通过 MyBatis Plus 数据权限的单测
This commit is contained in:
@ -330,6 +330,7 @@ public class DataPermissionInterceptor extends JsqlParserSupport implements Inne
// boolean needIgnore = ignoreTable(fromTable.getName());
// // 表名压栈,忽略的表压入 null,以便后续不处理
// tables.push(needIgnore ? null : fromTable);
// 尾缀多个 on 表达式的时候统一处理
if (originOnExpressions.size() > 1) {
Collection<Expression> onExpressions = new LinkedList<>();
@ -457,7 +458,7 @@ public class DataPermissionInterceptor extends JsqlParserSupport implements Inne
* @author 芋道源码
private static final class ContextHolder {
static final class ContextHolder {
* 该 {@link MappedStatement} 对应的规则
@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
package cn.iocoder.yudao.framework.datapermission.core.interceptor;
import cn.iocoder.yudao.framework.datapermission.core.rule.DataPermissionRuleFactory;
import cn.iocoder.yudao.framework.test.core.ut.BaseMockitoUnitTest;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;
import org.mockito.InjectMocks;
import org.mockito.Mock;
import static org.assertj.core.api.Assertions.assertThat;
public class DataPermissionInterceptorTest extends BaseMockitoUnitTest {
private DataPermissionInterceptor interceptor;
private DataPermissionRuleFactory ruleFactory;
public void selectSingle() {
// 单表
assertSql("select * from entity where id = ?",
"SELECT * FROM entity WHERE id = ? AND tenant_id = 1");
assertSql("select * from entity where id = ? or name = ?",
"SELECT * FROM entity WHERE (id = ? OR name = ?) AND tenant_id = 1");
assertSql("SELECT * FROM entity WHERE (id = ? OR name = ?)",
"SELECT * FROM entity WHERE (id = ? OR name = ?) AND tenant_id = 1");
/* not */
assertSql("SELECT * FROM entity WHERE not (id = ? OR name = ?)",
"SELECT * FROM entity WHERE NOT (id = ? OR name = ?) AND tenant_id = 1");
private void assertSql(String sql, String targetSql) {
assertThat(interceptor.parserSingle(sql, null)).isEqualTo(targetSql);
public static void main(String[] args) {
@ -0,0 +1,266 @@
package cn.iocoder.yudao.framework.datapermission.core.interceptor;
import cn.iocoder.yudao.framework.datapermission.core.rule.DataPermissionRule;
import cn.iocoder.yudao.framework.datapermission.core.rule.DataPermissionRuleFactory;
import cn.iocoder.yudao.framework.mybatis.core.util.MyBatisUtils;
import cn.iocoder.yudao.framework.test.core.ut.BaseMockitoUnitTest;
import net.sf.jsqlparser.expression.Alias;
import net.sf.jsqlparser.expression.Expression;
import net.sf.jsqlparser.expression.LongValue;
import net.sf.jsqlparser.expression.operators.relational.EqualsTo;
import net.sf.jsqlparser.schema.Column;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.BeforeEach;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;
import org.mockito.InjectMocks;
import org.mockito.Mock;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Set;
import static cn.iocoder.yudao.framework.common.util.collection.SetUtils.asSet;
import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertEquals;
* {@link DataPermissionInterceptor} 的单元测试
