y - (short)Math.Round(cVoltagescale * _freePixs));
_ecgGraphics.DrawLine(_ecgPen, 2 * _ecgCanvas.Width / 3 + _freePixs / 6 * 5,
_firstPointArray[_leadList[d]].Y - (short)Math.Round(cVoltagescale * _freePixs),
2 * _ecgCanvas.Width / 3 + _freePixs / 6 * 5, _firstPointArray[_leadList[d]].Y);
_ecgGraphics.DrawLine(_ecgPen, 2 * _ecgCanvas.Width / 3 + _freePixs / 6 * 5,
_firstPointArray[_leadList[d]].Y, 2 * _ecgCanvas.Width / 3 + _freePixs,
var str = _leadNameArray[_leadList[d]];
if (d >= 12 && leaderType == "LeaderR") str = _leadNameArray[_leadList[d] + 3];
var font = new Font("宋体", 11);
var brush = Brushes.Black;
if (d < _firstPointArray.Count)
var point = new PointF(2 * _ecgCanvas.Width / 3, _firstPointArray[_leadList[d]].Y);
_ecgGraphics.DrawString(str, font, brush, point);
for (var d = 0; d < 1; d++)
_ecgGraphics.DrawLine(_ecgPen, 0, _firstPointArray[d + LeadCount15].Y, _freePixs / 5,
_firstPointArray[d + LeadCount15].Y);
_ecgGraphics.DrawLine(_ecgPen, _freePixs / 5, _firstPointArray[d + LeadCount15].Y, _freePixs / 5,
_firstPointArray[d + LeadCount15].Y - (short)Math.Round(_freePixs * cVoltagescale));
_ecgGraphics.DrawLine(_ecgPen, _freePixs / 5,
_firstPointArray[d + LeadCount15].Y - (short)Math.Round(_freePixs * cVoltagescale),
_freePixs * 5 / 6,
_firstPointArray[d + LeadCount15].Y - (short)Math.Round(_freePixs * cVoltagescale));
_ecgGraphics.DrawLine(_ecgPen, _freePixs * 5 / 6,
_firstPointArray[d + LeadCount15].Y - (short)Math.Round(_freePixs * cVoltagescale),
_freePixs * 5 / 6, _firstPointArray[d + LeadCount15].Y);
_ecgGraphics.DrawLine(_ecgPen, _freePixs * 5 / 6, _firstPointArray[d + LeadCount15].Y,
_freePixs / 3 * 3, _firstPointArray[d + LeadCount15].Y);
var str = _leadNameArray[ConfigHelper.SingleLead];
var font = new Font("宋体", 11);
var brush = Brushes.Black;
if (d < _firstPointArray.Count)
var point = new PointF(0, _firstPointArray[d + LeadCount15].Y);
_ecgGraphics.DrawString(str, font, brush, point);
/// <summary>
/// 绘制6x3导联模式波形--打印
/// </summary>
/// <param name="drawInitHeight"></param>
/// <param name="bottomHeight"></param>
/// <param name="dataIndex"></param>
public void PrintEcgWaveEighteen(int drawInitHeight, int bottomHeight, int dataIndex)
drawInitHeight = drawInitHeight * _freePixs;
bottomHeight = bottomHeight * _freePixs;
for (var i = 0; i < LeadCount18; i++)
var leadIndex = _leadList[i]; //取导联下标 0 1 2 3 ...11
if (i < 6)
_baseLine = (_ecgCanvas.Height - drawInitHeight - bottomHeight) / 6 / 2 +
i * ((_ecgCanvas.Height - drawInitHeight - bottomHeight) / 6) + drawInitHeight;
_firstPosition.Y = _baseLine;
_firstPosition.X = _freePixs;
_secondPosition.Y = _baseLine;
_secondPosition.X = _freePixs;
var fp = new Point(_firstPosition.X + _freePixs, _firstPosition.Y);
_firstPointArray.Add(leadIndex, fp);
if (i >= 6 && i < 12)
_baseLine = (_ecgCanvas.Height - drawInitHeight - bottomHeight) / 6 / 2 +
(i - 6) * ((_ecgCanvas.Height - drawInitHeight - bottomHeight) / 6) + drawInitHeight;
_firstPosition.Y = _baseLine;
