Merge branch 'master' of into feature/visual

This commit is contained in:
YunaiV 2022-07-27 22:45:40 +08:00
commit b2f5900abc
625 changed files with 42497 additions and 10213 deletions

.gitignore vendored
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@ -47,3 +47,5 @@ nbdist/

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@ -9,6 +9,12 @@
如果这个项目让你有所收获,记得 Star 关注哦,这对我是非常不错的鼓励与支持。
## 🐶 新手必读
* 演示地址:<>
* 启动文档:<>
* 视频教程:<>
## 🐯 平台简介
**芋道**,以开发者为中心,打造中国第一流的快速开发平台,全部开源,个人与企业可 100% 免费使用。
@ -17,7 +23,8 @@
> 😜 给项目点点 Star 吧,这对我们真的很重要!
* 前端采用 [vue-element-admin]( ,正在支持 Vue 3 + ElementUI Plus 最新方案。
* 前端 Vue2 版本采用 [vue-element-admin](
* 前端 Vue3 版本采用 [vue-element-plus-admin](
* 后端采用 Spring Boot、MySQL + MyBatis Plus、Redis + Redisson。
* 数据库可使用 MySQL、Oracle、PostgreSQL、SQL Server、MariaDB、国产达梦 DM、TiDB 等
* 权限认证使用 Spring Security & Token & Redis支持多终端、多种用户的认证系统。
@ -34,15 +41,6 @@
| `yudao-cloud` | Spring Cloud 微服务 | **[Gitee](** &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; [Github]( |
| `Spring-Boot-Labs` | Spring Boot & Cloud 入门 | **[Gitee](** &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; [Github]( |
## 🐶 在线体验
* 账号密码admin/admin123
* [《如何搭建环境》](
## 🐼 内置功能
@ -102,17 +100,6 @@
### 商城系统
* 2022 Q2 => 完成对 <> 的迁移,作为 onemall 的 Spring Boot 单体版本。
* 2022 Q4 => 完成对 <>> 的重构,作为 onemall 的 Spring Cloud 微服务版本。
### 会员中心
* 2021 Q1 =》完成对 <> 的迁移
### 基础设施
| | 功能 | 描述 |
@ -137,6 +124,20 @@ ps核心功能已经实现正在对接微信小程序中...
| 🚀 | 日志服务 | 轻量级日志中心,查看远程服务器的日志 |
| 🚀 | 单元测试 | 基于 JUnit + Mockito 实现单元测试,保证功能的正确性、代码的质量等 |
### 商城系统
![GIF 图-耐心等待](
![GIF 图-耐心等待](
### 会员中心
## 🐨 技术栈
| 项目 | 说明 |
@ -156,14 +157,14 @@ ps核心功能已经实现正在对接微信小程序中...
### 后端
| 框架 | 说明 | 版本 | 学习指南 |
| [Spring Boot]( | 应用开发框架 | 2.6.8 | [文档]( |
| [Spring Boot]( | 应用开发框架 | 2.6.9 | [文档]( |
| [MySQL]( | 数据库服务器 | 5.7 | |
| [Druid]( | JDBC 连接池、监控组件 | 1.2.8 | [文档]( |
| [Druid]( | JDBC 连接池、监控组件 | 1.2.11 | [文档]( |
| [MyBatis Plus]( | MyBatis 增强工具包 | 3.5.2 | [文档]( |
| [Dynamic Datasource]( | 动态数据源 | 3.5.0 | [文档]( |
| [Redis]( | key-value 数据库 | 5.0 | |
| [Redisson]( | Redis 客户端 | 3.17.3 | [文档]( |
| [Redisson]( | Redis 客户端 | 3.17.4 | [文档]( |
| [Spring MVC]( | MVC 框架 | 5.3.20 | [文档]( |
| [Spring Security]( | Spring 安全框架 | 5.6.5 | [文档]( |
| [Hibernate Validator]( | 参数校验组件 | 6.2.3 | [文档]( |
@ -179,13 +180,26 @@ ps核心功能已经实现正在对接微信小程序中...
| [JUnit]( | Java 单元测试框架 | 5.8.2 | - |
| [Mockito]( | Java Mock 框架 | 4.0.0 | - |
### 前端
### Vue2 前端
| 框架 | 说明 | 版本 |
| [Vue]( | JavaScript 框架 | 2.6.12 |
| [Vue Element Admin]( | 后台前端解决方案 | - |
### Vue3 前端
| 框架 | 说明 | 版本 |
| [Vue]( | Vue 框架 | 3.2.37 |
| [Vite]( | 开发与构建工具 | 3.0.3 |
| [Element Plus]( | Element Plus | 2.2.9 |
| [TypeScript]( | TypeScript | 4.7.4 |
| [pinia]( | Vue 存储库 替代 vuex5 | 2.0.17 |
| [vue-i18n]( | 国际化 | 9.1.10 |
| [windicss]( | 下一代工具优先的 CSS 框架 | 3.5.6 |
| [iconify]( | 在线图标库 | 2.2.1 |
## 🐷 演示图
### 系统功能

View File

@ -431,7 +431,6 @@ CREATE TABLE `bpm_task_ext` (
`assignee_user_id` bigint NULL DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '任务的审批人',
`name` varchar(64) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci NULL DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '任务的名字',
`task_def_key` varchar(255) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci NOT NULL COMMENT '流程任务key',
`task_id` varchar(64) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci NOT NULL COMMENT '任务的编号',
`result` tinyint NOT NULL COMMENT '任务的结果',
`reason` varchar(255) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci NULL DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '审批建议',