* 主要复用了 MyBatis Plus 的 TenantLineInnerInterceptorTest 的单元测试
* 不过它的单元测试不是很规范,考虑到是复用的,所以暂时不进行修改~
* @author 芋道源码
public class DataPermissionInterceptorTest2 extends BaseMockitoUnitTest {
private DataPermissionInterceptor interceptor;
private DataPermissionRuleFactory ruleFactory;
public void setUp() {
// 租户的数据权限规则
DataPermissionRule tenantRule = new DataPermissionRule() {
private static final String COLUMN = "tenant_id";
public Set<String> getTableNames() {
return asSet("entity", "entity1", "entity2", "t1", "t2");
public Expression getExpression(String tableName, Alias tableAlias) {
Column column = MyBatisUtils.buildColumn(tableName, tableAlias, COLUMN);
LongValue value = new LongValue(1L);
return new EqualsTo(column, value);
// 设置到上下文,保证
void delete() {
assertSql("delete from entity where id = ?",
"DELETE FROM entity WHERE id = ? AND tenant_id = 1");
void update() {
assertSql("update entity set name = ? where id = ?",
"UPDATE entity SET name = ? WHERE id = ? AND tenant_id = 1");
void selectSingle() {
// 单表
assertSql("select * from entity where id = ?",
"SELECT * FROM entity WHERE id = ? AND tenant_id = 1");
assertSql("select * from entity where id = ? or name = ?",
"SELECT * FROM entity WHERE (id = ? OR name = ?) AND tenant_id = 1");
assertSql("SELECT * FROM entity WHERE (id = ? OR name = ?)",
"SELECT * FROM entity WHERE (id = ? OR name = ?) AND tenant_id = 1");
/* not */
assertSql("SELECT * FROM entity WHERE not (id = ? OR name = ?)",
"SELECT * FROM entity WHERE NOT (id = ? OR name = ?) AND tenant_id = 1");
void selectSubSelectIn() {
/* in */
assertSql("SELECT * FROM entity e WHERE e.id IN (select e1.id from entity1 e1 where e1.id = ?)",
"SELECT * FROM entity e WHERE e.id IN (SELECT e1.id FROM entity1 e1 WHERE e1.id = ? AND e1.tenant_id = 1) AND e.tenant_id = 1");
// 在最前
assertSql("SELECT * FROM entity e WHERE e.id IN " +
"(select e1.id from entity1 e1 where e1.id = ?) and e.id = ?",
"SELECT * FROM entity e WHERE e.id IN " +
"(SELECT e1.id FROM entity1 e1 WHERE e1.id = ? AND e1.tenant_id = 1) AND e.id = ? AND e.tenant_id = 1");
// 在最后
assertSql("SELECT * FROM entity e WHERE e.id = ? and e.id IN " +
"(select e1.id from entity1 e1 where e1.id = ?)",
"SELECT * FROM entity e WHERE e.id = ? AND e.id IN " +
"(SELECT e1.id FROM entity1 e1 WHERE e1.id = ? AND e1.tenant_id = 1) AND e.tenant_id = 1");
// 在中间
assertSql("SELECT * FROM entity e WHERE e.id = ? and e.id IN " +
"(select e1.id from entity1 e1 where e1.id = ?) and e.id = ?",
"SELECT * FROM entity e WHERE e.id = ? AND e.id IN " +
"(SELECT e1.id FROM entity1 e1 WHERE e1.id = ? AND e1.tenant_id = 1) AND e.id = ? AND e.tenant_id = 1");
void selectSubSelectEq() {
/* = */
assertSql("SELECT * FROM entity e WHERE e.id = (select e1.id from entity1 e1 where e1.id = ?)",
"SELECT * FROM entity e WHERE e.id = (SELECT e1.id FROM entity1 e1 WHERE e1.id = ? AND e1.tenant_id = 1) AND e.tenant_id = 1");
void selectSubSelectInnerNotEq() {
/* inner not = */
assertSql("SELECT * FROM entity e WHERE not (e.id = (select e1.id from entity1 e1 where e1.id = ?))",