_firstPosition.X = _freePixs + _ecgCanvas.Width / 3;
_secondPosition.Y = _baseLine;
_secondPosition.X = _freePixs + _ecgCanvas.Width / 3;
var fp = new Point(_firstPosition.X + _freePixs, _firstPosition.Y);
_firstPointArray.Add(leadIndex, fp);
if (i >= 12 && i < 18)
_baseLine = (_ecgCanvas.Height - drawInitHeight - bottomHeight) / 6 / 2 +
(i - 12) * ((_ecgCanvas.Height - drawInitHeight - bottomHeight) / 6) + drawInitHeight;
_firstPosition.Y = _baseLine;
_firstPosition.X = _freePixs + 2 * _ecgCanvas.Width / 3;
_secondPosition.Y = _baseLine;
_secondPosition.X = _freePixs + 2 * _ecgCanvas.Width / 3;
var fp = new Point(_firstPosition.X + _freePixs, _firstPosition.Y);
_firstPointArray.Add(leadIndex, fp);
if (leadIndex < LeadCount18)
for (var b = dataIndex; b < _ecgDatas[leadIndex].Count; b += 1000 / ConfigHelper.PrintSampleRate)
if (i < 6)
if (_firstPosition.X > _ecgCanvas.Width / 3 - 5)
if (i >= 6 && i < 12)
if (_firstPosition.X > 2 * _ecgCanvas.Width / 3 - 5)
if (i >= 12 && i < 18)
if (_firstPosition.X > _ecgCanvas.Width)
var yValues = _ecgDatas[leadIndex][b] * (_dpi / _lenthPerInch) * _amplitude * PrintInch;
_secondPosition.Y = _baseLine - (int)yValues; //后一点Y轴位置
var x = (b - dataIndex) * _intervalPixCountPerPoint;
var nextX = (int)x;
if (Math.Abs(_firstPosition.X - _secondPosition.X) < 5)
if (i < 6) _secondPosition.X = nextX + _freePixs;
if (i >= 6 && i < 12) _secondPosition.X = _ecgCanvas.Width / 3 + nextX + _freePixs;
if (i >= 12 && i < 18) _secondPosition.X = 2 * _ecgCanvas.Width / 3 + _freePixs + nextX;
if (_firstPosition.X != _secondPosition.X && _firstPosition.Y == _secondPosition.Y) //
_ecgGraphics.DrawLine(_ecgPen, _firstPosition, _secondPosition);
if (!_points.ContainsKey(i))
var xp = new List<Point> { _firstPosition };
_points.Add(i, xp);
_firstPosition = _secondPosition;
PointContrast(_points[i], leadIndex); //绘制所有导联的QRS波群
/// <summary>
/// 绘制6x3导联模式标压名称--显示
/// </summary>
/// <param name="cVoltagescale"></param>
public void PrintLeadNameEighteen(double cVoltagescale)
_ecgPen = new Pen(Color.Black, float.Parse("1"));
for (var d = 0; d < LeadCount18; d++)
if (d < 6)
_ecgGraphics.DrawLine(_ecgPen, 0, _firstPointArray[_leadList[d]].Y, _freePixs / 5,
_ecgGraphics.DrawLine(_ecgPen, _freePixs / 5, _firstPointArray[_leadList[d]].Y, _freePixs / 5,
_firstPointArray[_leadList[d]].Y - (short)Math.Round(_freePixs * cVoltagescale));
_ecgGraphics.DrawLine(_ecgPen, _freePixs / 5,
_firstPointArray[_leadList[d]].Y - (short)Math.Round(_freePixs * cVoltagescale),
_freePixs * 5 / 6,
_firstPointArray[_leadList[d]].Y - (short)Math.Round(_freePixs * cVoltagescale));
_ecgGraphics.DrawLine(_ecgPen, _freePixs * 5 / 6,
_firstPointArray[_leadList[d]].Y - (short)Math.Round(_freePixs * cVoltagescale),
_freePixs * 5 / 6, _firstPointArray[_leadList[d]].Y);
_ecgGraphics.DrawLine(_ecgPen, _freePixs * 5 / 6, _firstPointArray[_leadList[d]].Y,
_freePixs / 3 * 3, _firstPointArray[_leadList[d]].Y);
var str = _leadNameArray[_leadList[d]];
var font = new Font("宋体", 11);
var brush = Brushes.Black;