sql/mysql/vue3-menu.sql Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,261 @@
-- ----------------------------
-- Table structure for system_menu
-- icon 不兼容
-- ----------------------------
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `system_menu`;
CREATE TABLE `system_menu` (
`name` varchar(50) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci NOT NULL COMMENT '菜单名称',
`permission` varchar(100) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci NOT NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT '权限标识',
`type` tinyint NOT NULL COMMENT '菜单类型',
`sort` int NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT '显示顺序',
`parent_id` bigint NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT '父菜单ID',
`path` varchar(200) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT '路由地址',
`icon` varchar(100) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci NULL DEFAULT '#' COMMENT '菜单图标',
`component` varchar(255) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci NULL DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '组件路径',
`status` tinyint NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT '菜单状态',
`visible` bit(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT b'1' COMMENT '是否可见',
`keep_alive` bit(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT b'1' COMMENT '是否缓存',
`creator` varchar(64) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT '创建者',
`updater` varchar(64) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT '更新者',
`deleted` bit(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT b'0' COMMENT '是否删除',
) ENGINE = InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT = 1268 CHARACTER SET = utf8mb4 COLLATE = utf8mb4_unicode_ci COMMENT = '菜单权限表' ROW_FORMAT = Dynamic;
-- ----------------------------
-- Records of system_menu
-- ----------------------------
INSERT INTO `system_menu` VALUES (1, '系统管理', '', 1, 10, 0, '/system', 'ep:tools', NULL, 0, b'1', b'1', 'admin', '2021-01-05 17:03:48', '1', '2022-07-20 13:10:54', b'0');
INSERT INTO `system_menu` VALUES (2, '基础设施', '', 1, 20, 0, '/infra', 'ep:brush-filled', NULL, 0, b'1', b'1', 'admin', '2021-01-05 17:03:48', '1', '2022-07-20 13:11:55', b'0');
INSERT INTO `system_menu` VALUES (5, 'OA 示例', '', 1, 40, 1185, 'oa', 'ep:guide', NULL, 0, b'1', b'1', 'admin', '2021-09-20 16:26:19', '1', '2022-07-20 14:51:03', b'0');
INSERT INTO `system_menu` VALUES (100, '用户管理', 'system:user:list', 2, 1, 1, 'user', 'ep:avatar', 'system/user/index', 0, b'1', b'1', 'admin', '2021-01-05 17:03:48', '1', '2022-07-20 13:13:17', b'0');
INSERT INTO `system_menu` VALUES (101, '角色管理', '', 2, 2, 1, 'role', 'ep:user-filled', 'system/role/index', 0, b'1', b'1', 'admin', '2021-01-05 17:03:48', '1', '2022-07-20 13:13:41', b'0');
INSERT INTO `system_menu` VALUES (102, '菜单管理', '', 2, 3, 1, 'menu', 'ep:grid', 'system/menu/index', 0, b'1', b'1', 'admin', '2021-01-05 17:03:48', '1', '2022-07-20 13:13:54', b'0');
INSERT INTO `system_menu` VALUES (103, '部门管理', '', 2, 4, 1, 'dept', 'ep:office-building', 'system/dept/index', 0, b'1', b'1', 'admin', '2021-01-05 17:03:48', '1', '2022-07-20 14:51:31', b'0');
INSERT INTO `system_menu` VALUES (104, '岗位管理', '', 2, 5, 1, 'post', 'ep:briefcase', 'system/post/index', 0, b'1', b'1', 'admin', '2021-01-05 17:03:48', '1', '2022-07-20 14:41:47', b'0');
INSERT INTO `system_menu` VALUES (105, '字典管理', '', 2, 6, 1, 'dict', 'ep:list', 'system/dict/index', 0, b'1', b'1', 'admin', '2021-01-05 17:03:48', '1', '2022-07-20 14:42:18', b'0');
INSERT INTO `system_menu` VALUES (106, '配置管理', '', 2, 6, 2, 'config', 'ep:edit', 'infra/config/index', 0, b'1', b'1', 'admin', '2021-01-05 17:03:48', '1', '2022-07-20 14:48:29', b'0');
INSERT INTO `system_menu` VALUES (107, '通知公告', '', 2, 8, 1, 'notice', 'ep:bell-filled', 'system/notice/index', 0, b'1', b'1', 'admin', '2021-01-05 17:03:48', '1', '2022-07-20 14:42:30', b'0');
INSERT INTO `system_menu` VALUES (108, '审计日志', '', 1, 9, 1, 'log', 'ep:document-checked', '', 0, b'1', b'1', 'admin', '2021-01-05 17:03:48', '1', '2022-07-20 14:42:52', b'0');
INSERT INTO `system_menu` VALUES (109, '令牌管理', '', 2, 2, 1261, 'token', 'online', 'system/oauth2/token/index', 0, b'1', b'1', 'admin', '2021-01-05 17:03:48', '1', '2022-05-11 23:31:42', b'0');
INSERT INTO `system_menu` VALUES (110, '定时任务', '', 2, 12, 2, 'job', 'ep:alarm-clock', 'infra/job/index', 0, b'1', b'1', 'admin', '2021-01-05 17:03:48', '1', '2022-07-20 14:49:09', b'0');
INSERT INTO `system_menu` VALUES (111, 'MySQL 监控', '', 2, 9, 2, 'druid', 'ep:wind-power', 'infra/druid/index', 0, b'1', b'1', 'admin', '2021-01-05 17:03:48', '1', '2022-07-20 14:50:06', b'0');
INSERT INTO `system_menu` VALUES (112, 'Java 监控', '', 2, 11, 2, 'admin-server', 'ep:opportunity', 'infra/server/index', 0, b'1', b'1', 'admin', '2021-01-05 17:03:48', '1', '2022-07-20 14:49:42', b'0');
INSERT INTO `system_menu` VALUES (113, 'Redis 监控', '', 2, 10, 2, 'redis', 'ep:set-up', 'infra/redis/index', 0, b'1', b'1', 'admin', '2021-01-05 17:03:48', '1', '2022-07-20 14:49:52', b'0');
INSERT INTO `system_menu` VALUES (114, '表单构建', 'infra:build:list', 2, 2, 2, 'build', 'ep:calendar', 'infra/build/index', 0, b'1', b'1', 'admin', '2021-01-05 17:03:48', '1', '2022-07-20 14:47:29', b'0');
INSERT INTO `system_menu` VALUES (115, '代码生成', 'infra:codegen:query', 2, 1, 2, 'codegen', 'ep:connection', 'infra/codegen/index', 0, b'1', b'1', 'admin', '2021-01-05 17:03:48', '1', '2022-07-20 14:46:41', b'0');
INSERT INTO `system_menu` VALUES (116, '系统接口', 'infra:swagger:list', 2, 3, 2, 'swagger', 'ep:operation', 'infra/swagger/index', 0, b'1', b'1', 'admin', '2021-01-05 17:03:48', '1', '2022-07-20 14:47:41', b'0');
INSERT INTO `system_menu` VALUES (500, '操作日志', '', 2, 1, 108, 'operate-log', 'form', 'system/operatelog/index', 0, b'1', b'1', 'admin', '2021-01-05 17:03:48', '1', '2022-04-20 17:03:10', b'0');
INSERT INTO `system_menu` VALUES (501, '登录日志', '', 2, 2, 108, 'login-log', 'logininfor', 'system/loginlog/index', 0, b'1', b'1', 'admin', '2021-01-05 17:03:48', '1', '2022-04-20 17:03:10', b'0');
INSERT INTO `system_menu` VALUES (1001, '用户查询', 'system:user:query', 3, 1, 100, '', '#', '', 0, b'1', b'1', 'admin', '2021-01-05 17:03:48', '', '2022-04-20 17:03:10', b'0');
INSERT INTO `system_menu` VALUES (1002, '用户新增', 'system:user:create', 3, 2, 100, '', '', '', 0, b'1', b'1', 'admin', '2021-01-05 17:03:48', '1', '2022-04-20 17:03:10', b'0');
INSERT INTO `system_menu` VALUES (1003, '用户修改', 'system:user:update', 3, 3, 100, '', '', '', 0, b'1', b'1', 'admin', '2021-01-05 17:03:48', '1', '2022-04-20 17:03:10', b'0');
INSERT INTO `system_menu` VALUES (1004, '用户删除', 'system:user:delete', 3, 4, 100, '', '', '', 0, b'1', b'1', 'admin', '2021-01-05 17:03:48', '1', '2022-04-20 17:03:10', b'0');
INSERT INTO `system_menu` VALUES (1005, '用户导出', 'system:user:export', 3, 5, 100, '', '#', '', 0, b'1', b'1', 'admin', '2021-01-05 17:03:48', '', '2022-04-20 17:03:10', b'0');
INSERT INTO `system_menu` VALUES (1006, '用户导入', 'system:user:import', 3, 6, 100, '', '#', '', 0, b'1', b'1', 'admin', '2021-01-05 17:03:48', '', '2022-04-20 17:03:10', b'0');
INSERT INTO `system_menu` VALUES (1007, '重置密码', 'system:user:update-password', 3, 7, 100, '', '', '', 0, b'1', b'1', 'admin', '2021-01-05 17:03:48', '1', '2022-04-20 17:03:10', b'0');
INSERT INTO `system_menu` VALUES (1008, '角色查询', 'system:role:query', 3, 1, 101, '', '#', '', 0, b'1', b'1', 'admin', '2021-01-05 17:03:48', '', '2022-04-20 17:03:10', b'0');
INSERT INTO `system_menu` VALUES (1009, '角色新增', 'system:role:create', 3, 2, 101, '', '', '', 0, b'1', b'1', 'admin', '2021-01-05 17:03:48', '1', '2022-04-20 17:03:10', b'0');
INSERT INTO `system_menu` VALUES (1010, '角色修改', 'system:role:update', 3, 3, 101, '', '', '', 0, b'1', b'1', 'admin', '2021-01-05 17:03:48', '1', '2022-04-20 17:03:10', b'0');
INSERT INTO `system_menu` VALUES (1011, '角色删除', 'system:role:delete', 3, 4, 101, '', '', '', 0, b'1', b'1', 'admin', '2021-01-05 17:03:48', '1', '2022-04-20 17:03:10', b'0');
INSERT INTO `system_menu` VALUES (1012, '角色导出', 'system:role:export', 3, 5, 101, '', '#', '', 0, b'1', b'1', 'admin', '2021-01-05 17:03:48', '', '2022-04-20 17:03:10', b'0');
INSERT INTO `system_menu` VALUES (1013, '菜单查询', 'system:menu:query', 3, 1, 102, '', '#', '', 0, b'1', b'1', 'admin', '2021-01-05 17:03:48', '', '2022-04-20 17:03:10', b'0');
INSERT INTO `system_menu` VALUES (1014, '菜单新增', 'system:menu:create', 3, 2, 102, '', '#', '', 0, b'1', b'1', 'admin', '2021-01-05 17:03:48', '', '2022-04-20 17:03:10', b'0');
INSERT INTO `system_menu` VALUES (1015, '菜单修改', 'system:menu:update', 3, 3, 102, '', '#', '', 0, b'1', b'1', 'admin', '2021-01-05 17:03:48', '', '2022-04-20 17:03:10', b'0');
INSERT INTO `system_menu` VALUES (1016, '菜单删除', 'system:menu:delete', 3, 4, 102, '', '#', '', 0, b'1', b'1', 'admin', '2021-01-05 17:03:48', '', '2022-04-20 17:03:10', b'0');
INSERT INTO `system_menu` VALUES (1017, '部门查询', 'system:dept:query', 3, 1, 103, '', '#', '', 0, b'1', b'1', 'admin', '2021-01-05 17:03:48', '', '2022-04-20 17:03:10', b'0');
INSERT INTO `system_menu` VALUES (1018, '部门新增', 'system:dept:create', 3, 2, 103, '', '', '', 0, b'1', b'1', 'admin', '2021-01-05 17:03:48', '1', '2022-04-20 17:03:10', b'0');
INSERT INTO `system_menu` VALUES (1019, '部门修改', 'system:dept:update', 3, 3, 103, '', '', '', 0, b'1', b'1', 'admin', '2021-01-05 17:03:48', '1', '2022-04-20 17:03:10', b'0');
INSERT INTO `system_menu` VALUES (1020, '部门删除', 'system:dept:delete', 3, 4, 103, '', '', '', 0, b'1', b'1', 'admin', '2021-01-05 17:03:48', '1', '2022-04-20 17:03:10', b'0');
INSERT INTO `system_menu` VALUES (1021, '岗位查询', 'system:post:query', 3, 1, 104, '', '#', '', 0, b'1', b'1', 'admin', '2021-01-05 17:03:48', '', '2022-04-20 17:03:10', b'0');
INSERT INTO `system_menu` VALUES (1022, '岗位新增', 'system:post:create', 3, 2, 104, '', '', '', 0, b'1', b'1', 'admin', '2021-01-05 17:03:48', '1', '2022-04-20 17:03:10', b'0');
INSERT INTO `system_menu` VALUES (1023, '岗位修改', 'system:post:update', 3, 3, 104, '', '', '', 0, b'1', b'1', 'admin', '2021-01-05 17:03:48', '1', '2022-04-20 17:03:10', b'0');
INSERT INTO `system_menu` VALUES (1024, '岗位删除', 'system:post:delete', 3, 4, 104, '', '', '', 0, b'1', b'1', 'admin', '2021-01-05 17:03:48', '1', '2022-04-20 17:03:10', b'0');
INSERT INTO `system_menu` VALUES (1025, '岗位导出', 'system:post:export', 3, 5, 104, '', '#', '', 0, b'1', b'1', 'admin', '2021-01-05 17:03:48', '', '2022-04-20 17:03:10', b'0');
INSERT INTO `system_menu` VALUES (1026, '字典查询', 'system:dict:query', 3, 1, 105, '#', '#', '', 0, b'1', b'1', 'admin', '2021-01-05 17:03:48', '', '2022-04-20 17:03:10', b'0');
INSERT INTO `system_menu` VALUES (1027, '字典新增', 'system:dict:create', 3, 2, 105, '', '', '', 0, b'1', b'1', 'admin', '2021-01-05 17:03:48', '1', '2022-04-20 17:03:10', b'0');
INSERT INTO `system_menu` VALUES (1028, '字典修改', 'system:dict:update', 3, 3, 105, '', '', '', 0, b'1', b'1', 'admin', '2021-01-05 17:03:48', '1', '2022-04-20 17:03:10', b'0');
INSERT INTO `system_menu` VALUES (1029, '字典删除', 'system:dict:delete', 3, 4, 105, '', '', '', 0, b'1', b'1', 'admin', '2021-01-05 17:03:48', '1', '2022-04-20 17:03:10', b'0');
INSERT INTO `system_menu` VALUES (1030, '字典导出', 'system:dict:export', 3, 5, 105, '#', '#', '', 0, b'1', b'1', 'admin', '2021-01-05 17:03:48', '', '2022-04-20 17:03:10', b'0');
INSERT INTO `system_menu` VALUES (1031, '配置查询', 'infra:config:query', 3, 1, 106, '', '', '', 0, b'1', b'1', 'admin', '2021-01-05 17:03:48', '', '2022-04-20 17:03:10', b'0');
INSERT INTO `system_menu` VALUES (1032, '配置新增', 'infra:config:create', 3, 2, 106, '', '', '', 0, b'1', b'1', 'admin', '2021-01-05 17:03:48', '1', '2022-04-20 17:03:10', b'0');
INSERT INTO `system_menu` VALUES (1033, '配置修改', 'infra:config:update', 3, 3, 106, '', '', '', 0, b'1', b'1', 'admin', '2021-01-05 17:03:48', '1', '2022-04-20 17:03:10', b'0');
INSERT INTO `system_menu` VALUES (1034, '配置删除', 'infra:config:delete', 3, 4, 106, '', '', '', 0, b'1', b'1', 'admin', '2021-01-05 17:03:48', '1', '2022-04-20 17:03:10', b'0');
INSERT INTO `system_menu` VALUES (1035, '配置导出', 'infra:config:export', 3, 5, 106, '', '', '', 0, b'1', b'1', 'admin', '2021-01-05 17:03:48', '', '2022-04-20 17:03:10', b'0');
INSERT INTO `system_menu` VALUES (1036, '公告查询', 'system:notice:query', 3, 1, 107, '#', '#', '', 0, b'1', b'1', 'admin', '2021-01-05 17:03:48', '', '2022-04-20 17:03:10', b'0');
INSERT INTO `system_menu` VALUES (1037, '公告新增', 'system:notice:create', 3, 2, 107, '', '', '', 0, b'1', b'1', 'admin', '2021-01-05 17:03:48', '1', '2022-04-20 17:03:10', b'0');
INSERT INTO `system_menu` VALUES (1038, '公告修改', 'system:notice:update', 3, 3, 107, '', '', '', 0, b'1', b'1', 'admin', '2021-01-05 17:03:48', '1', '2022-04-20 17:03:10', b'0');
INSERT INTO `system_menu` VALUES (1039, '公告删除', 'system:notice:delete', 3, 4, 107, '', '', '', 0, b'1', b'1', 'admin', '2021-01-05 17:03:48', '1', '2022-04-20 17:03:10', b'0');
INSERT INTO `system_menu` VALUES (1040, '操作查询', 'system:operate-log:query', 3, 1, 500, '', '', '', 0, b'1', b'1', 'admin', '2021-01-05 17:03:48', '', '2022-04-20 17:03:10', b'0');
INSERT INTO `system_menu` VALUES (1042, '日志导出', 'system:operate-log:export', 3, 2, 500, '', '', '', 0, b'1', b'1', 'admin', '2021-01-05 17:03:48', '', '2022-04-20 17:03:10', b'0');
INSERT INTO `system_menu` VALUES (1043, '登录查询', 'system:login-log:query', 3, 1, 501, '#', '#', '', 0, b'1', b'1', 'admin', '2021-01-05 17:03:48', '', '2022-04-20 17:03:10', b'0');
INSERT INTO `system_menu` VALUES (1045, '日志导出', 'system:login-log:export', 3, 3, 501, '#', '#', '', 0, b'1', b'1', 'admin', '2021-01-05 17:03:48', '', '2022-04-20 17:03:10', b'0');
INSERT INTO `system_menu` VALUES (1046, '令牌列表', 'system:oauth2-token:page', 3, 1, 109, '', '', '', 0, b'1', b'1', 'admin', '2021-01-05 17:03:48', '1', '2022-05-09 23:54:42', b'0');
INSERT INTO `system_menu` VALUES (1048, '令牌删除', 'system:oauth2-token:delete', 3, 2, 109, '', '', '', 0, b'1', b'1', 'admin', '2021-01-05 17:03:48', '1', '2022-05-09 23:54:53', b'0');
INSERT INTO `system_menu` VALUES (1050, '任务新增', 'infra:job:create', 3, 2, 110, '', '', '', 0, b'1', b'1', 'admin', '2021-01-05 17:03:48', '', '2022-04-20 17:03:10', b'0');
INSERT INTO `system_menu` VALUES (1051, '任务修改', 'infra:job:update', 3, 3, 110, '', '', '', 0, b'1', b'1', 'admin', '2021-01-05 17:03:48', '', '2022-04-20 17:03:10', b'0');
INSERT INTO `system_menu` VALUES (1052, '任务删除', 'infra:job:delete', 3, 4, 110, '', '', '', 0, b'1', b'1', 'admin', '2021-01-05 17:03:48', '', '2022-04-20 17:03:10', b'0');
INSERT INTO `system_menu` VALUES (1053, '状态修改', 'infra:job:update', 3, 5, 110, '', '', '', 0, b'1', b'1', 'admin', '2021-01-05 17:03:48', '', '2022-04-20 17:03:10', b'0');
INSERT INTO `system_menu` VALUES (1054, '任务导出', 'infra:job:export', 3, 7, 110, '', '', '', 0, b'1', b'1', 'admin', '2021-01-05 17:03:48', '', '2022-04-20 17:03:10', b'0');
INSERT INTO `system_menu` VALUES (1056, '生成修改', 'infra:codegen:update', 3, 2, 115, '', '', '', 0, b'1', b'1', 'admin', '2021-01-05 17:03:48', '1', '2022-04-20 17:03:10', b'0');
INSERT INTO `system_menu` VALUES (1057, '生成删除', 'infra:codegen:delete', 3, 3, 115, '', '', '', 0, b'1', b'1', 'admin', '2021-01-05 17:03:48', '1', '2022-04-20 17:03:10', b'0');
INSERT INTO `system_menu` VALUES (1058, '导入代码', 'infra:codegen:create', 3, 2, 115, '', '', '', 0, b'1', b'1', 'admin', '2021-01-05 17:03:48', '1', '2022-04-20 17:03:10', b'0');
INSERT INTO `system_menu` VALUES (1059, '预览代码', 'infra:codegen:preview', 3, 4, 115, '', '', '', 0, b'1', b'1', 'admin', '2021-01-05 17:03:48', '1', '2022-04-20 17:03:10', b'0');
INSERT INTO `system_menu` VALUES (1060, '生成代码', 'infra:codegen:download', 3, 5, 115, '', '', '', 0, b'1', b'1', 'admin', '2021-01-05 17:03:48', '1', '2022-04-20 17:03:10', b'0');
INSERT INTO `system_menu` VALUES (1063, '设置角色菜单权限', 'system:permission:assign-role-menu', 3, 6, 101, '', '', '', 0, b'1', b'1', '', '2021-01-06 17:53:44', '', '2022-04-20 17:03:10', b'0');
INSERT INTO `system_menu` VALUES (1064, '设置角色数据权限', 'system:permission:assign-role-data-scope', 3, 7, 101, '', '', '', 0, b'1', b'1', '', '2021-01-06 17:56:31', '', '2022-04-20 17:03:10', b'0');
INSERT INTO `system_menu` VALUES (1065, '设置用户角色', 'system:permission:assign-user-role', 3, 8, 101, '', '', '', 0, b'1', b'1', '', '2021-01-07 10:23:28', '', '2022-04-20 17:03:10', b'0');
INSERT INTO `system_menu` VALUES (1066, '获得 Redis 监控信息', 'infra:redis:get-monitor-info', 3, 1, 113, '', '', '', 0, b'1', b'1', '', '2021-01-26 01:02:31', '', '2022-04-20 17:03:10', b'0');
INSERT INTO `system_menu` VALUES (1067, '获得 Redis Key 列表', 'infra:redis:get-key-list', 3, 2, 113, '', '', '', 0, b'1', b'1', '', '2021-01-26 01:02:52', '', '2022-04-20 17:03:10', b'0');
INSERT INTO `system_menu` VALUES (1070, '代码生成示例', 'infra:test-demo:query', 2, 1, 2, 'test-demo', 'ep:baseball', 'infra/testDemo/index', 0, b'1', b'1', '', '2021-02-06 12:42:49', '1', '2022-07-20 14:46:53', b'0');
INSERT INTO `system_menu` VALUES (1071, '测试示例表创建', 'infra:test-demo:create', 3, 1, 1070, '', '', '', 0, b'1', b'1', '', '2021-02-06 12:42:49', '1', '2022-04-20 17:03:10', b'0');
INSERT INTO `system_menu` VALUES (1072, '测试示例表更新', 'infra:test-demo:update', 3, 2, 1070, '', '', '', 0, b'1', b'1', '', '2021-02-06 12:42:49', '1', '2022-04-20 17:03:10', b'0');
INSERT INTO `system_menu` VALUES (1073, '测试示例表删除', 'infra:test-demo:delete', 3, 3, 1070, '', '', '', 0, b'1', b'1', '', '2021-02-06 12:42:49', '1', '2022-04-20 17:03:10', b'0');
INSERT INTO `system_menu` VALUES (1074, '测试示例表导出', 'infra:test-demo:export', 3, 4, 1070, '', '', '', 0, b'1', b'1', '', '2021-02-06 12:42:49', '1', '2022-04-20 17:03:10', b'0');
INSERT INTO `system_menu` VALUES (1075, '任务触发', 'infra:job:trigger', 3, 8, 110, '', '', '', 0, b'1', b'1', '', '2021-02-07 13:03:10', '', '2022-04-20 17:03:10', b'0');
INSERT INTO `system_menu` VALUES (1076, '数据库文档', '', 2, 4, 2, 'db-doc', 'ep:grid', 'infra/dbDoc/index', 0, b'1', b'1', '', '2021-02-08 01:41:47', '1', '2022-07-20 14:47:56', b'0');
INSERT INTO `system_menu` VALUES (1077, '监控平台', '', 2, 13, 2, 'skywalking', 'ep:aim', 'infra/skywalking/index', 0, b'1', b'1', '', '2021-02-08 20:41:31', '1', '2022-07-20 14:49:15', b'0');
INSERT INTO `system_menu` VALUES (1078, '访问日志', '', 2, 1, 1083, 'api-access-log', 'log', 'infra/apiAccessLog/index', 0, b'1', b'1', '', '2021-02-26 01:32:59', '1', '2022-04-20 17:03:10', b'0');
INSERT INTO `system_menu` VALUES (1082, '日志导出', 'infra:api-access-log:export', 3, 2, 1078, '', '', '', 0, b'1', b'1', '', '2021-02-26 01:32:59', '1', '2022-04-20 17:03:10', b'0');
INSERT INTO `system_menu` VALUES (1083, 'API 日志', '', 2, 8, 2, 'log', 'ep:bell', NULL, 0, b'1', b'1', '', '2021-02-26 02:18:24', '1', '2022-07-20 14:48:36', b'0');
INSERT INTO `system_menu` VALUES (1084, '错误日志', 'infra:api-error-log:query', 2, 2, 1083, 'api-error-log', 'log', 'infra/apiErrorLog/index', 0, b'1', b'1', '', '2021-02-26 07:53:20', '', '2022-04-20 17:03:10', b'0');
INSERT INTO `system_menu` VALUES (1085, '日志处理', 'infra:api-error-log:update-status', 3, 2, 1084, '', '', '', 0, b'1', b'1', '', '2021-02-26 07:53:20', '1', '2022-04-20 17:03:10', b'0');
INSERT INTO `system_menu` VALUES (1086, '日志导出', 'infra:api-error-log:export', 3, 3, 1084, '', '', '', 0, b'1', b'1', '', '2021-02-26 07:53:20', '1', '2022-04-20 17:03:10', b'0');
INSERT INTO `system_menu` VALUES (1087, '任务查询', 'infra:job:query', 3, 1, 110, '', '', '', 0, b'1', b'1', '1', '2021-03-10 01:26:19', '1', '2022-04-20 17:03:10', b'0');
INSERT INTO `system_menu` VALUES (1088, '日志查询', 'infra:api-access-log:query', 3, 1, 1078, '', '', '', 0, b'1', b'1', '1', '2021-03-10 01:28:04', '1', '2022-04-20 17:03:10', b'0');
INSERT INTO `system_menu` VALUES (1089, '日志查询', 'infra:api-error-log:query', 3, 1, 1084, '', '', '', 0, b'1', b'1', '1', '2021-03-10 01:29:09', '1', '2022-04-20 17:03:10', b'0');
INSERT INTO `system_menu` VALUES (1090, '文件列表', '', 2, 5, 1243, 'file-list', 'upload', 'infra/fileList/index', 0, b'1', b'1', '', '2021-03-12 20:16:20', '1', '2022-07-20 12:10:47', b'0');
INSERT INTO `system_menu` VALUES (1091, '文件查询', 'infra:file:query', 3, 1, 1090, '', '', '', 0, b'1', b'1', '', '2021-03-12 20:16:20', '', '2022-04-20 17:03:10', b'0');
INSERT INTO `system_menu` VALUES (1092, '文件删除', 'infra:file:delete', 3, 4, 1090, '', '', '', 0, b'1', b'1', '', '2021-03-12 20:16:20', '', '2022-04-20 17:03:10', b'0');
INSERT INTO `system_menu` VALUES (1093, '短信管理', '', 1, 11, 1, 'sms', 'ep:chat-dot-square', NULL, 0, b'1', b'1', '1', '2021-04-05 01:10:16', '1', '2022-07-20 14:43:32', b'0');
INSERT INTO `system_menu` VALUES (1094, '短信渠道', '', 2, 0, 1093, 'sms-channel', 'phone', 'system/sms/smsChannel', 0, b'1', b'1', '', '2021-04-01 11:07:15', '1', '2022-04-20 17:03:10', b'0');
INSERT INTO `system_menu` VALUES (1095, '短信渠道查询', 'system:sms-channel:query', 3, 1, 1094, '', '', '', 0, b'1', b'1', '', '2021-04-01 11:07:15', '', '2022-04-20 17:03:10', b'0');
INSERT INTO `system_menu` VALUES (1096, '短信渠道创建', 'system:sms-channel:create', 3, 2, 1094, '', '', '', 0, b'1', b'1', '', '2021-04-01 11:07:15', '', '2022-04-20 17:03:10', b'0');
INSERT INTO `system_menu` VALUES (1097, '短信渠道更新', 'system:sms-channel:update', 3, 3, 1094, '', '', '', 0, b'1', b'1', '', '2021-04-01 11:07:15', '', '2022-04-20 17:03:10', b'0');
INSERT INTO `system_menu` VALUES (1098, '短信渠道删除', 'system:sms-channel:delete', 3, 4, 1094, '', '', '', 0, b'1', b'1', '', '2021-04-01 11:07:15', '', '2022-04-20 17:03:10', b'0');
INSERT INTO `system_menu` VALUES (1100, '短信模板', '', 2, 1, 1093, 'sms-template', 'phone', 'system/sms/smsTemplate', 0, b'1', b'1', '', '2021-04-01 17:35:17', '1', '2022-04-20 17:03:10', b'0');