"SELECT * FROM entity e WHERE NOT (e.id = (SELECT e1.id FROM entity1 e1 WHERE e1.id = ? AND e1.tenant_id = 1)) AND e.tenant_id = 1");
assertSql("SELECT * FROM entity e WHERE not (e.id = (select e1.id from entity1 e1 where e1.id = ?) and e.id = ?)",
"SELECT * FROM entity e WHERE NOT (e.id = (SELECT e1.id FROM entity1 e1 WHERE e1.id = ? AND e1.tenant_id = 1) AND e.id = ?) AND e.tenant_id = 1");
void selectSubSelectExists() {
/* EXISTS */
assertSql("SELECT * FROM entity e WHERE EXISTS (select e1.id from entity1 e1 where e1.id = ?)",
"SELECT * FROM entity e WHERE EXISTS (SELECT e1.id FROM entity1 e1 WHERE e1.id = ? AND e1.tenant_id = 1) AND e.tenant_id = 1");
assertSql("SELECT * FROM entity e WHERE NOT EXISTS (select e1.id from entity1 e1 where e1.id = ?)",
"SELECT * FROM entity e WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT e1.id FROM entity1 e1 WHERE e1.id = ? AND e1.tenant_id = 1) AND e.tenant_id = 1");
void selectSubSelect() {
/* >= */
assertSql("SELECT * FROM entity e WHERE e.id >= (select e1.id from entity1 e1 where e1.id = ?)",
"SELECT * FROM entity e WHERE e.id >= (SELECT e1.id FROM entity1 e1 WHERE e1.id = ? AND e1.tenant_id = 1) AND e.tenant_id = 1");
/* <= */
assertSql("SELECT * FROM entity e WHERE e.id <= (select e1.id from entity1 e1 where e1.id = ?)",
"SELECT * FROM entity e WHERE e.id <= (SELECT e1.id FROM entity1 e1 WHERE e1.id = ? AND e1.tenant_id = 1) AND e.tenant_id = 1");
/* <> */
assertSql("SELECT * FROM entity e WHERE e.id <> (select e1.id from entity1 e1 where e1.id = ?)",
"SELECT * FROM entity e WHERE e.id <> (SELECT e1.id FROM entity1 e1 WHERE e1.id = ? AND e1.tenant_id = 1) AND e.tenant_id = 1");
void selectFromSelect() {
assertSql("SELECT * FROM (select e.id from entity e WHERE e.id = (select e1.id from entity1 e1 where e1.id = ?))",
"SELECT * FROM (SELECT e.id FROM entity e WHERE e.id = (SELECT e1.id FROM entity1 e1 WHERE e1.id = ? AND e1.tenant_id = 1) AND e.tenant_id = 1)");
void selectBodySubSelect() {
assertSql("select t1.col1,(select t2.col2 from t2 t2 where t1.col1=t2.col1) from t1 t1",
"SELECT t1.col1, (SELECT t2.col2 FROM t2 t2 WHERE t1.col1 = t2.col1 AND t2.tenant_id = 1) FROM t1 t1 WHERE t1.tenant_id = 1");
void selectLeftJoin() {
// left join
assertSql("SELECT * FROM entity e " +
"left join entity1 e1 on e1.id = e.id " +
"WHERE e.id = ? OR e.name = ?",
"SELECT * FROM entity e " +
"LEFT JOIN entity1 e1 ON e1.id = e.id AND e1.tenant_id = 1 " +
"WHERE (e.id = ? OR e.name = ?) AND e.tenant_id = 1");
assertSql("SELECT * FROM entity e " +
"left join entity1 e1 on e1.id = e.id " +
"WHERE (e.id = ? OR e.name = ?)",
"SELECT * FROM entity e " +
"LEFT JOIN entity1 e1 ON e1.id = e.id AND e1.tenant_id = 1 " +
"WHERE (e.id = ? OR e.name = ?) AND e.tenant_id = 1");
void selectRightJoin() {
// right join
assertSql("SELECT * FROM entity e " +
"right join entity1 e1 on e1.id = e.id",
"SELECT * FROM entity e " +
"RIGHT JOIN entity1 e1 ON e1.id = e.id AND e1.tenant_id = 1 " +