if (d < _firstPointArray.Count)
var point = new PointF(0, _firstPointArray[_leadList[d]].Y);
_ecgGraphics.DrawString(str, font, brush, point);
if (d >= 6 && d < 12)
_ecgGraphics.DrawLine(_ecgPen, _ecgCanvas.Width / 3, _firstPointArray[_leadList[d]].Y,
_ecgCanvas.Width / 3 + _freePixs / 5, _firstPointArray[_leadList[d]].Y);
_ecgGraphics.DrawLine(_ecgPen, _ecgCanvas.Width / 3 + _freePixs / 5,
_firstPointArray[_leadList[d]].Y, _ecgCanvas.Width / 3 + _freePixs / 5,
_firstPointArray[_leadList[d]].Y - (short)Math.Round(cVoltagescale * _freePixs));
_ecgGraphics.DrawLine(_ecgPen, _ecgCanvas.Width / 3 + _freePixs / 5,
_firstPointArray[_leadList[d]].Y - (short)Math.Round(cVoltagescale * _freePixs),
_ecgCanvas.Width / 3 + _freePixs / 6 * 5,
_firstPointArray[_leadList[d]].Y - (short)Math.Round(cVoltagescale * _freePixs));
_ecgGraphics.DrawLine(_ecgPen, _ecgCanvas.Width / 3 + _freePixs / 6 * 5,
_firstPointArray[_leadList[d]].Y - (short)Math.Round(cVoltagescale * _freePixs),
_ecgCanvas.Width / 3 + _freePixs / 6 * 5, _firstPointArray[_leadList[d]].Y);
_ecgGraphics.DrawLine(_ecgPen, _ecgCanvas.Width / 3 + _freePixs / 6 * 5,
_firstPointArray[_leadList[d]].Y, _ecgCanvas.Width / 3 + _freePixs,
var str = _leadNameArray[_leadList[d]];
var font = new Font("宋体", 11);
var brush = Brushes.Black;
if (d < _firstPointArray.Count)
var point = new PointF(_ecgCanvas.Width / 3, _firstPointArray[_leadList[d]].Y);
_ecgGraphics.DrawString(str, font, brush, point);
if (d >= 12 && d < 18)
_ecgGraphics.DrawLine(_ecgPen, 2 * _ecgCanvas.Width / 3, _firstPointArray[_leadList[d]].Y,
2 * _ecgCanvas.Width / 3 + _freePixs / 5, _firstPointArray[_leadList[d]].Y);
_ecgGraphics.DrawLine(_ecgPen, 2 * _ecgCanvas.Width / 3 + _freePixs / 5,
_firstPointArray[_leadList[d]].Y, 2 * _ecgCanvas.Width / 3 + _freePixs / 5,
_firstPointArray[_leadList[d]].Y - (short)Math.Round(cVoltagescale * _freePixs));
_ecgGraphics.DrawLine(_ecgPen, 2 * _ecgCanvas.Width / 3 + _freePixs / 5,
_firstPointArray[_leadList[d]].Y - (short)Math.Round(cVoltagescale * _freePixs),
2 * _ecgCanvas.Width / 3 + _freePixs / 6 * 5,
_firstPointArray[_leadList[d]].Y - (short)Math.Round(cVoltagescale * _freePixs));
_ecgGraphics.DrawLine(_ecgPen, 2 * _ecgCanvas.Width / 3 + _freePixs / 6 * 5,
_firstPointArray[_leadList[d]].Y - (short)Math.Round(cVoltagescale * _freePixs),
2 * _ecgCanvas.Width / 3 + _freePixs / 6 * 5, _firstPointArray[_leadList[d]].Y);
_ecgGraphics.DrawLine(_ecgPen, 2 * _ecgCanvas.Width / 3 + _freePixs / 6 * 5,
_firstPointArray[_leadList[d]].Y, 2 * _ecgCanvas.Width / 3 + _freePixs,
var str = _leadNameArray[_leadList[d]];
var font = new Font("宋体", 11);
var brush = Brushes.Black;
if (d < _firstPointArray.Count)
var point = new PointF(2 * _ecgCanvas.Width / 3, _firstPointArray[_leadList[d]].Y);
_ecgGraphics.DrawString(str, font, brush, point);
private float GetStrWidth(string text)
var array = text.ToCharArray();
return array.Sum(it => it >= 0x4e00 && it <= 0x9fbb ? 4.26f : 2.13f);
//return c.Any(t => t >= 0x4e00 && t <= 0x9fbb);