INSERT INTO `system_menu` VALUES (1101, '短信模板查询', 'system:sms-template:query', 3, 1, 1100, '', '', '', 0, b'1', b'1', '', '2021-04-01 17:35:17', '', '2022-04-20 17:03:10', b'0');
INSERT INTO `system_menu` VALUES (1102, '短信模板创建', 'system:sms-template:create', 3, 2, 1100, '', '', '', 0, b'1', b'1', '', '2021-04-01 17:35:17', '', '2022-04-20 17:03:10', b'0');
INSERT INTO `system_menu` VALUES (1103, '短信模板更新', 'system:sms-template:update', 3, 3, 1100, '', '', '', 0, b'1', b'1', '', '2021-04-01 17:35:17', '', '2022-04-20 17:03:10', b'0');
INSERT INTO `system_menu` VALUES (1104, '短信模板删除', 'system:sms-template:delete', 3, 4, 1100, '', '', '', 0, b'1', b'1', '', '2021-04-01 17:35:17', '', '2022-04-20 17:03:10', b'0');
INSERT INTO `system_menu` VALUES (1105, '短信模板导出', 'system:sms-template:export', 3, 5, 1100, '', '', '', 0, b'1', b'1', '', '2021-04-01 17:35:17', '', '2022-04-20 17:03:10', b'0');
INSERT INTO `system_menu` VALUES (1106, '发送测试短信', 'system:sms-template:send-sms', 3, 6, 1100, '', '', '', 0, b'1', b'1', '1', '2021-04-11 00:26:40', '1', '2022-04-20 17:03:10', b'0');
INSERT INTO `system_menu` VALUES (1107, '短信日志', '', 2, 2, 1093, 'sms-log', 'phone', 'system/sms/smsLog', 0, b'1', b'1', '', '2021-04-11 08:37:05', '1', '2022-04-20 17:03:10', b'0');
INSERT INTO `system_menu` VALUES (1108, '短信日志查询', 'system:sms-log:query', 3, 1, 1107, '', '', '', 0, b'1', b'1', '', '2021-04-11 08:37:05', '', '2022-04-20 17:03:10', b'0');
INSERT INTO `system_menu` VALUES (1109, '短信日志导出', 'system:sms-log:export', 3, 5, 1107, '', '', '', 0, b'1', b'1', '', '2021-04-11 08:37:05', '', '2022-04-20 17:03:10', b'0');
INSERT INTO `system_menu` VALUES (1110, '错误码管理', '', 2, 12, 1, 'error-code', 'ep:document-delete', 'system/errorCode/index', 0, b'1', b'1', '', '2021-04-13 21:46:42', '1', '2022-07-20 14:43:42', b'0');
INSERT INTO `system_menu` VALUES (1111, '错误码查询', 'system:error-code:query', 3, 1, 1110, '', '', '', 0, b'1', b'1', '', '2021-04-13 21:46:42', '', '2022-04-20 17:03:10', b'0');
INSERT INTO `system_menu` VALUES (1112, '错误码创建', 'system:error-code:create', 3, 2, 1110, '', '', '', 0, b'1', b'1', '', '2021-04-13 21:46:42', '', '2022-04-20 17:03:10', b'0');
INSERT INTO `system_menu` VALUES (1113, '错误码更新', 'system:error-code:update', 3, 3, 1110, '', '', '', 0, b'1', b'1', '', '2021-04-13 21:46:42', '', '2022-04-20 17:03:10', b'0');
INSERT INTO `system_menu` VALUES (1114, '错误码删除', 'system:error-code:delete', 3, 4, 1110, '', '', '', 0, b'1', b'1', '', '2021-04-13 21:46:42', '', '2022-04-20 17:03:10', b'0');
INSERT INTO `system_menu` VALUES (1115, '错误码导出', 'system:error-code:export', 3, 5, 1110, '', '', '', 0, b'1', b'1', '', '2021-04-13 21:46:42', '', '2022-04-20 17:03:10', b'0');
INSERT INTO `system_menu` VALUES (1117, '支付管理', '', 1, 11, 0, '/pay', 'ep:goods-filled', NULL, 0, b'1', b'1', '1', '2021-12-25 16:43:41', '1', '2022-07-20 13:11:45', b'0');
INSERT INTO `system_menu` VALUES (1118, '请假查询', '', 2, 0, 5, 'leave', 'user', 'bpm/oa/leave/index', 0, b'1', b'1', '', '2021-09-20 08:51:03', '1', '2022-04-20 17:03:10', b'0');
INSERT INTO `system_menu` VALUES (1119, '请假申请查询', 'bpm:oa-leave:query', 3, 1, 1118, '', '', '', 0, b'1', b'1', '', '2021-09-20 08:51:03', '1', '2022-04-20 17:03:10', b'0');
INSERT INTO `system_menu` VALUES (1120, '请假申请创建', 'bpm:oa-leave:create', 3, 2, 1118, '', '', '', 0, b'1', b'1', '', '2021-09-20 08:51:03', '1', '2022-04-20 17:03:10', b'0');
INSERT INTO `system_menu` VALUES (1126, '应用信息', '', 2, 1, 1117, 'app', 'ep:cellphone', 'pay/app/index', 0, b'1', b'1', '', '2021-11-10 01:13:30', '1', '2022-07-20 14:44:17', b'0');
INSERT INTO `system_menu` VALUES (1127, '支付应用信息查询', 'pay:app:query', 3, 1, 1126, '', '', '', 0, b'1', b'1', '', '2021-11-10 01:13:31', '', '2022-04-20 17:03:10', b'0');
INSERT INTO `system_menu` VALUES (1128, '支付应用信息创建', 'pay:app:create', 3, 2, 1126, '', '', '', 0, b'1', b'1', '', '2021-11-10 01:13:31', '', '2022-04-20 17:03:10', b'0');
INSERT INTO `system_menu` VALUES (1129, '支付应用信息更新', 'pay:app:update', 3, 3, 1126, '', '', '', 0, b'1', b'1', '', '2021-11-10 01:13:31', '', '2022-04-20 17:03:10', b'0');
INSERT INTO `system_menu` VALUES (1130, '支付应用信息删除', 'pay:app:delete', 3, 4, 1126, '', '', '', 0, b'1', b'1', '', '2021-11-10 01:13:31', '', '2022-04-20 17:03:10', b'0');
INSERT INTO `system_menu` VALUES (1131, '支付应用信息导出', 'pay:app:export', 3, 5, 1126, '', '', '', 0, b'1', b'1', '', '2021-11-10 01:13:31', '', '2022-04-20 17:03:10', b'0');
INSERT INTO `system_menu` VALUES (1132, '秘钥解析', 'pay:channel:parsing', 3, 6, 1129, '', '', '', 0, b'1', b'1', '1', '2021-11-08 15:15:47', '1', '2022-04-20 17:03:10', b'0');
INSERT INTO `system_menu` VALUES (1133, '支付商户信息查询', 'pay:merchant:query', 3, 1, 1132, '', '', '', 0, b'1', b'1', '', '2021-11-10 01:13:41', '', '2022-04-20 17:03:10', b'0');
INSERT INTO `system_menu` VALUES (1134, '支付商户信息创建', 'pay:merchant:create', 3, 2, 1132, '', '', '', 0, b'1', b'1', '', '2021-11-10 01:13:41', '', '2022-04-20 17:03:10', b'0');
INSERT INTO `system_menu` VALUES (1135, '支付商户信息更新', 'pay:merchant:update', 3, 3, 1132, '', '', '', 0, b'1', b'1', '', '2021-11-10 01:13:41', '', '2022-04-20 17:03:10', b'0');
INSERT INTO `system_menu` VALUES (1136, '支付商户信息删除', 'pay:merchant:delete', 3, 4, 1132, '', '', '', 0, b'1', b'1', '', '2021-11-10 01:13:41', '', '2022-04-20 17:03:10', b'0');
INSERT INTO `system_menu` VALUES (1137, '支付商户信息导出', 'pay:merchant:export', 3, 5, 1132, '', '', '', 0, b'1', b'1', '', '2021-11-10 01:13:41', '', '2022-04-20 17:03:10', b'0');
INSERT INTO `system_menu` VALUES (1138, '租户列表', '', 2, 0, 1224, 'list', 'peoples', 'system/tenant/index', 0, b'1', b'1', '', '2021-12-14 12:31:43', '1', '2022-04-20 17:03:10', b'0');
INSERT INTO `system_menu` VALUES (1139, '租户查询', 'system:tenant:query', 3, 1, 1138, '', '', '', 0, b'1', b'1', '', '2021-12-14 12:31:44', '', '2022-04-20 17:03:10', b'0');
INSERT INTO `system_menu` VALUES (1140, '租户创建', 'system:tenant:create', 3, 2, 1138, '', '', '', 0, b'1', b'1', '', '2021-12-14 12:31:44', '', '2022-04-20 17:03:10', b'0');
INSERT INTO `system_menu` VALUES (1141, '租户更新', 'system:tenant:update', 3, 3, 1138, '', '', '', 0, b'1', b'1', '', '2021-12-14 12:31:44', '', '2022-04-20 17:03:10', b'0');
INSERT INTO `system_menu` VALUES (1142, '租户删除', 'system:tenant:delete', 3, 4, 1138, '', '', '', 0, b'1', b'1', '', '2021-12-14 12:31:44', '', '2022-04-20 17:03:10', b'0');
INSERT INTO `system_menu` VALUES (1143, '租户导出', 'system:tenant:export', 3, 5, 1138, '', '', '', 0, b'1', b'1', '', '2021-12-14 12:31:44', '', '2022-04-20 17:03:10', b'0');
INSERT INTO `system_menu` VALUES (1150, '秘钥解析', '', 3, 6, 1129, '', '', '', 0, b'1', b'1', '1', '2021-11-08 15:15:47', '1', '2022-04-20 17:03:10', b'0');
INSERT INTO `system_menu` VALUES (1161, '退款订单', '', 2, 3, 1117, 'refund', 'ep:message-box', 'pay/refund/index', 0, b'1', b'1', '', '2021-12-25 08:29:07', '1', '2022-07-20 14:45:23', b'0');
INSERT INTO `system_menu` VALUES (1162, '退款订单查询', 'pay:refund:query', 3, 1, 1161, '', '', '', 0, b'1', b'1', '', '2021-12-25 08:29:07', '', '2022-04-20 17:03:10', b'0');
INSERT INTO `system_menu` VALUES (1163, '退款订单创建', 'pay:refund:create', 3, 2, 1161, '', '', '', 0, b'1', b'1', '', '2021-12-25 08:29:07', '', '2022-04-20 17:03:10', b'0');
INSERT INTO `system_menu` VALUES (1164, '退款订单更新', 'pay:refund:update', 3, 3, 1161, '', '', '', 0, b'1', b'1', '', '2021-12-25 08:29:07', '', '2022-04-20 17:03:10', b'0');
INSERT INTO `system_menu` VALUES (1165, '退款订单删除', 'pay:refund:delete', 3, 4, 1161, '', '', '', 0, b'1', b'1', '', '2021-12-25 08:29:07', '', '2022-04-20 17:03:10', b'0');
INSERT INTO `system_menu` VALUES (1166, '退款订单导出', 'pay:refund:export', 3, 5, 1161, '', '', '', 0, b'1', b'1', '', '2021-12-25 08:29:07', '', '2022-04-20 17:03:10', b'0');
INSERT INTO `system_menu` VALUES (1173, '支付订单', '', 2, 2, 1117, 'order', 'ep:histogram', 'pay/order/index', 0, b'1', b'1', '', '2021-12-25 08:49:43', '1', '2022-07-20 14:44:36', b'0');
INSERT INTO `system_menu` VALUES (1174, '支付订单查询', 'pay:order:query', 3, 1, 1173, '', '', '', 0, b'1', b'1', '', '2021-12-25 08:49:43', '', '2022-04-20 17:03:10', b'0');
INSERT INTO `system_menu` VALUES (1175, '支付订单创建', 'pay:order:create', 3, 2, 1173, '', '', '', 0, b'1', b'1', '', '2021-12-25 08:49:43', '', '2022-04-20 17:03:10', b'0');
INSERT INTO `system_menu` VALUES (1176, '支付订单更新', 'pay:order:update', 3, 3, 1173, '', '', '', 0, b'1', b'1', '', '2021-12-25 08:49:43', '', '2022-04-20 17:03:10', b'0');
INSERT INTO `system_menu` VALUES (1177, '支付订单删除', 'pay:order:delete', 3, 4, 1173, '', '', '', 0, b'1', b'1', '', '2021-12-25 08:49:43', '', '2022-04-20 17:03:10', b'0');
INSERT INTO `system_menu` VALUES (1178, '支付订单导出', 'pay:order:export', 3, 5, 1173, '', '', '', 0, b'1', b'1', '', '2021-12-25 08:49:43', '', '2022-04-20 17:03:10', b'0');
INSERT INTO `system_menu` VALUES (1179, '商户信息', '', 2, 0, 1117, 'merchant', 'ep:goods', 'pay/merchant/index', 0, b'1', b'1', '', '2021-12-25 09:01:44', '1', '2022-07-20 14:44:58', b'0');
INSERT INTO `system_menu` VALUES (1180, '支付商户信息查询', 'pay:merchant:query', 3, 1, 1179, '', '', '', 0, b'1', b'1', '', '2021-12-25 09:01:44', '', '2022-04-20 17:03:10', b'0');
INSERT INTO `system_menu` VALUES (1181, '支付商户信息创建', 'pay:merchant:create', 3, 2, 1179, '', '', '', 0, b'1', b'1', '', '2021-12-25 09:01:44', '', '2022-04-20 17:03:10', b'0');
INSERT INTO `system_menu` VALUES (1182, '支付商户信息更新', 'pay:merchant:update', 3, 3, 1179, '', '', '', 0, b'1', b'1', '', '2021-12-25 09:01:44', '', '2022-04-20 17:03:10', b'0');
INSERT INTO `system_menu` VALUES (1183, '支付商户信息删除', '', 3, 4, 1179, '', '', '', 0, b'1', b'1', '', '2021-12-25 09:01:44', '', '2022-04-20 17:03:10', b'0');
INSERT INTO `system_menu` VALUES (1184, '支付商户信息导出', 'pay:merchant:export', 3, 5, 1179, '', '', '', 0, b'1', b'1', '', '2021-12-25 09:01:44', '', '2022-04-20 17:03:10', b'0');
INSERT INTO `system_menu` VALUES (1185, '工作流程', '', 1, 50, 0, '/bpm', 'ep:checked', NULL, 0, b'1', b'1', '1', '2021-12-30 20:26:36', '1', '2022-07-20 13:12:35', b'0');
INSERT INTO `system_menu` VALUES (1186, '流程管理', '', 1, 10, 1185, 'manager', 'ep:collection-tag', NULL, 0, b'1', b'1', '1', '2021-12-30 20:28:30', '1', '2022-07-20 14:50:31', b'0');
INSERT INTO `system_menu` VALUES (1187, '流程表单', '', 2, 0, 1186, 'form', 'form', 'bpm/form/index', 0, b'1', b'1', '', '2021-12-30 12:38:22', '1', '2022-04-20 17:03:10', b'0');
INSERT INTO `system_menu` VALUES (1188, '表单查询', 'bpm:form:query', 3, 1, 1187, '', '', '', 0, b'1', b'1', '', '2021-12-30 12:38:22', '1', '2022-04-20 17:03:10', b'0');
INSERT INTO `system_menu` VALUES (1189, '表单创建', 'bpm:form:create', 3, 2, 1187, '', '', '', 0, b'1', b'1', '', '2021-12-30 12:38:22', '1', '2022-04-20 17:03:10', b'0');
INSERT INTO `system_menu` VALUES (1190, '表单更新', 'bpm:form:update', 3, 3, 1187, '', '', '', 0, b'1', b'1', '', '2021-12-30 12:38:22', '1', '2022-04-20 17:03:10', b'0');
INSERT INTO `system_menu` VALUES (1191, '表单删除', 'bpm:form:delete', 3, 4, 1187, '', '', '', 0, b'1', b'1', '', '2021-12-30 12:38:22', '1', '2022-04-20 17:03:10', b'0');
INSERT INTO `system_menu` VALUES (1192, '表单导出', 'bpm:form:export', 3, 5, 1187, '', '', '', 0, b'1', b'1', '', '2021-12-30 12:38:22', '1', '2022-04-20 17:03:10', b'0');
INSERT INTO `system_menu` VALUES (1193, '流程模型', '', 2, 5, 1186, 'model', 'guide', 'bpm/model/index', 0, b'1', b'1', '1', '2021-12-31 23:24:58', '103', '2022-04-20 17:03:10', b'0');
INSERT INTO `system_menu` VALUES (1194, '模型查询', 'bpm:model:query', 3, 1, 1193, '', '', '', 0, b'1', b'1', '1', '2022-01-03 19:01:10', '1', '2022-04-20 17:03:10', b'0');
INSERT INTO `system_menu` VALUES (1195, '模型创建', 'bpm:model:create', 3, 2, 1193, '', '', '', 0, b'1', b'1', '1', '2022-01-03 19:01:24', '1', '2022-04-20 17:03:10', b'0');
INSERT INTO `system_menu` VALUES (1196, '模型导入', 'bpm:model:import', 3, 3, 1193, '', '', '', 0, b'1', b'1', '1', '2022-01-03 19:01:35', '1', '2022-04-20 17:03:10', b'0');
INSERT INTO `system_menu` VALUES (1197, '模型更新', 'bpm:model:update', 3, 4, 1193, '', '', '', 0, b'1', b'1', '1', '2022-01-03 19:02:28', '1', '2022-04-20 17:03:10', b'0');
INSERT INTO `system_menu` VALUES (1198, '模型删除', 'bpm:model:delete', 3, 5, 1193, '', '', '', 0, b'1', b'1', '1', '2022-01-03 19:02:43', '1', '2022-04-20 17:03:10', b'0');
INSERT INTO `system_menu` VALUES (1199, '模型发布', 'bpm:model:deploy', 3, 6, 1193, '', '', '', 0, b'1', b'1', '1', '2022-01-03 19:03:24', '1', '2022-04-20 17:03:10', b'0');
INSERT INTO `system_menu` VALUES (1200, '任务管理', '', 1, 20, 1185, 'task', 'ep:calendar', NULL, 0, b'1', b'1', '1', '2022-01-07 23:51:48', '1', '2022-07-20 14:50:40', b'0');
INSERT INTO `system_menu` VALUES (1201, '我的流程', '', 2, 0, 1200, 'my', 'people', 'bpm/processInstance/index', 0, b'1', b'1', '', '2022-01-07 15:53:44', '1', '2022-04-20 17:03:10', b'0');
INSERT INTO `system_menu` VALUES (1202, '流程实例的查询', 'bpm:process-instance:query', 3, 1, 1201, '', '', '', 0, b'1', b'1', '', '2022-01-07 15:53:44', '1', '2022-04-20 17:03:10', b'0');
INSERT INTO `system_menu` VALUES (1207, '待办任务', '', 2, 10, 1200, 'todo', 'eye-open', 'bpm/task/todo', 0, b'1', b'1', '1', '2022-01-08 10:33:37', '1', '2022-04-20 17:03:10', b'0');
INSERT INTO `system_menu` VALUES (1208, '已办任务', '', 2, 20, 1200, 'done', 'eye', 'bpm/task/done', 0, b'1', b'1', '1', '2022-01-08 10:34:13', '1', '2022-04-20 17:03:10', b'0');
INSERT INTO `system_menu` VALUES (1209, '用户分组', '', 2, 2, 1186, 'user-group', 'people', 'bpm/group/index', 0, b'1', b'1', '', '2022-01-14 02:14:20', '103', '2022-04-20 17:03:10', b'0');
INSERT INTO `system_menu` VALUES (1210, '用户组查询', 'bpm:user-group:query', 3, 1, 1209, '', '', '', 0, b'1', b'1', '', '2022-01-14 02:14:20', '', '2022-04-20 17:03:10', b'0');
INSERT INTO `system_menu` VALUES (1211, '用户组创建', 'bpm:user-group:create', 3, 2, 1209, '', '', '', 0, b'1', b'1', '', '2022-01-14 02:14:20', '', '2022-04-20 17:03:10', b'0');
INSERT INTO `system_menu` VALUES (1212, '用户组更新', 'bpm:user-group:update', 3, 3, 1209, '', '', '', 0, b'1', b'1', '', '2022-01-14 02:14:20', '', '2022-04-20 17:03:10', b'0');
INSERT INTO `system_menu` VALUES (1213, '用户组删除', 'bpm:user-group:delete', 3, 4, 1209, '', '', '', 0, b'1', b'1', '', '2022-01-14 02:14:20', '', '2022-04-20 17:03:10', b'0');
INSERT INTO `system_menu` VALUES (1215, '流程定义查询', 'bpm:process-definition:query', 3, 10, 1193, '', '', '', 0, b'1', b'1', '1', '2022-01-23 00:21:43', '1', '2022-04-20 17:03:10', b'0');
INSERT INTO `system_menu` VALUES (1216, '流程任务分配规则查询', 'bpm:task-assign-rule:query', 3, 20, 1193, '', '', '', 0, b'1', b'1', '1', '2022-01-23 00:26:53', '1', '2022-04-20 17:03:10', b'0');
INSERT INTO `system_menu` VALUES (1217, '流程任务分配规则创建', 'bpm:task-assign-rule:create', 3, 21, 1193, '', '', '', 0, b'1', b'1', '1', '2022-01-23 00:28:15', '1', '2022-04-20 17:03:10', b'0');
INSERT INTO `system_menu` VALUES (1218, '流程任务分配规则更新', 'bpm:task-assign-rule:update', 3, 22, 1193, '', '', '', 0, b'1', b'1', '1', '2022-01-23 00:28:41', '1', '2022-04-20 17:03:10', b'0');
INSERT INTO `system_menu` VALUES (1219, '流程实例的创建', 'bpm:process-instance:create', 3, 2, 1201, '', '', '', 0, b'1', b'1', '1', '2022-01-23 00:36:15', '1', '2022-04-20 17:03:10', b'0');
INSERT INTO `system_menu` VALUES (1220, '流程实例的取消', 'bpm:process-instance:cancel', 3, 3, 1201, '', '', '', 0, b'1', b'1', '1', '2022-01-23 00:36:33', '1', '2022-04-20 17:03:10', b'0');
INSERT INTO `system_menu` VALUES (1221, '流程任务的查询', 'bpm:task:query', 3, 1, 1207, '', '', '', 0, b'1', b'1', '1', '2022-01-23 00:38:52', '1', '2022-04-20 17:03:10', b'0');
INSERT INTO `system_menu` VALUES (1222, '流程任务的更新', 'bpm:task:update', 3, 2, 1207, '', '', '', 0, b'1', b'1', '1', '2022-01-23 00:39:24', '1', '2022-04-20 17:03:10', b'0');
INSERT INTO `system_menu` VALUES (1224, '租户管理', '', 2, 0, 1, 'tenant', 'ep:cherry', NULL, 0, b'1', b'1', '1', '2022-02-20 01:41:13', '1', '2022-07-20 14:51:46', b'0');
INSERT INTO `system_menu` VALUES (1225, '租户套餐', '', 2, 0, 1224, 'package', 'eye', 'system/tenantPackage/index', 0, b'1', b'1', '', '2022-02-19 17:44:06', '1', '2022-04-21 01:21:25', b'0');
INSERT INTO `system_menu` VALUES (1226, '租户套餐查询', 'system:tenant-package:query', 3, 1, 1225, '', '', '', 0, b'1', b'1', '', '2022-02-19 17:44:06', '', '2022-04-20 17:03:10', b'0');
INSERT INTO `system_menu` VALUES (1227, '租户套餐创建', 'system:tenant-package:create', 3, 2, 1225, '', '', '', 0, b'1', b'1', '', '2022-02-19 17:44:06', '', '2022-04-20 17:03:10', b'0');
INSERT INTO `system_menu` VALUES (1228, '租户套餐更新', 'system:tenant-package:update', 3, 3, 1225, '', '', '', 0, b'1', b'1', '', '2022-02-19 17:44:06', '', '2022-04-20 17:03:10', b'0');
INSERT INTO `system_menu` VALUES (1229, '租户套餐删除', 'system:tenant-package:delete', 3, 4, 1225, '', '', '', 0, b'1', b'1', '', '2022-02-19 17:44:06', '', '2022-04-20 17:03:10', b'0');
INSERT INTO `system_menu` VALUES (1237, '文件配置', '', 2, 0, 1243, 'file-config', 'config', 'infra/fileConfig/index', 0, b'1', b'1', '', '2022-03-15 14:35:28', '1', '2022-04-20 17:03:10', b'0');
INSERT INTO `system_menu` VALUES (1238, '文件配置查询', 'infra:file-config:query', 3, 1, 1237, '', '', '', 0, b'1', b'1', '', '2022-03-15 14:35:28', '', '2022-04-20 17:03:10', b'0');
INSERT INTO `system_menu` VALUES (1239, '文件配置创建', 'infra:file-config:create', 3, 2, 1237, '', '', '', 0, b'1', b'1', '', '2022-03-15 14:35:28', '', '2022-04-20 17:03:10', b'0');
INSERT INTO `system_menu` VALUES (1240, '文件配置更新', 'infra:file-config:update', 3, 3, 1237, '', '', '', 0, b'1', b'1', '', '2022-03-15 14:35:28', '', '2022-04-20 17:03:10', b'0');
INSERT INTO `system_menu` VALUES (1241, '文件配置删除', 'infra:file-config:delete', 3, 4, 1237, '', '', '', 0, b'1', b'1', '', '2022-03-15 14:35:28', '', '2022-04-20 17:03:10', b'0');
INSERT INTO `system_menu` VALUES (1242, '文件配置导出', 'infra:file-config:export', 3, 5, 1237, '', '', '', 0, b'1', b'1', '', '2022-03-15 14:35:28', '', '2022-04-20 17:03:10', b'0');
INSERT INTO `system_menu` VALUES (1243, '文件管理', '', 2, 5, 2, 'file', 'ep:folder-opened', NULL, 0, b'1', b'1', '1', '2022-03-16 23:47:40', '1', '2022-07-20 14:48:19', b'0');
INSERT INTO `system_menu` VALUES (1247, '敏感词管理', '', 2, 13, 1, 'sensitive-word', 'ep:document-copy', 'system/sensitiveWord/index', 0, b'1', b'1', '', '2022-04-07 16:55:03', '1', '2022-07-20 14:43:53', b'0');
INSERT INTO `system_menu` VALUES (1248, '敏感词查询', 'system:sensitive-word:query', 3, 1, 1247, '', '', '', 0, b'1', b'1', '', '2022-04-07 16:55:03', '', '2022-04-20 17:03:10', b'0');
INSERT INTO `system_menu` VALUES (1249, '敏感词创建', 'system:sensitive-word:create', 3, 2, 1247, '', '', '', 0, b'1', b'1', '', '2022-04-07 16:55:03', '', '2022-04-20 17:03:10', b'0');
INSERT INTO `system_menu` VALUES (1250, '敏感词更新', 'system:sensitive-word:update', 3, 3, 1247, '', '', '', 0, b'1', b'1', '', '2022-04-07 16:55:03', '', '2022-04-20 17:03:10', b'0');
INSERT INTO `system_menu` VALUES (1251, '敏感词删除', 'system:sensitive-word:delete', 3, 4, 1247, '', '', '', 0, b'1', b'1', '', '2022-04-07 16:55:03', '', '2022-04-20 17:03:10', b'0');
INSERT INTO `system_menu` VALUES (1252, '敏感词导出', 'system:sensitive-word:export', 3, 5, 1247, '', '', '', 0, b'1', b'1', '', '2022-04-07 16:55:03', '', '2022-04-20 17:03:10', b'0');
INSERT INTO `system_menu` VALUES (1254, '作者动态', '', 1, 0, 0, '', 'ep:bell-filled', NULL, 0, b'1', b'1', '1', '2022-04-23 01:03:15', '1', '2022-07-20 13:12:43', b'0');
INSERT INTO `system_menu` VALUES (1255, '数据源配置', '', 2, 1, 2, 'data-source-config', 'ep:coin', 'infra/dataSourceConfig/index', 0, b'1', b'1', '', '2022-04-27 14:37:32', '1', '2022-07-20 14:49:01', b'0');
INSERT INTO `system_menu` VALUES (1256, '数据源配置查询', 'infra:data-source-config:query', 3, 1, 1255, '', '', '', 0, b'1', b'1', '', '2022-04-27 14:37:32', '', '2022-04-27 14:37:32', b'0');
INSERT INTO `system_menu` VALUES (1257, '数据源配置创建', 'infra:data-source-config:create', 3, 2, 1255, '', '', '', 0, b'1', b'1', '', '2022-04-27 14:37:32', '', '2022-04-27 14:37:32', b'0');
INSERT INTO `system_menu` VALUES (1258, '数据源配置更新', 'infra:data-source-config:update', 3, 3, 1255, '', '', '', 0, b'1', b'1', '', '2022-04-27 14:37:32', '', '2022-04-27 14:37:32', b'0');
INSERT INTO `system_menu` VALUES (1259, '数据源配置删除', 'infra:data-source-config:delete', 3, 4, 1255, '', '', '', 0, b'1', b'1', '', '2022-04-27 14:37:32', '', '2022-04-27 14:37:32', b'0');
INSERT INTO `system_menu` VALUES (1260, '数据源配置导出', 'infra:data-source-config:export', 3, 5, 1255, '', '', '', 0, b'1', b'1', '', '2022-04-27 14:37:32', '', '2022-04-27 14:37:32', b'0');
INSERT INTO `system_menu` VALUES (1261, '授权管理', '', 1, 10, 1, 'oauth2', 'ep:connection', NULL, 0, b'1', b'1', '1', '2022-05-09 23:38:17', '1', '2022-07-20 14:43:23', b'0');
INSERT INTO `system_menu` VALUES (1263, '应用管理', '', 2, 0, 1261, 'oauth2/application', 'tool', 'system/oauth2/client/index', 0, b'1', b'1', '', '2022-05-10 16:26:33', '1', '2022-05-11 23:31:36', b'0');
INSERT INTO `system_menu` VALUES (1264, '客户端查询', 'system:oauth2-client:query', 3, 1, 1263, '', '', '', 0, b'1', b'1', '', '2022-05-10 16:26:33', '1', '2022-05-11 00:31:06', b'0');
INSERT INTO `system_menu` VALUES (1265, '客户端创建', 'system:oauth2-client:create', 3, 2, 1263, '', '', '', 0, b'1', b'1', '', '2022-05-10 16:26:33', '1', '2022-05-11 00:31:23', b'0');
INSERT INTO `system_menu` VALUES (1266, '客户端更新', 'system:oauth2-client:update', 3, 3, 1263, '', '', '', 0, b'1', b'1', '', '2022-05-10 16:26:33', '1', '2022-05-11 00:31:28', b'0');
INSERT INTO `system_menu` VALUES (1267, '客户端删除', 'system:oauth2-client:delete', 3, 4, 1263, '', '', '', 0, b'1', b'1', '', '2022-05-10 16:26:33', '1', '2022-05-11 00:31:33', b'0');