"WHERE e.tenant_id = 1");
assertSql("SELECT * FROM entity e " +
"right join entity1 e1 on e1.id = e.id " +
"WHERE e.id = ? OR e.name = ?",
"SELECT * FROM entity e " +
"RIGHT JOIN entity1 e1 ON e1.id = e.id AND e1.tenant_id = 1 " +
"WHERE (e.id = ? OR e.name = ?) AND e.tenant_id = 1");
void selectLeftJoinMultipleTrailingOn() {
// 多个 on 尾缀的
assertSql("SELECT * FROM entity e " +
"LEFT JOIN entity1 e1 " +
"LEFT JOIN entity2 e2 ON e2.id = e1.id " +
"ON e1.id = e.id " +
"WHERE (e.id = ? OR e.NAME = ?)",
"SELECT * FROM entity e " +
"LEFT JOIN entity1 e1 " +
"LEFT JOIN entity2 e2 ON e2.id = e1.id AND e2.tenant_id = 1 " +
"ON e1.id = e.id AND e1.tenant_id = 1 " +
"WHERE (e.id = ? OR e.NAME = ?) AND e.tenant_id = 1");
assertSql("SELECT * FROM entity e " +
"LEFT JOIN entity1 e1 " +
"LEFT JOIN with_as_A e2 ON e2.id = e1.id " +
"ON e1.id = e.id " +
"WHERE (e.id = ? OR e.NAME = ?)",
"SELECT * FROM entity e " +
"LEFT JOIN entity1 e1 " +
"LEFT JOIN with_as_A e2 ON e2.id = e1.id " +
"ON e1.id = e.id AND e1.tenant_id = 1 " +
"WHERE (e.id = ? OR e.NAME = ?) AND e.tenant_id = 1");
void selectInnerJoin() {
// inner join
assertSql("SELECT * FROM entity e " +
"inner join entity1 e1 on e1.id = e.id " +
"WHERE e.id = ? OR e.name = ?",
"SELECT * FROM entity e " +
"INNER JOIN entity1 e1 ON e1.id = e.id AND e1.tenant_id = 1 " +
"WHERE (e.id = ? OR e.name = ?) AND e.tenant_id = 1");
assertSql("SELECT * FROM entity e " +
"inner join entity1 e1 on e1.id = e.id " +
"WHERE (e.id = ? OR e.name = ?)",
"SELECT * FROM entity e " +
"INNER JOIN entity1 e1 ON e1.id = e.id AND e1.tenant_id = 1 " +
"WHERE (e.id = ? OR e.name = ?) AND e.tenant_id = 1");
// 垃圾 inner join todo
// assertSql("SELECT * FROM entity,entity1 " +
// "WHERE entity.id = entity1.id",
// "SELECT * FROM entity e " +
// "INNER JOIN entity1 e1 ON e1.id = e.id AND e1.tenant_id = 1 " +
// "WHERE (e.id = ? OR e.name = ?) AND e.tenant_id = 1");
void selectWithAs() {
assertSql("with with_as_A as (select * from entity) select * from with_as_A",
"WITH with_as_A AS (SELECT * FROM entity WHERE tenant_id = 1) SELECT * FROM with_as_A");
private void assertSql(String sql, String targetSql) {
assertEquals(targetSql, interceptor.parserSingle(sql, null));
@ -7,6 +7,8 @@ import com.baomidou.mybatisplus.core.metadata.OrderItem;
import com.baomidou.mybatisplus.extension.plugins.MybatisPlusInterceptor;
import com.baomidou.mybatisplus.extension.plugins.inner.InnerInterceptor;
import com.baomidou.mybatisplus.extension.plugins.pagination.Page;
import net.sf.jsqlparser.expression.Alias;
import net.sf.jsqlparser.schema.Column;
import net.sf.jsqlparser.schema.Table;
import java.util.ArrayList;
@ -67,4 +69,16 @@ public class MyBatisUtils {
return tableName;
* 构建 Column 对象
* @param tableName 表名
* @param tableAlias 别名
* @param column 字段名
* @return Column 对象
public static Column buildColumn(String tableName, Alias tableAlias, String column) {
return new Column(tableAlias != null ? tableAlias.getName() + "." + column : column);
Reference in New Issue
Block a user