View File

@ -16,20 +16,19 @@
<!-- 统一依赖管理 -->
<!-- Web 相关 -->
<!-- DB 相关 -->
<!-- Config 配置中心相关 -->
<!-- Job 定时任务相关 -->
<!-- 服务保障相关 -->
@ -48,8 +47,8 @@
@ -419,7 +418,7 @@

View File

@ -2,14 +2,8 @@ package cn.iocoder.yudao.framework.common.util.collection;
import cn.hutool.core.collection.CollectionUtil;
import cn.hutool.core.util.ArrayUtil;
import cn.hutool.core.util.TypeUtil;
import org.springframework.cglib.core.TypeUtils;
import java.lang.reflect.Array;
import java.lang.reflect.ParameterizedType;
import java.lang.reflect.Type;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.function.Consumer;
import java.util.function.Function;
@ -53,4 +47,11 @@ public class ArrayUtils {
return ArrayUtil.toArray(from, (Class<T>) CollectionUtil.getElementType(from.iterator()));
public static <T> T get(T[] array, int index) {
if (null == array || index >= array.length) {
return null;
return array[index];

View File

@ -51,6 +51,10 @@ public class JsonUtils {
return objectMapper.writeValueAsBytes(object);
public static String toJsonPrettyString(Object object) {
return objectMapper.writerWithDefaultPrettyPrinter().writeValueAsString(object);
public static <T> T parseObject(String text, Class<T> clazz) {
if (StrUtil.isEmpty(text)) {
@ -132,7 +136,7 @@ public class JsonUtils {
public static boolean isJson(String text) {
return JSONUtil.isJson(text);
return JSONUtil.isTypeJSON(text);

View File

@ -38,6 +38,12 @@

View File

@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ package cn.iocoder.yudao.framework.tenant.config;
import lombok.Data;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Set;
@ -29,13 +30,13 @@ public class TenantProperties {
* 默认情况下每个请求需要带上 tenant-id 的请求头但是部分请求是无需带上的例如说短信回调支付回调等 Open API
private Set<String> ignoreUrls;
private Set<String> ignoreUrls = Collections.emptySet();
* 需要忽略多租户的表
* 即默认所有表都开启多租户的功能所以记得添加对应的 tenant_id 字段哟
private Set<String> ignoreTables;
private Set<String> ignoreTables = Collections.emptySet();

View File

@ -14,6 +14,7 @@
1. 基于 weixin-java-mp 库,对接微信公众号平台。目前主要解决微信公众号的支付场景。
2. 基于 weixin-java-miniapp 库,对接微信小程序。目前主要解决微信小程序的一键登录场景。

View File

@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ import com.ctrip.framework.apollo.tracer.Tracer;
import com.ctrip.framework.apollo.util.ConfigUtil;
import com.ctrip.framework.apollo.util.factory.DefaultPropertiesFactory;
import com.ctrip.framework.apollo.util.factory.PropertiesFactory;
import com.ctrip.framework.apollo.util.http.HttpUtil;
import com.ctrip.framework.apollo.util.http.DefaultHttpClient;
import com.ctrip.framework.apollo.util.yaml.YamlParser;
@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ public class DefaultXInjector implements Injector {

View File

@ -5,8 +5,9 @@ import cn.iocoder.yudao.framework.dict.core.util.DictFrameworkUtils;
import cn.iocoder.yudao.framework.excel.core.annotations.DictFormat;
import lombok.extern.slf4j.Slf4j;
@ -29,11 +30,11 @@ public class DictConvert implements Converter<Object> {
public Object convertToJavaData(CellData cellData, ExcelContentProperty contentProperty,
public Object convertToJavaData(ReadCellData readCellData, ExcelContentProperty contentProperty,
GlobalConfiguration globalConfiguration) {
// 使用字典解析
String type = getType(contentProperty);
String label = cellData.getStringValue();
String label = readCellData.getStringValue();
String value = DictFrameworkUtils.parseDictDataValue(type, label);
if (value == null) {
log.error("[convertToJavaData][type({}) 解析不掉 label({})]", type, label);
@ -45,11 +46,11 @@ public class DictConvert implements Converter<Object> {
public CellData<String> convertToExcelData(Object object, ExcelContentProperty contentProperty,
public WriteCellData<String> convertToExcelData(Object object, ExcelContentProperty contentProperty,
GlobalConfiguration globalConfiguration) {
// 空时返回空
if (object == null) {
return new CellData<>("");
return new WriteCellData<>("");
// 使用字典格式化
@ -58,10 +59,10 @@ public class DictConvert implements Converter<Object> {
String label = DictFrameworkUtils.getDictDataLabel(type, value);
if (label == null) {
log.error("[convertToExcelData][type({}) 转换不了 label({})]", type, value);
return new CellData<>("");
return new WriteCellData<>("");
// 生成 Excel 小表格
return new CellData<>(label);
return new WriteCellData<>(label);
private static String getType(ExcelContentProperty contentProperty) {

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@ -3,8 +3,8 @@ package cn.iocoder.yudao.framework.excel.core.convert;
import cn.iocoder.yudao.framework.common.util.json.JsonUtils;
@ -25,15 +25,10 @@ public class JsonConvert implements Converter<Object> {
public Object convertToJavaData(CellData cellData, ExcelContentProperty contentProperty, GlobalConfiguration globalConfiguration) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("暂不支持,也不需要");
public CellData<String> convertToExcelData(Object value, ExcelContentProperty contentProperty,
public WriteCellData<String> convertToExcelData(Object value, ExcelContentProperty contentProperty,
GlobalConfiguration globalConfiguration) {
// 生成 Excel 小表格
return new CellData<>(JsonUtils.toJsonString(value));
return new WriteCellData<>(JsonUtils.toJsonString(value));

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@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
<!-- flowable 工作流相关 -->

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@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ public class BizTraceAspect {
String operationName = getOperationName(joinPoint, trace);
Span span = tracer.buildSpan(operationName)
.withTag(Tags.COMPONENT.getKey(), "biz")
try {
// 执行原有方法
return joinPoint.proceed();

View File

@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
package cn.iocoder.yudao.framework.mybatis.core.query;
import cn.hutool.core.util.ArrayUtil;
import cn.iocoder.yudao.framework.common.util.collection.ArrayUtils;
import com.baomidou.mybatisplus.core.conditions.query.LambdaQueryWrapper;
import com.baomidou.mybatisplus.core.conditions.query.QueryWrapper;
import com.baomidou.mybatisplus.core.toolkit.ArrayUtils;
import com.baomidou.mybatisplus.core.toolkit.CollectionUtils;
import org.springframework.util.StringUtils;
@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ public class LambdaQueryWrapperX<T> extends LambdaQueryWrapper<T> {
public LambdaQueryWrapperX<T> inIfPresent(SFunction<T, ?> column, Object... values) {
if (!ArrayUtils.isEmpty(values)) {
if (!ArrayUtil.isEmpty(values)) {
return (LambdaQueryWrapperX<T>), values);
return this;
@ -94,6 +94,12 @@ public class LambdaQueryWrapperX<T> extends LambdaQueryWrapper<T> {
return this;
public LambdaQueryWrapperX<T> betweenIfPresent(SFunction<T, ?> column, Object[] values) {
Object val1 = ArrayUtils.get(values, 0);
Object val2 = ArrayUtils.get(values, 1);
return betweenIfPresent(column, val1, val2);
// ========== 重写父类方法方便链式调用 ==========

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@ -94,6 +94,19 @@ public class QueryWrapperX<T> extends QueryWrapper<T> {
return this;
public QueryWrapperX<T> betweenIfPresent(String column, Object[] values) {
if (values!= null && values.length != 0 && values[0] != null && values[1] != null) {
return (QueryWrapperX<T>) super.between(column, values[0], values[1]);
if (values!= null && values.length != 0 && values[0] != null) {
return (QueryWrapperX<T>) ge(column, values[0]);
if (values!= null && values.length != 0 && values[1] != null) {
return (QueryWrapperX<T>) le(column, values[1]);
return this;
// ========== 重写父类方法方便链式调用 ==========

View File

@ -118,16 +118,16 @@ public class YudaoWebSecurityConfigurerAdapter extends WebSecurityConfigurerAdap
// 全局共享规则
// 静态资源可匿名访问
// 1.1 静态资源可匿名访问
.antMatchers(HttpMethod.GET, "/*.html", "/**/*.html", "/**/*.css", "/**/*.js").permitAll()
// 设置 @PermitAll 无需认证
// 1.2 设置 @PermitAll 无需认证
.antMatchers(HttpMethod.GET, permitAllUrls.get(HttpMethod.GET).toArray(new String[0])).permitAll()
.antMatchers(HttpMethod.POST, permitAllUrls.get(HttpMethod.POST).toArray(new String[0])).permitAll()
.antMatchers(HttpMethod.PUT, permitAllUrls.get(HttpMethod.PUT).toArray(new String[0])).permitAll()
.antMatchers(HttpMethod.DELETE, permitAllUrls.get(HttpMethod.DELETE).toArray(new String[0])).permitAll()
// 基于 无需认证
// 1.3 基于 无需认证
.antMatchers(securityProperties.getPermitAllUrls().toArray(new String[0])).permitAll()
// 设置 App API 无需认证
// 1.4 设置 App API 无需认证
// 每个项目的自定义规则
.and().authorizeRequests(registry -> // 下面循环设置自定义规则
@ -137,7 +137,7 @@ public class YudaoWebSecurityConfigurerAdapter extends WebSecurityConfigurerAdap
// 添加 JWT Filter
// 添加 Token Filter
httpSecurity.addFilterBefore(authenticationTokenFilter, UsernamePasswordAuthenticationFilter.class);

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@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ public class RandomUtils {
// Integer
PODAM_FACTORY.getStrategy().addOrReplaceTypeManufacturer(Integer.class, (dataProviderStrategy, attributeMetadata, map) -> {
// 如果是 status 的字段返回 0 1
if (attributeMetadata.getAttributeName().equals("status")) {
if ("status".equals(attributeMetadata.getAttributeName())) {
return RandomUtil.randomEle(CommonStatusEnum.values()).getStatus();
// 如果是 typestatus 结尾的字段返回 tinyint 范围
@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ public class RandomUtils {
// Boolean
PODAM_FACTORY.getStrategy().addOrReplaceTypeManufacturer(Boolean.class, (dataProviderStrategy, attributeMetadata, map) -> {
// 如果是 deleted 的字段返回非删除
if (attributeMetadata.getAttributeName().equals("deleted")) {
if ("deleted".equals(attributeMetadata.getAttributeName())) {
return false;
return RandomUtil.randomBoolean();

View File

@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ public class YudaoSwaggerAutoConfiguration {
return Collections.singletonList(SecurityContext.builder()
// 通过 PathSelectors.regex("^(?!auth).*$")排除包含 "auth" 的接口不需要使用securitySchemes
.operationSelector(o -> o.requestMappingPattern().matches("^(?!auth).*$"))

View File

@ -26,11 +26,6 @@
<!-- 业务组件 -->

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@ -24,11 +24,7 @@ public class BpmUserGroupPageReqVO extends PageParam {
private Integer status;
@ApiModelProperty(value = "开始创建时间")
private Date beginCreateTime;
@ApiModelProperty(value = "结束创建时间")
private Date endCreateTime;
@ApiModelProperty(value = "创建时间")
private Date[] createTime;

View File

@ -24,11 +24,7 @@ public class BpmOALeavePageReqVO extends PageParam {
private String reason;
@ApiModelProperty(value = "开始申请时间")
private Date beginCreateTime;
@ApiModelProperty(value = "结束申请时间")
private Date endCreateTime;
@ApiModelProperty(value = "申请时间")
private Date[] createTime;

View File

@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ import static
public class BpmProcessInstanceController {
private BpmProcessInstanceService processInstanceService;

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@ -33,12 +33,8 @@ public class BpmProcessInstanceMyPageReqVO extends PageParam {
@ApiModelProperty(value = "流程分类", notes = "参见 bpm_model_category 数据字典", example = "1")
private String category;
@ApiModelProperty(value = "开始的创建时间")
@ApiModelProperty(value = "创建时间")
private Date beginCreateTime;
@ApiModelProperty(value = "结束的创建时间")
private Date endCreateTime;
private Date[] createTime;

View File

@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ import java.util.Date;
* Bpm 流程任务的拓展表
* 主要解决 Activiti Task HistoricTaskInstance 不支持拓展字段所以新建拓展表
* 主要解决 Flowable Task HistoricTaskInstance 不支持拓展字段所以新建拓展表
* @author 芋道源码

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@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ public interface BpmUserGroupMapper extends BaseMapperX<BpmUserGroupDO> {
return selectPage(reqVO, new LambdaQueryWrapperX<BpmUserGroupDO>()
.likeIfPresent(BpmUserGroupDO::getName, reqVO.getName())
.eqIfPresent(BpmUserGroupDO::getStatus, reqVO.getStatus())
.betweenIfPresent(BpmUserGroupDO::getCreateTime, reqVO.getBeginCreateTime(), reqVO.getEndCreateTime())
.betweenIfPresent(BpmUserGroupDO::getCreateTime, reqVO.getCreateTime())

View File

@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ public interface BpmOALeaveMapper extends BaseMapperX<BpmOALeaveDO> {
.eqIfPresent(BpmOALeaveDO::getResult, reqVO.getResult())
.eqIfPresent(BpmOALeaveDO::getType, reqVO.getType())
.likeIfPresent(BpmOALeaveDO::getReason, reqVO.getReason())
.betweenIfPresent(BpmOALeaveDO::getCreateTime, reqVO.getBeginCreateTime(), reqVO.getEndCreateTime())
.betweenIfPresent(BpmOALeaveDO::getCreateTime, reqVO.getCreateTime())

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@ -1,35 +1,34 @@
package cn.iocoder.yudao.module.bpm.dal.mysql.task;
import cn.iocoder.yudao.module.bpm.controller.admin.task.vo.instance.BpmProcessInstanceMyPageReqVO;
import cn.iocoder.yudao.module.bpm.dal.dataobject.task.BpmProcessInstanceExtDO;
import cn.iocoder.yudao.framework.common.pojo.PageResult;
import cn.iocoder.yudao.framework.mybatis.core.mapper.BaseMapperX;
import cn.iocoder.yudao.framework.mybatis.core.query.QueryWrapperX;
import com.baomidou.mybatisplus.core.conditions.query.QueryWrapper;
import cn.iocoder.yudao.framework.mybatis.core.query.LambdaQueryWrapperX;
import cn.iocoder.yudao.module.bpm.controller.admin.task.vo.instance.BpmProcessInstanceMyPageReqVO;
import cn.iocoder.yudao.module.bpm.dal.dataobject.task.BpmProcessInstanceExtDO;
import org.apache.ibatis.annotations.Mapper;
public interface BpmProcessInstanceExtMapper extends BaseMapperX<BpmProcessInstanceExtDO> {
default PageResult<BpmProcessInstanceExtDO> selectPage(Long userId, BpmProcessInstanceMyPageReqVO reqVO) {
return selectPage(reqVO, new QueryWrapperX<BpmProcessInstanceExtDO>()
.eqIfPresent("start_user_id", userId)
.likeIfPresent("name", reqVO.getName())
.eqIfPresent("process_definition_id", reqVO.getProcessDefinitionId())
.eqIfPresent("category", reqVO.getCategory())
.eqIfPresent("status", reqVO.getStatus())
.eqIfPresent("result", reqVO.getResult())
.betweenIfPresent("create_time", reqVO.getBeginCreateTime(), reqVO.getEndCreateTime())
return selectPage(reqVO, new LambdaQueryWrapperX<BpmProcessInstanceExtDO>()
.eqIfPresent(BpmProcessInstanceExtDO::getStartUserId, userId)
.likeIfPresent(BpmProcessInstanceExtDO::getName, reqVO.getName())
.eqIfPresent(BpmProcessInstanceExtDO::getProcessDefinitionId, reqVO.getProcessDefinitionId())
.eqIfPresent(BpmProcessInstanceExtDO::getCategory, reqVO.getCategory())
.eqIfPresent(BpmProcessInstanceExtDO::getStatus, reqVO.getStatus())
.eqIfPresent(BpmProcessInstanceExtDO::getResult, reqVO.getResult())
.betweenIfPresent(BpmProcessInstanceExtDO::getCreateTime, reqVO.getCreateTime())
default BpmProcessInstanceExtDO selectByProcessInstanceId(String processDefinitionId) {
return selectOne("process_instance_id", processDefinitionId);
default BpmProcessInstanceExtDO selectByProcessInstanceId(String processInstanceId) {
return selectOne(BpmProcessInstanceExtDO::getProcessInstanceId, processInstanceId);
default void updateByProcessInstanceId(BpmProcessInstanceExtDO updateObj) {
update(updateObj, new QueryWrapper<BpmProcessInstanceExtDO>()
.eq("process_instance_id", updateObj.getProcessInstanceId()));
update(updateObj, new LambdaQueryWrapperX<BpmProcessInstanceExtDO>()
.eq(BpmProcessInstanceExtDO::getProcessInstanceId, updateObj.getProcessInstanceId()));

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@ -7,13 +7,13 @@ import org.flowable.common.engine.api.delegate.event.FlowableEngineEntityEvent;
import org.flowable.common.engine.api.delegate.event.FlowableEngineEventType;
import org.flowable.engine.delegate.event.AbstractFlowableEngineEventListener;
import org.flowable.engine.delegate.event.FlowableCancelledEvent;
import org.flowable.engine.delegate.event.FlowableProcessStartedEvent;
import org.flowable.engine.runtime.ProcessInstance;
import org.springframework.context.annotation.Lazy;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Component;
import javax.annotation.Resource;
import java.util.Set;
* 监听 {@link ProcessInstance} 的开始与完成创建与更新对应的 {@link BpmProcessInstanceExtDO} 记录

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@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
package cn.iocoder.yudao.module.bpm.framework.flowable.core.listener;
import cn.hutool.core.collection.CollUtil;
import cn.hutool.core.util.StrUtil;
import cn.iocoder.yudao.module.bpm.dal.dataobject.task.BpmTaskExtDO;
import cn.iocoder.yudao.module.bpm.service.task.BpmActivityService;
@ -16,6 +17,7 @@ import org.springframework.context.annotation.Lazy;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Component;
import javax.annotation.Resource;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
@ -63,15 +65,18 @@ public class BpmTaskEventListener extends AbstractFlowableEngineEventListener {
protected void activityCancelled(FlowableActivityCancelledEvent event) {
HistoricActivityInstance activity = activityService.getHistoricActivityByExecutionId(event.getExecutionId());
if (activity == null) {
List<HistoricActivityInstance> activityList = activityService.getHistoricActivityListByExecutionId(event.getExecutionId());
if (CollUtil.isEmpty(activityList)) {
log.error("[activityCancelled][使用 executionId({}) 查找不到对应的活动实例]", event.getExecutionId());
// 遍历处理
activityList.forEach(activity -> {
if (StrUtil.isEmpty(activity.getTaskId())) {

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@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
package cn.iocoder.yudao.module.bpm.service.definition;
import cn.hutool.core.lang.Assert;
import cn.iocoder.yudao.framework.common.pojo.PageResult;
import cn.iocoder.yudao.framework.common.util.json.JsonUtils;
import cn.iocoder.yudao.framework.common.util.validation.ValidationUtils;
import cn.iocoder.yudao.module.bpm.controller.admin.definition.vo.form.BpmFormCreateReqVO;
import cn.iocoder.yudao.module.bpm.controller.admin.definition.vo.form.BpmFormPageReqVO;
@ -11,9 +13,6 @@ import cn.iocoder.yudao.module.bpm.dal.mysql.definition.BpmFormMapper;
import cn.iocoder.yudao.module.bpm.enums.ErrorCodeConstants;
import cn.iocoder.yudao.module.bpm.enums.definition.BpmModelFormTypeEnum;
import cn.iocoder.yudao.module.bpm.service.definition.dto.BpmFormFieldRespDTO;
import cn.iocoder.yudao.framework.common.exception.util.ServiceExceptionUtil;
import cn.iocoder.yudao.framework.common.pojo.PageResult;
import cn.iocoder.yudao.framework.common.util.json.JsonUtils;
import cn.iocoder.yudao.module.bpm.service.definition.dto.BpmModelMetaInfoRespDTO;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Service;
import org.springframework.validation.annotation.Validated;
@ -66,7 +65,7 @@ public class BpmFormServiceImpl implements BpmFormService {
private void validateFormExists(Long id) {
if (formMapper.selectById(id) == null) {
throw ServiceExceptionUtil.exception(ErrorCodeConstants.FORM_NOT_EXISTS);
throw exception(ErrorCodeConstants.FORM_NOT_EXISTS);
@ -129,7 +128,7 @@ public class BpmFormServiceImpl implements BpmFormService {
// 如果存在则报错
throw ServiceExceptionUtil.exception(ErrorCodeConstants.FORM_FIELD_REPEAT, oldLabel, fieldDTO.getLabel(), fieldDTO.getVModel());
throw exception(ErrorCodeConstants.FORM_FIELD_REPEAT, oldLabel, fieldDTO.getLabel(), fieldDTO.getVModel());

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@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ public class BpmModelServiceImpl implements BpmModelService {
public String createModel(@Valid BpmModelCreateReqVO createReqVO, String bpmnXml) {
// 校验流程标识已经存在
Model keyModel = this.getModelByKey(createReqVO.getKey());
Model keyModel = getModelByKey(createReqVO.getKey());
if (keyModel != null) {
throw exception(MODEL_KEY_EXISTS, createReqVO.getKey());
@ -151,42 +151,43 @@ public class BpmModelServiceImpl implements BpmModelService {
@Transactional(rollbackFor = Exception.class) // 因为进行多个操作所以开启事务
public void deployModel(String id) {
// 校验流程模型存在
// 1.1 校验流程模型存在
Model model = repositoryService.getModel(id);
if (ObjectUtils.isEmpty(model)) {
throw exception(MODEL_NOT_EXISTS);
// 校验流程图
// 1.2 校验流程图
// TODO 芋艿校验流程图的有效性例如说是否有开始的元素是否有结束的元素
byte[] bpmnBytes = repositoryService.getModelEditorSource(model.getId());
if (bpmnBytes == null) {
throw exception(MODEL_NOT_EXISTS);
// TODO 芋艿校验流程图的有效性例如说是否有开始的元素是否有结束的元素
// 校验表单已配
// 1.3 校验表单已配
BpmFormDO form = checkFormConfig(model.getMetaInfo());
// 1.4 校验任务分配规则已配置
// 1.5 校验模型是否发生修改如果未修改则不允许创建
BpmProcessDefinitionCreateReqDTO definitionCreateReqDTO = BpmModelConvert.INSTANCE.convert2(model, form).setBpmnBytes(bpmnBytes);
if (processDefinitionService.isProcessDefinitionEquals(definitionCreateReqDTO)) { // 流程定义的信息相等
ProcessDefinition oldProcessInstance = processDefinitionService.getProcessDefinitionByDeploymentId(model.getDeploymentId());
if (oldProcessInstance != null && taskAssignRuleService.isTaskAssignRulesEquals(model.getId(), oldProcessInstance.getId())) {
ProcessDefinition oldProcessDefinition = processDefinitionService.getProcessDefinitionByDeploymentId(model.getDeploymentId());
if (oldProcessDefinition != null && taskAssignRuleService.isTaskAssignRulesEquals(model.getId(), oldProcessDefinition.getId())) {
// 创建流程定义
// 2.1 创建流程定义
String definitionId = processDefinitionService.createProcessDefinition(definitionCreateReqDTO);
// 将老的流程定义进行挂起也就是说只有最新部署的流程定义才可以发起任务
// 2.2 将老的流程定义进行挂起也就是说只有最新部署的流程定义才可以发起任务
// 更新 model deploymentId进行关联
// 2.3 更新 model deploymentId进行关联
ProcessDefinition definition = processDefinitionService.getProcessDefinition(definitionId);
// 2.4 复制任务分配规则
taskAssignRuleService.copyTaskAssignRules(id, definition.getId());

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@ -127,7 +127,8 @@ public class BpmProcessDefinitionServiceImpl implements BpmProcessDefinitionServ
// 设置 ProcessDefinition category 分类
ProcessDefinition definition = repositoryService.createProcessDefinitionQuery().deploymentId(deploy.getId()).singleResult();
ProcessDefinition definition = repositoryService.createProcessDefinitionQuery()
repositoryService.setProcessDefinitionCategory(definition.getId(), createReqDTO.getCategory());
// 注意 1ProcessDefinition key name 是通过 BPMN 中的 <bpmn2:process /> id name 决定
// 注意 2目前该项目的设计上需要保证 ModelDeploymentProcessDefinition 使用相同的 key保证关联性
@ -198,7 +199,7 @@ public class BpmProcessDefinitionServiceImpl implements BpmProcessDefinitionServ
// 校验 BPMN XML 信息
BpmnModel newModel = buildBpmnModel(createReqDTO.getBpmnBytes());
BpmnModel oldModel = getBpmnModel(oldProcessDefinition.getId());
//TODO 貌似 flowable 不修改这个也不同需要看看 sourceSystemId 不同
// TODO 貌似 flowable 不修改这个也不同需要看看 sourceSystemId 不同
if (FlowableUtils.equals(oldModel, newModel)) {
return false;
@ -218,8 +219,6 @@ public class BpmProcessDefinitionServiceImpl implements BpmProcessDefinitionServ
return converter.convertToBpmnModel(new BytesStreamSource(bpmnBytes), true, true);
public BpmProcessDefinitionExtDO getProcessDefinitionExt(String id) {
return processDefinitionMapper.selectByProcessDefinitionId(id);

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@ -26,6 +26,6 @@ public interface BpmActivityService {
* @param executionId 执行编号
* @return 活动实例
HistoricActivityInstance getHistoricActivityByExecutionId(String executionId);
List<HistoricActivityInstance> getHistoricActivityListByExecutionId(String executionId);

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@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ package cn.iocoder.yudao.module.bpm.service.task;
import cn.iocoder.yudao.module.bpm.controller.admin.task.vo.activity.BpmActivityRespVO;
import cn.iocoder.yudao.module.bpm.convert.task.BpmActivityConvert;
import cn.iocoder.yudao.module.bpm.dal.mysql.task.BpmActivityMapper;
import lombok.extern.slf4j.Slf4j;
import org.flowable.engine.HistoryService;
import org.flowable.engine.history.HistoricActivityInstance;
@ -25,8 +24,6 @@ public class BpmActivityServiceImpl implements BpmActivityService {
private HistoryService historyService;
private BpmActivityMapper bpmActivityMapper;
public List<BpmActivityRespVO> getActivityListByProcessInstanceId(String processInstanceId) {
@ -36,8 +33,8 @@ public class BpmActivityServiceImpl implements BpmActivityService {
public HistoricActivityInstance getHistoricActivityByExecutionId(String executionId) {
return historyService.createHistoricActivityInstanceQuery().executionId(executionId).singleResult();
public List<HistoricActivityInstance> getHistoricActivityListByExecutionId(String executionId) {
return historyService.createHistoricActivityInstanceQuery().executionId(executionId).list();

View File

@ -144,5 +144,4 @@ public interface BpmProcessInstanceService {
void updateProcessInstanceExtReject(String id, String reason);

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@ -7,10 +7,7 @@ import cn.iocoder.yudao.framework.common.util.number.NumberUtils;
import cn.iocoder.yudao.framework.common.util.object.PageUtils;
import cn.iocoder.yudao.module.bpm.controller.admin.task.vo.task.*;
import cn.iocoder.yudao.module.bpm.convert.task.BpmTaskConvert;
import cn.iocoder.yudao.module.bpm.dal.dataobject.definition.BpmTaskAssignRuleDO;
import cn.iocoder.yudao.module.bpm.dal.dataobject.task.BpmTaskExtDO;
import cn.iocoder.yudao.module.bpm.dal.mysql.definition.BpmTaskAssignRuleMapper;
import cn.iocoder.yudao.module.bpm.dal.mysql.task.BpmActivityMapper;
import cn.iocoder.yudao.module.bpm.dal.mysql.task.BpmTaskExtMapper;
import cn.iocoder.yudao.module.bpm.enums.task.BpmProcessInstanceDeleteReasonEnum;
import cn.iocoder.yudao.module.bpm.enums.task.BpmProcessInstanceResultEnum;
@ -67,10 +64,6 @@ public class BpmTaskServiceImpl implements BpmTaskService {
private BpmTaskExtMapper taskExtMapper;
private BpmMessageService messageService;
private BpmTaskAssignRuleMapper taskAssignRuleMapper;
private BpmActivityMapper bpmActivityMapper;
public PageResult<BpmTaskTodoPageItemRespVO> getTodoTaskPage(Long userId, BpmTaskTodoPageReqVO pageVO) {
@ -194,10 +187,6 @@ public class BpmTaskServiceImpl implements BpmTaskService {
new BpmTaskExtDO().setTaskId(task.getId()).setResult(BpmProcessInstanceResultEnum.APPROVE.getResult())
// 判断任务是否为或签或签时删除其余不用审批的任务
List<BpmTaskAssignRuleDO> bpmTaskAssignRuleList =
@ -216,7 +205,7 @@ public class BpmTaskServiceImpl implements BpmTaskService {
// 更新任务拓展表为不通过
new BpmTaskExtDO().setTaskId(task.getId()).setResult(BpmProcessInstanceResultEnum.REJECT.getResult())
.setEndTime(new Date()).setReason(reqVO.getReason()));

View File

@ -17,6 +17,9 @@ import org.springframework.context.annotation.Import;
import javax.annotation.Resource;
import java.util.Date;
import static;
import static cn.iocoder.yudao.framework.common.util.object.ObjectUtils.cloneIgnoreId;
import static cn.iocoder.yudao.module.bpm.enums.ErrorCodeConstants.USER_GROUP_NOT_EXISTS;
@ -116,8 +119,7 @@ public class BpmUserGroupServiceTest extends BaseDbUnitTest {
BpmUserGroupPageReqVO reqVO = new BpmUserGroupPageReqVO();
reqVO.setBeginCreateTime(DateUtils.buildTime(2021, 11, 10));
reqVO.setEndCreateTime(DateUtils.buildTime(2021, 11, 12));
reqVO.setCreateTime((new Date[]{buildTime(2021, 11, 10),buildTime(2021, 11, 12)}));
// 调用
PageResult<BpmUserGroupDO> pageResult = userGroupService.getUserGroupPage(reqVO);

View File

@ -24,12 +24,8 @@ public class CodegenTablePageReqVO extends PageParam {
@ApiModelProperty(value = "表描述", example = "芋道", notes = "模糊匹配")
private String tableComment;
@ApiModelProperty(value = "开始创建时间", example = "2020-10-24 00:00:00")
@ApiModelProperty(value = "创建时间", example = "[2022-07-01 00:00:00,2022-07-01 23:59:59]")
private Date beginCreateTime;
@ApiModelProperty(value = "结束创建时间", example = "2020-10-24 23:59:59")
private Date endCreateTime;
private Date[] createTime;

View File

@ -22,12 +22,8 @@ public class ConfigExportReqVO {
@ApiModelProperty(value = "参数类型", example = "1", notes = "参见 SysConfigTypeEnum 枚举")
private Integer type;
@ApiModelProperty(value = "开始时间", example = "2020-10-24 00:00:00")
@ApiModelProperty(value = "创建时间", example = "[2022-07-01 00:00:00,2022-07-01 23:59:59]")
private Date beginTime;
@ApiModelProperty(value = "结束时间", example = "2020-10-24 23:59:59")
private Date endTime;
private Date[] createTime;

View File

@ -27,12 +27,8 @@ public class ConfigPageReqVO extends PageParam {
@ApiModelProperty(value = "参数类型", example = "1", notes = "参见 SysConfigTypeEnum 枚举")
private Integer type;
@ApiModelProperty(value = "开始时间", example = "2020-10-24 00:00:00")
@ApiModelProperty(value = "创建时间", example = "[2022-07-01 00:00:00,2022-07-01 23:59:59]")
private Date beginTime;
@ApiModelProperty(value = "结束时间", example = "2020-10-24 23:59:59")
private Date endTime;
private Date[] createTime;

View File

@ -25,11 +25,7 @@ public class FileConfigPageReqVO extends PageParam {
private Integer storage;
@ApiModelProperty(value = "开始创建时间")
private Date beginCreateTime;
@ApiModelProperty(value = "结束创建时间")
private Date endCreateTime;
@ApiModelProperty(value = "创建时间")
private Date[] createTime;

View File

@ -25,11 +25,7 @@ public class FilePageReqVO extends PageParam {
private String type;
@ApiModelProperty(value = "开始创建时间")
private Date beginCreateTime;
@ApiModelProperty(value = "结束创建时间")
private Date endCreateTime;
@ApiModelProperty(value = "创建时间")
private Date[] createTime;

View File

@ -26,12 +26,8 @@ public class ApiAccessLogExportReqVO {
private String requestUrl;
@ApiModelProperty(value = "开始开始请求时间")
private Date beginBeginTime;
@ApiModelProperty(value = "结束开始请求时间")
private Date endBeginTime;
@ApiModelProperty(value = "开始请求时间")
private Date[] beginTime;
@ApiModelProperty(value = "执行时长", example = "100", notes = "大于等于,单位:毫秒")
private Integer duration;

View File

@ -31,12 +31,8 @@ public class ApiAccessLogPageReqVO extends PageParam {
private String requestUrl;
@ApiModelProperty(value = "开始开始请求时间")
private Date beginBeginTime;
@ApiModelProperty(value = "结束开始请求时间")
private Date endBeginTime;
@ApiModelProperty(value = "开始请求时间")
private Date[] beginTime;
@ApiModelProperty(value = "执行时长", example = "100", notes = "大于等于,单位:毫秒")
private Integer duration;

View File

@ -26,12 +26,8 @@ public class ApiErrorLogExportReqVO {
private String requestUrl;
@ApiModelProperty(value = "开始异常发生时间")
private Date beginExceptionTime;
@ApiModelProperty(value = "结束异常发生时间")
private Date endExceptionTime;
@ApiModelProperty(value = "异常发生时间")
private Date[] exceptionTime;
@ApiModelProperty(value = "处理状态", example = "0")
private Integer processStatus;

View File

@ -31,12 +31,8 @@ public class ApiErrorLogPageReqVO extends PageParam {
private String requestUrl;
@ApiModelProperty(value = "开始异常发生时间")
private Date beginExceptionTime;
@ApiModelProperty(value = "结束异常发生时间")
private Date endExceptionTime;
@ApiModelProperty(value = "异常发生时间")
private Date[] exceptionTime;
@ApiModelProperty(value = "处理状态", example = "0")
private Integer processStatus;

View File

@ -28,11 +28,7 @@ public class TestDemoExportReqVO {
private String remark;
@ApiModelProperty(value = "开始创建时间")
private Date beginCreateTime;
@ApiModelProperty(value = "结束创建时间")
private Date endCreateTime;
@ApiModelProperty(value = "创建时间")
private Date[] createTime;

View File

@ -30,11 +30,7 @@ public class TestDemoPageReqVO extends PageParam {
private String remark;
@ApiModelProperty(value = "开始创建时间")
private Date beginCreateTime;
@ApiModelProperty(value = "结束创建时间")
private Date endCreateTime;
@ApiModelProperty(value = "创建时间")
private Date[] createTime;

View File

@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ public interface CodegenTableMapper extends BaseMapperX<CodegenTableDO> {
return selectPage(pageReqVO, new LambdaQueryWrapperX<CodegenTableDO>()
.likeIfPresent(CodegenTableDO::getTableName, pageReqVO.getTableName())
.likeIfPresent(CodegenTableDO::getTableComment, pageReqVO.getTableComment())
.betweenIfPresent(CodegenTableDO::getCreateTime, pageReqVO.getBeginCreateTime(), pageReqVO.getEndCreateTime()));
.betweenIfPresent(CodegenTableDO::getCreateTime, pageReqVO.getCreateTime()));
default List<CodegenTableDO> selectListByDataSourceConfigId(Long dataSourceConfigId) {

View File

@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ public interface ConfigMapper extends BaseMapperX<ConfigDO> {
.likeIfPresent(ConfigDO::getName, reqVO.getName())
.likeIfPresent(ConfigDO::getConfigKey, reqVO.getKey())
.eqIfPresent(ConfigDO::getType, reqVO.getType())
.betweenIfPresent(ConfigDO::getCreateTime, reqVO.getBeginTime(), reqVO.getEndTime()));
.betweenIfPresent(ConfigDO::getCreateTime, reqVO.getCreateTime()));
default List<ConfigDO> selectList(ConfigExportReqVO reqVO) {
@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ public interface ConfigMapper extends BaseMapperX<ConfigDO> {
.likeIfPresent(ConfigDO::getName, reqVO.getName())
.likeIfPresent(ConfigDO::getConfigKey, reqVO.getKey())
.eqIfPresent(ConfigDO::getType, reqVO.getType())
.betweenIfPresent(ConfigDO::getCreateTime, reqVO.getBeginTime(), reqVO.getEndTime()));
.betweenIfPresent(ConfigDO::getCreateTime, reqVO.getCreateTime()));

View File

@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ public interface FileConfigMapper extends BaseMapperX<FileConfigDO> {
return selectPage(reqVO, new LambdaQueryWrapperX<FileConfigDO>()
.likeIfPresent(FileConfigDO::getName, reqVO.getName())
.eqIfPresent(FileConfigDO::getStorage, reqVO.getStorage())
.betweenIfPresent(FileConfigDO::getCreateTime, reqVO.getBeginCreateTime(), reqVO.getEndCreateTime())
.betweenIfPresent(FileConfigDO::getCreateTime, reqVO.getCreateTime())

View File

@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ public interface FileMapper extends BaseMapperX<FileDO> {
return selectPage(reqVO, new LambdaQueryWrapperX<FileDO>()
.likeIfPresent(FileDO::getPath, reqVO.getPath())
.likeIfPresent(FileDO::getType, reqVO.getType())
.betweenIfPresent(FileDO::getCreateTime, reqVO.getBeginCreateTime(), reqVO.getEndCreateTime())
.betweenIfPresent(FileDO::getCreateTime, reqVO.getCreateTime())

View File

@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
package cn.iocoder.yudao.module.infra.dal.mysql.logger;
import cn.iocoder.yudao.module.infra.controller.admin.logger.vo.apiaccesslog.ApiAccessLogExportReqVO;
import cn.iocoder.yudao.module.infra.controller.admin.logger.vo.apiaccesslog.ApiAccessLogPageReqVO;
import cn.iocoder.yudao.framework.common.pojo.PageResult;
import cn.iocoder.yudao.framework.mybatis.core.mapper.BaseMapperX;
import cn.iocoder.yudao.framework.mybatis.core.query.QueryWrapperX;
import cn.iocoder.yudao.framework.mybatis.core.query.LambdaQueryWrapperX;
import cn.iocoder.yudao.module.infra.controller.admin.logger.vo.apiaccesslog.ApiAccessLogExportReqVO;
import cn.iocoder.yudao.module.infra.controller.admin.logger.vo.apiaccesslog.ApiAccessLogPageReqVO;
import cn.iocoder.yudao.module.infra.dal.dataobject.logger.ApiAccessLogDO;
import org.apache.ibatis.annotations.Mapper;
@ -19,28 +19,28 @@ import java.util.List;
public interface ApiAccessLogMapper extends BaseMapperX<ApiAccessLogDO> {
default PageResult<ApiAccessLogDO> selectPage(ApiAccessLogPageReqVO reqVO) {
return selectPage(reqVO, new QueryWrapperX<ApiAccessLogDO>()
.eqIfPresent("user_id", reqVO.getUserId())
.eqIfPresent("user_type", reqVO.getUserType())
.eqIfPresent("application_name", reqVO.getApplicationName())
.likeIfPresent("request_url", reqVO.getRequestUrl())
.betweenIfPresent("begin_time", reqVO.getBeginBeginTime(), reqVO.getEndBeginTime())
.geIfPresent("duration", reqVO.getDuration())
.eqIfPresent("result_code", reqVO.getResultCode())
return selectPage(reqVO, new LambdaQueryWrapperX<ApiAccessLogDO>()
.eqIfPresent(ApiAccessLogDO::getUserId, reqVO.getUserId())
.eqIfPresent(ApiAccessLogDO::getUserType, reqVO.getUserType())
.eqIfPresent(ApiAccessLogDO::getApplicationName, reqVO.getApplicationName())
.likeIfPresent(ApiAccessLogDO::getRequestUrl, reqVO.getRequestUrl())
.betweenIfPresent(ApiAccessLogDO::getBeginTime, reqVO.getBeginTime())
.geIfPresent(ApiAccessLogDO::getDuration, reqVO.getDuration())
.eqIfPresent(ApiAccessLogDO::getResultCode, reqVO.getResultCode())
default List<ApiAccessLogDO> selectList(ApiAccessLogExportReqVO reqVO) {
return selectList(new QueryWrapperX<ApiAccessLogDO>()
.eqIfPresent("user_id", reqVO.getUserId())
.eqIfPresent("user_type", reqVO.getUserType())
.eqIfPresent("application_name", reqVO.getApplicationName())
.likeIfPresent("request_url", reqVO.getRequestUrl())
.betweenIfPresent("begin_time", reqVO.getBeginBeginTime(), reqVO.getEndBeginTime())
.geIfPresent("duration", reqVO.getDuration())
.eqIfPresent("result_code", reqVO.getResultCode())
return selectList(new LambdaQueryWrapperX<ApiAccessLogDO>()
.eqIfPresent(ApiAccessLogDO::getUserId, reqVO.getUserId())
.eqIfPresent(ApiAccessLogDO::getUserType, reqVO.getUserType())
.eqIfPresent(ApiAccessLogDO::getApplicationName, reqVO.getApplicationName())
.likeIfPresent(ApiAccessLogDO::getRequestUrl, reqVO.getRequestUrl())
.betweenIfPresent(ApiAccessLogDO::getBeginTime, reqVO.getBeginTime())
.geIfPresent(ApiAccessLogDO::getDuration, reqVO.getDuration())
.eqIfPresent(ApiAccessLogDO::getResultCode, reqVO.getResultCode())

View File

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ package cn.iocoder.yudao.module.infra.dal.mysql.logger;
import cn.iocoder.yudao.framework.common.pojo.PageResult;
import cn.iocoder.yudao.framework.mybatis.core.mapper.BaseMapperX;
import cn.iocoder.yudao.framework.mybatis.core.query.QueryWrapperX;
import cn.iocoder.yudao.framework.mybatis.core.query.LambdaQueryWrapperX;
import cn.iocoder.yudao.module.infra.controller.admin.logger.vo.apierrorlog.ApiErrorLogExportReqVO;
import cn.iocoder.yudao.module.infra.controller.admin.logger.vo.apierrorlog.ApiErrorLogPageReqVO;
import cn.iocoder.yudao.module.infra.dal.dataobject.logger.ApiErrorLogDO;
@ -19,26 +19,26 @@ import java.util.List;
public interface ApiErrorLogMapper extends BaseMapperX<ApiErrorLogDO> {
default PageResult<ApiErrorLogDO> selectPage(ApiErrorLogPageReqVO reqVO) {
return selectPage(reqVO, new QueryWrapperX<ApiErrorLogDO>()
.eqIfPresent("user_id", reqVO.getUserId())
.eqIfPresent("user_type", reqVO.getUserType())
.eqIfPresent("application_name", reqVO.getApplicationName())
.likeIfPresent("request_url", reqVO.getRequestUrl())
.betweenIfPresent("exception_time", reqVO.getBeginExceptionTime(), reqVO.getEndExceptionTime())
.eqIfPresent("process_status", reqVO.getProcessStatus())
return selectPage(reqVO, new LambdaQueryWrapperX<ApiErrorLogDO>()
.eqIfPresent(ApiErrorLogDO::getUserId, reqVO.getUserId())
.eqIfPresent(ApiErrorLogDO::getUserType, reqVO.getUserType())
.eqIfPresent(ApiErrorLogDO::getApplicationName, reqVO.getApplicationName())
.likeIfPresent(ApiErrorLogDO::getRequestUrl, reqVO.getRequestUrl())
.betweenIfPresent(ApiErrorLogDO::getExceptionTime, reqVO.getExceptionTime())
.eqIfPresent(ApiErrorLogDO::getProcessStatus, reqVO.getProcessStatus())
default List<ApiErrorLogDO> selectList(ApiErrorLogExportReqVO reqVO) {
return selectList(new QueryWrapperX<ApiErrorLogDO>()
.eqIfPresent("user_id", reqVO.getUserId())
.eqIfPresent("user_type", reqVO.getUserType())
.eqIfPresent("application_name", reqVO.getApplicationName())
.likeIfPresent("request_url", reqVO.getRequestUrl())
.betweenIfPresent("exception_time", reqVO.getBeginExceptionTime(), reqVO.getEndExceptionTime())
.eqIfPresent("process_status", reqVO.getProcessStatus())
return selectList(new LambdaQueryWrapperX<ApiErrorLogDO>()
.eqIfPresent(ApiErrorLogDO::getUserId, reqVO.getUserId())
.eqIfPresent(ApiErrorLogDO::getUserType, reqVO.getUserType())
.eqIfPresent(ApiErrorLogDO::getApplicationName, reqVO.getApplicationName())
.likeIfPresent(ApiErrorLogDO::getRequestUrl, reqVO.getRequestUrl())
.betweenIfPresent(ApiErrorLogDO::getExceptionTime, reqVO.getExceptionTime())
.eqIfPresent(ApiErrorLogDO::getProcessStatus, reqVO.getProcessStatus())

View File

@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ public interface TestDemoMapper extends BaseMapperX<TestDemoDO> {
.eqIfPresent(TestDemoDO::getType, reqVO.getType())
.eqIfPresent(TestDemoDO::getCategory, reqVO.getCategory())
.eqIfPresent(TestDemoDO::getRemark, reqVO.getRemark())
.betweenIfPresent(TestDemoDO::getCreateTime, reqVO.getBeginCreateTime(), reqVO.getEndCreateTime())
.betweenIfPresent(TestDemoDO::getCreateTime, reqVO.getCreateTime())
@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ public interface TestDemoMapper extends BaseMapperX<TestDemoDO> {
.eqIfPresent(TestDemoDO::getType, reqVO.getType())
.eqIfPresent(TestDemoDO::getCategory, reqVO.getCategory())
.eqIfPresent(TestDemoDO::getRemark, reqVO.getRemark())
.betweenIfPresent(TestDemoDO::getCreateTime, reqVO.getBeginCreateTime(), reqVO.getEndCreateTime())
.betweenIfPresent(TestDemoDO::getCreateTime, reqVO.getCreateTime())

View File

@ -79,11 +79,20 @@ public class CodegenEngine {
// Java module-api Main
.put(javaTemplatePath("enums/errorcode"), javaModuleApiMainFilePath("enums/ErrorCodeConstants_手动操作"))
// Vue
// Vue2
// Vue3
// SQL
.put("codegen/sql/sql.vm", "sql/sql.sql")
.put("codegen/sql/h2.vm", "sql/h2.sql")
@ -228,5 +237,12 @@ public class CodegenEngine {
return "yudao-ui-${sceneEnum.basePackage}/" + // 顶级目录
"src/" + path;
private static String vue3TemplatePath(String path) {
return "codegen/vue3/" + path + ".vm";
private static String vue3FilePath(String path) {
return "yudao-ui-${sceneEnum.basePackage}-vue3/" + // 顶级目录
"src/" + path;

View File

@ -15,9 +15,6 @@ import static ${DateUtilsClassName}.FORMAT_YEAR_MONTH_DAY_HOUR_MINUTE_SECOND;
## 字段模板
#macro(columnTpl $prefix $prefixStr)
#if (${column.javaType} == "Date")## 时间类型
@ApiModelProperty(value = "${prefixStr}${column.columnComment}"#if ("$!column.example" != ""), example = "${column.example}"#end)
private ${column.javaType}#if ("$!prefix" != "") ${prefix}${JavaField}#else ${column.javaField}#end;
@ -27,12 +24,11 @@ import static ${DateUtilsClassName}.FORMAT_YEAR_MONTH_DAY_HOUR_MINUTE_SECOND;
public class ${sceneEnum.prefixClass}${table.className}ExportReqVO {
#foreach ($column in $columns)
#set ($JavaField = $column.javaField.substring(0,1).toUpperCase() + ${column.javaField.substring(1)})##首字母大写
#if (${column.listOperation})##查询操作
#if (${column.listOperationCondition} == "BETWEEN")## 情况一Between 的时候
#columnTpl('begin', '开始')
#columnTpl('end', '结束')
@ApiModelProperty(value = "${column.columnComment}"#if ("$!column.example" != ""), example = "${column.example}"#end)
private ${column.javaType}[] ${column.javaField};
#else##情况二,非 Between 的时间
#columnTpl('', '')

View File

@ -15,9 +15,6 @@ import static ${DateUtilsClassName}.FORMAT_YEAR_MONTH_DAY_HOUR_MINUTE_SECOND;
## 字段模板
#macro(columnTpl $prefix $prefixStr)
#if (${column.javaType} == "Date")## 时间类型
@ApiModelProperty(value = "${prefixStr}${column.columnComment}"#if ("$!column.example" != ""), example = "${column.example}"#end)
private ${column.javaType}#if ("$!prefix" != "") ${prefix}${JavaField}#else ${column.javaField}#end;
@ -29,12 +26,11 @@ import static ${DateUtilsClassName}.FORMAT_YEAR_MONTH_DAY_HOUR_MINUTE_SECOND;
public class ${sceneEnum.prefixClass}${table.className}PageReqVO extends PageParam {
#foreach ($column in $columns)
#set ($JavaField = $column.javaField.substring(0,1).toUpperCase() + ${column.javaField.substring(1)})##首字母大写
#if (${column.listOperation})##查询操作
#if (${column.listOperationCondition} == "BETWEEN")## 情况一Between 的时候
#columnTpl('begin', '开始')
#columnTpl('end', '结束')
@ApiModelProperty(value = "${column.columnComment}"#if ("$!column.example" != ""), example = "${column.example}"#end)
private ${column.javaType}[] ${column.javaField};
#else##情况二,非 Between 的时间
#columnTpl('', '')

View File

@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ import ${basePackage}.module.${table.moduleName}.controller.${sceneEnum.basePack
.likeIfPresent(${table.className}DO::get${JavaField}, reqVO.get${JavaField}())
#if (${column.listOperationCondition} == "BETWEEN")##情况八Between 的时候
.betweenIfPresent(${table.className}DO::get${JavaField}, reqVO.getBegin${JavaField}(), reqVO.getEnd${JavaField}())
.betweenIfPresent(${table.className}DO::get${JavaField}, reqVO.get${JavaField}())

View File

@ -51,8 +51,7 @@ import static org.mockito.Mockito.*;
#if (${column.listOperation})
#set ($JavaField = $column.javaField.substring(0,1).toUpperCase() + ${column.javaField.substring(1)})##首字母大写
#if (${column.listOperationCondition} == "BETWEEN")## BETWEEN 的情况
reqVO.set${JavaField}((new Date[]{}));

View File

@ -30,9 +30,9 @@
<el-date-picker clearable v-model="queryParams.${javaField}" type="date" value-format="yyyy-MM-dd" placeholder="选择${comment}" />
#else## 范围
<el-form-item label="${comment}">
<el-date-picker v-model="dateRange${AttrName}" style="width: 240px" value-format="yyyy-MM-dd"
type="daterange" range-separator="-" start-placeholder="开始日期" end-placeholder="结束日期" />
<el-form-item label="${comment}" prop="${javaField}">
<el-date-picker v-model="queryParams.${javaField}" style="width: 240px" value-format="yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss" type="daterange"
range-separator="-" start-placeholder="开始日期" end-placeholder="结束日期" :default-time="['00:00:00', '23:59:59']" />
@ -219,22 +219,19 @@ export default {
title: "",
// 是否显示弹出层
open: false,
#foreach ($column in $columns)## 时间范围
#if ($column.listOperation)
#if ($column.htmlType == "datetime" && $column.listOperationCondition == "BETWEEN")
#set ($AttrName = $column.javaField.substring(0,1).toUpperCase() + ${column.javaField.substring(1)})
dateRange${AttrName}: [],
// 查询参数
queryParams: {
pageNo: 1,
pageSize: 10,
#foreach ($column in $columns)
#if ($column.listOperation && $column.listOperationCondition != 'BETWEEN')
#if ($column.listOperation)
#if ($column.listOperationCondition != 'BETWEEN')
$column.javaField: null,
#if ($column.htmlType == "datetime" || $column.listOperationCondition == "BETWEEN")
$column.javaField: [],
// 表单参数
@ -257,18 +254,8 @@ export default {
/** 查询列表 */
getList() {
this.loading = true;
// 处理查询参数
let params = {...this.queryParams};
#foreach ($column in $columns)
#if ($column.listOperation)
#if ($column.htmlType == "datetime" && $column.listOperationCondition == "BETWEEN")
#set ($AttrName = $column.javaField.substring(0,1).toUpperCase() + ${column.javaField.substring(1)})
this.addBeginAndEndTime(params, this.dateRange${AttrName}, '${column.javaField}');
// 执行查询
get${simpleClassName}Page(params).then(response => {
get${simpleClassName}Page(this.queryParams).then(response => {
this.list =; =;
this.loading = false;
@ -301,14 +288,6 @@ export default {
/** 重置按钮操作 */
resetQuery() {
#foreach ($column in $columns)
#if ($column.listOperation)
#if ($column.htmlType == "datetime" && $column.listOperationCondition == "BETWEEN")
#set ($AttrName = $column.javaField.substring(0,1).toUpperCase() + ${column.javaField.substring(1)})
this.dateRange${AttrName} = [];
@ -377,15 +356,6 @@ export default {
let params = {...this.queryParams};
params.pageNo = undefined;
params.pageSize = undefined;
#foreach ($column in $columns)
#if ($column.listOperation)
#if ($column.htmlType == "datetime" && $column.listOperationCondition == "BETWEEN")
#set ($AttrName = $column.javaField.substring(0,1).toUpperCase() + ${column.javaField.substring(1)})
this.addBeginAndEndTime(params, this.dateRange${AttrName}, '${column.javaField}');
// 执行导出
this.#[[$modal]]#.confirm('是否确认导出所有${table.classComment}数据项?').then(() => {
this.exportLoading = true;
return export${simpleClassName}Excel(params);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
import { useAxios } from '@/hooks/web/useAxios'
import { ${simpleClassName}VO,${simpleClassName}PageReqVO,${simpleClassName}ExcelReqVO } from './types'
const request = useAxios()
#set ($baseURL = "/${table.moduleName}/${simpleClassName_strikeCase}")
// 查询${table.classComment}列表
export const getPostPageApi = async (params: ${simpleClassName}PageReqVO) => {
return await request.get({ url: '${baseURL}/page', params })
// 查询${table.classComment}详情
export const getPostApi = async (id: number) => {
return await request.get({ url: '${baseURL}/get?id=' + id })
// 新增${table.classComment}
export const createPostApi = async (data: ${simpleClassName}VO) => {
return await{ url: '${baseURL}/create', data })
// 修改${table.classComment}
export const updatePostApi = async (data: ${simpleClassName}VO) => {
return await request.put({ url: '${baseURL}/update', data })
// 删除${table.classComment}
export const deletePostApi = async (id: number) => {
return await request.delete({ url: '${baseURL}/delete?id=' + id })
// 导出${table.classComment} Excel
export const exportPostApi = async (params: ${simpleClassName}ExcelReqVO) => {
return await{ url: '${baseURL}/export-excel', params })

View File

@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
export type ${simpleClassName}VO = {
#foreach ($column in $columns)
#if ($column.createOperation || $column.updateOperation)
#if(${column.javaType.toLowerCase()} == "long" || ${column.javaType.toLowerCase()} == "integer")
${column.javaField}: number
${column.javaField}: ${column.javaType.toLowerCase()}
export type ${simpleClassName}PageReqVO = {
#foreach ($column in $columns)
#if (${column.listOperation})##查询操作
#if(${column.javaType.toLowerCase()} == "long" || ${column.javaType.toLowerCase()} == "integer")
${column.javaField}: number
${column.javaField}: ${column.javaType.toLowerCase()}
export type ${simpleClassName}ExcelReqVO = {
#foreach ($column in $columns)
#if (${column.listOperation})##查询操作
#if(${column.javaType.toLowerCase()} == "long" || ${column.javaType.toLowerCase()} == "integer")
${column.javaField}: number
${column.javaField}: ${column.javaType.toLowerCase()}

View File

@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
import { reactive } from 'vue'
import { useI18n } from '@/hooks/web/useI18n'
import { CrudSchema, useCrudSchemas } from '@/hooks/web/useCrudSchemas'
import { DICT_TYPE } from '@/utils/dict'
const { t } = useI18n() // 国际化
// 表单校验
export const rules = reactive({
#foreach ($column in $columns)
#if (($column.createOperation || $column.updateOperation) && !$column.nullable && !${column.primaryKey})## 创建或者更新操作 && 要求非空 && 非主键
$column.javaField: [{ required: true, message: "${comment}不能为空", trigger: #if($column.htmlType == "select")"change"#else"blur"#end }],
// CrudSchema
const crudSchemas = reactive<CrudSchema[]>([
#foreach($column in $columns)
#if ($column.listOperation || $column.listOperationResult || $column.createOperation || $column.updateOperation)
#set ($dictType = $column.dictType)
label: '${column.columnComment}',
field: '${column.javaField}',
#if ("" != $dictType)## 有数据字典
dictType: DICT_TYPE.$dictType.toUpperCase(),
type: 'index',
form: {
show: false
detail: {
show: false
#if (!$column.createOperation && !$column.updateOperation)
form: {
#elseif(!("" != $column.dictType))
form: {
show: true,
#if ($column.htmlType == "datetime")## 时间框
component: 'DatePicker',
componentProps: {
type: 'datetime',
valueFormat: 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss'
#elseif($column.htmlType == "editor")## 文本编辑器
component: 'Editor',
colProps: {
span: 24
componentProps: {
valueHtml: ''
#elseif($column.htmlType == "textarea")## 文本框
component: 'Input',
componentProps: {
type: 'textarea',
rows: 4
colProps: {
span: 24
#if ($column.listOperationResult)
search: {
#if($column.htmlType == "input")
show: true
#if($column.htmlType == "datetime")
show: true,
component: 'DatePicker',
componentProps: {
type: 'datetimerange',
valueFormat: 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss'
#elseif($column.htmlType == "select" || $column.htmlType == "radio")
#if ("" == $dictType)## 没有数据字典
show: true,
component: 'Select',
componentProps: {
option: [{'','请选择字典生成'}]
show: true
label: t('table.action'),
field: 'action',
width: '240px',
form: {
show: false
detail: {
show: false
export const { allSchemas } = useCrudSchemas(crudSchemas)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,214 @@
<script setup lang="ts">
import { ref, unref } from 'vue'
import dayjs from 'dayjs'
import { ElMessage } from 'element-plus'
import { DICT_TYPE } from '@/utils/dict'
import { useTable } from '@/hooks/web/useTable'
import { useI18n } from '@/hooks/web/useI18n'
import { FormExpose } from '@/components/Form'
import type { ${simpleClassName}VO } from '@/api/system/post/types'
import { rules, allSchemas } from './'
import * as ${simpleClassName}Api from '@/api/system/post'
const { t } = useI18n() // 国际化
// ========== 列表相关 ==========
const { register, tableObject, methods } = useTable<${simpleClassName}VO>({
getListApi: ${simpleClassName}Api.get${simpleClassName}PageApi,
delListApi: ${simpleClassName}Api.delete${simpleClassName}Api,
exportListApi: ${simpleClassName}Api.export${simpleClassName}Api
const { getList, setSearchParams, delList, exportList } = methods
// 导出操作
const handleExport = async () => {
await exportList('数据.xls')
// ========== CRUD 相关 ==========
const actionLoading = ref(false) // 遮罩层
const actionType = ref('') // 操作按钮的类型
const dialogVisible = ref(false) // 是否显示弹出层
const dialogTitle = ref('edit') // 弹出层标题
const formRef = ref<FormExpose>() // 表单 Ref
// 设置标题
const setDialogTile = (type: string) => {
dialogTitle.value = t('action.' + type)
actionType.value = type
dialogVisible.value = true
// 新增操作
const handleCreate = () => {
// 重置表单
// 修改操作
const handleUpdate = async (row: ${simpleClassName}VO) => {
// 设置数据
const res = await ${simpleClassName}Api.get${simpleClassName}Api(
// 提交按钮
const submitForm = async () => {
actionLoading.value = true
// 提交请求
try {
const data = unref(formRef)?.formModel as ${simpleClassName}VO
if (actionType.value === 'create') {
await ${simpleClassName}Api.create${simpleClassName}Api(data)
} else {
await ${simpleClassName}Api.update${simpleClassName}Api(data)
// 操作成功,重新加载列表
dialogVisible.value = false
await getList()
} finally {
actionLoading.value = false
// 删除操作
const handleDelete = (row: ${simpleClassName}VO) => {
delList(, false)
// ========== 详情相关 ==========
const detailRef = ref() // 详情 Ref
// 详情操作
const handleDetail = async (row: ${simpleClassName}VO) => {
// 设置数据
detailRef.value = row
// ========== 初始化 ==========
<!-- 搜索工作区 -->
<Search :schema="allSchemas.searchSchema" @search="setSearchParams" @reset="setSearchParams" />
<!-- 操作工具栏 -->
<div class="mb-10px">
<el-button type="primary" v-hasPermi="['${permissionPrefix}:create']" @click="handleCreate">
<Icon icon="ep:zoom-in" class="mr-5px" /> {{ t('action.add') }}
<Icon icon="ep:download" class="mr-5px" /> {{ t('action.export') }}
<!-- 列表 -->
#foreach($column in $columns)
#if ($column.listOperationResult)
#set ($dictType=$column.dictType)
#if ($column.javaType == "Date")## 时间类型
<template #${column.javaField}="{ row }">
<span>{{ dayjs(row.${column.javaField}).format('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss') }}</span>
#elseif("" != $column.dictType)## 数据字典
<template #${column.javaField}="{ row }">
<DictTag :type="DICT_TYPE.$dictType.toUpperCase()" :value="row.${column.javaField}" />
<template #action="{ row }">
<Icon icon="ep:edit" class="mr-1px" /> {{ t('action.edit') }}
<Icon icon="ep:view" class="mr-1px" /> {{ t('action.detail') }}
<Icon icon="ep:delete" class="mr-1px" /> {{ t('action.del') }}
<Dialog v-model="dialogVisible" :title="dialogTitle">
<!-- 对话框(添加 / 修改) -->
v-if="['create', 'update'].includes(actionType)"
<!-- 对话框(详情) -->
v-if="actionType === 'detail'"
#foreach($column in $columns)
#if ($column.listOperationResult)
#set ($dictType=$column.dictType)
#if ($column.javaType == "Date")## 时间类型
<template #${column.javaField}="{ row }">
<span>{{ dayjs(row.${column.javaField}).format('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss') }}</span>
#elseif("" != $column.dictType)## 数据字典
<template #${column.javaField}="{ row }">
<DictTag :type="DICT_TYPE.$dictType.toUpperCase()" :value="row.${column.javaField}" />
<!-- 操作按钮 -->
<template #footer>
v-if="['create', 'update'].includes(actionType)"
{{ t('') }}
<el-button @click="dialogVisible = false">{{ t('dialog.close') }}</el-button>

View File

@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ import org.springframework.boot.test.mock.mockito.MockBean;
import org.springframework.context.annotation.Import;
import javax.annotation.Resource;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.function.Consumer;
@ -180,8 +181,7 @@ public class ConfigServiceTest extends BaseDbUnitTest {
reqVO.setBeginTime(buildTime(2021, 1, 15));
reqVO.setEndTime(buildTime(2021, 2, 15));
reqVO.setCreateTime((new Date[]{buildTime(2021, 1, 15),buildTime(2021, 2, 15)}));
// 调用
PageResult<ConfigDO> pageResult = configService.getConfigPage(reqVO);
@ -214,8 +214,7 @@ public class ConfigServiceTest extends BaseDbUnitTest {
reqVO.setBeginTime(buildTime(2021, 1, 15));
reqVO.setEndTime(buildTime(2021, 2, 15));
reqVO.setCreateTime((new Date[]{buildTime(2021, 1, 15),buildTime(2021, 2, 15)}));
// 调用
List<ConfigDO> list = configService.getConfigList(reqVO);

View File

@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ import org.springframework.context.annotation.Import;
import javax.annotation.Resource;
import javax.validation.Validator;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.Map;
import static cn.hutool.core.util.RandomUtil.randomEle;
@ -216,8 +217,7 @@ public class FileConfigServiceImplTest extends BaseDbUnitTest {
FileConfigPageReqVO reqVO = new FileConfigPageReqVO();
reqVO.setBeginCreateTime(buildTime(2022, 11, 10));
reqVO.setEndCreateTime(buildTime(2022, 11, 12));
reqVO.setCreateTime((new Date[]{buildTime(2022, 11, 10),buildTime(2022, 11, 12)}));
// 调用
PageResult<FileConfigDO> pageResult = fileConfigService.getFileConfigPage(reqVO);

View File

@ -15,6 +15,8 @@ import org.springframework.context.annotation.Import;
import javax.annotation.Resource;
import java.util.Date;
import static;
import static cn.iocoder.yudao.framework.test.core.util.AssertUtils.assertServiceException;
import static cn.iocoder.yudao.framework.test.core.util.RandomUtils.*;
@ -58,8 +60,7 @@ public class FileServiceTest extends BaseDbUnitTest {
FilePageReqVO reqVO = new FilePageReqVO();
reqVO.setBeginCreateTime(buildTime(2021, 1, 10));
reqVO.setEndCreateTime(buildTime(2021, 1, 20));
reqVO.setCreateTime((new Date[]{buildTime(2021, 1, 10), buildTime(2021, 1, 20)}));
// 调用
PageResult<FileDO> pageResult = fileService.getFilePage(reqVO);

View File

@ -77,8 +77,7 @@ public class ApiAccessLogServiceImplTest extends BaseDbUnitTest {
reqVO.setBeginBeginTime(buildTime(2021, 3, 12));
reqVO.setEndBeginTime(buildTime(2021, 3, 14));
reqVO.setBeginTime((new Date[]{buildTime(2021, 3, 12),buildTime(2021, 3, 14)}));
@ -135,8 +134,7 @@ public class ApiAccessLogServiceImplTest extends BaseDbUnitTest {
reqVO.setBeginBeginTime(buildTime(2021, 3, 12));
reqVO.setEndBeginTime(buildTime(2021, 3, 14));
reqVO.setBeginTime((new Date[]{buildTime(2021, 3, 12),buildTime(2021, 3, 14)}));

View File

@ -77,8 +77,7 @@ public class ApiErrorLogServiceImplTest extends BaseDbUnitTest {
reqVO.setBeginExceptionTime(buildTime(2021, 3, 12));
reqVO.setEndExceptionTime(buildTime(2021, 3, 14));
reqVO.setExceptionTime((new Date[]{buildTime(2021, 3, 12),buildTime(2021, 3, 14)}));
// 调用service方法
@ -130,8 +129,7 @@ public class ApiErrorLogServiceImplTest extends BaseDbUnitTest {
reqVO.setBeginExceptionTime(buildTime(2021, 3, 12));
reqVO.setEndExceptionTime(buildTime(2021, 3, 14));
reqVO.setExceptionTime((new Date[]{buildTime(2021, 3, 12),buildTime(2021, 3, 14)}));
// 调用service方法

View File

@ -14,8 +14,10 @@ import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;
import org.springframework.context.annotation.Import;
import javax.annotation.Resource;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.List;
import static;
import static cn.iocoder.yudao.framework.common.util.object.ObjectUtils.cloneIgnoreId;
import static cn.iocoder.yudao.framework.test.core.util.AssertUtils.assertPojoEquals;
import static cn.iocoder.yudao.framework.test.core.util.AssertUtils.assertServiceException;
@ -132,8 +134,7 @@ public class TestDemoServiceImplTest extends BaseDbUnitTest {
reqVO.setBeginCreateTime(DateUtils.buildTime(2021, 11, 10));
reqVO.setEndCreateTime(DateUtils.buildTime(2021, 11, 12));
reqVO.setCreateTime((new Date[]{buildTime(2021, 11, 10),buildTime(2021, 11, 12)}));
// 调用
PageResult<TestDemoDO> pageResult = testDemoService.getTestDemoPage(reqVO);
@ -174,8 +175,7 @@ public class TestDemoServiceImplTest extends BaseDbUnitTest {
reqVO.setBeginCreateTime(DateUtils.buildTime(2021, 11, 10));
reqVO.setEndCreateTime(DateUtils.buildTime(2021, 11, 12));
reqVO.setCreateTime((new Date[]{buildTime(2021, 11, 10),buildTime(2021, 11, 12)}));
// 调用
List<TestDemoDO> list = testDemoService.getTestDemoList(reqVO);

View File

@ -29,36 +29,20 @@ public class ActivityPageReqVO extends PageParam {
private Integer status;
@ApiModelProperty(value = "开始开始时间")
private Date beginStartTime;
@ApiModelProperty(value = "开始时间")
private Date[] startTime;
@ApiModelProperty(value = "结束开始时间")
private Date endStartTime;
@ApiModelProperty(value = "结束时间")
private Date[] endTime;
@ApiModelProperty(value = "开始结束时间")
private Date beginEndTime;
@ApiModelProperty(value = "失效时间")
private Date[] invalidTime;
@ApiModelProperty(value = "结束结束时间")
private Date endEndTime;
@ApiModelProperty(value = "开始失效时间")
private Date beginInvalidTime;
@ApiModelProperty(value = "结束失效时间")
private Date endInvalidTime;
@ApiModelProperty(value = "开始删除时间")
private Date beginDeleteTime;
@ApiModelProperty(value = "结束删除时间")
private Date endDeleteTime;
@ApiModelProperty(value = "删除时间")
private Date[] deleteTime;
@ApiModelProperty(value = "限制折扣字符串,使用 JSON 序列化成字符串存储")
private String timeLimitedDiscount;
@ -67,11 +51,7 @@ public class ActivityPageReqVO extends PageParam {
private String fullPrivilege;
@ApiModelProperty(value = "开始创建时间")
private Date beginCreateTime;
@ApiModelProperty(value = "结束创建时间")
private Date endCreateTime;
@ApiModelProperty(value = "创建时间")
private Date[] createTime;

View File

@ -32,11 +32,7 @@ public class BannerPageReqVO extends PageParam {
private Integer status;
@ApiModelProperty(value = "开始创建时间")
private Date beginCreateTime;
@ApiModelProperty(value = "结束创建时间")
private Date endCreateTime;
@ApiModelProperty(value = "创建时间")
private Date[] createTime;

View File

@ -22,13 +22,13 @@ public interface ActivityMapper extends BaseMapperX<ActivityDO> {
.eqIfPresent(ActivityDO::getTitle, reqVO.getTitle())
.eqIfPresent(ActivityDO::getActivityType, reqVO.getActivityType())
.eqIfPresent(ActivityDO::getStatus, reqVO.getStatus())
.betweenIfPresent(ActivityDO::getStartTime, reqVO.getBeginStartTime(), reqVO.getEndStartTime())
.betweenIfPresent(ActivityDO::getEndTime, reqVO.getBeginEndTime(), reqVO.getEndEndTime())
.betweenIfPresent(ActivityDO::getInvalidTime, reqVO.getBeginInvalidTime(), reqVO.getEndInvalidTime())
.betweenIfPresent(ActivityDO::getDeleteTime, reqVO.getBeginDeleteTime(), reqVO.getEndDeleteTime())
.betweenIfPresent(ActivityDO::getStartTime, reqVO.getStartTime())
.betweenIfPresent(ActivityDO::getEndTime, reqVO.getEndTime())
.betweenIfPresent(ActivityDO::getInvalidTime, reqVO.getInvalidTime())
.betweenIfPresent(ActivityDO::getDeleteTime, reqVO.getDeleteTime())
.eqIfPresent(ActivityDO::getTimeLimitedDiscount, reqVO.getTimeLimitedDiscount())
.eqIfPresent(ActivityDO::getFullPrivilege, reqVO.getFullPrivilege())
.betweenIfPresent(ActivityDO::getCreateTime, reqVO.getBeginCreateTime(), reqVO.getEndCreateTime())
.betweenIfPresent(ActivityDO::getCreateTime, reqVO.getCreateTime())

View File

@ -19,8 +19,7 @@ public interface BannerMapper extends BaseMapperX<BannerDO> {
return selectPage(reqVO, new LambdaQueryWrapperX<BannerDO>()
.likeIfPresent(BannerDO::getTitle, reqVO.getTitle())
.eqIfPresent(BannerDO::getStatus, reqVO.getStatus())
.betweenIfPresent(BannerDO::getCreateTime, reqVO.getBeginCreateTime(), reqVO.getEndCreateTime())
.betweenIfPresent(BannerDO::getCreateTime, reqVO.getBeginCreateTime(), reqVO.getEndCreateTime())
.betweenIfPresent(BannerDO::getCreateTime, reqVO.getCreateTime())

View File

@ -139,18 +139,13 @@ public class ActivityServiceImplTest extends BaseDbUnitTest {
// 调用
PageResult<ActivityDO> pageResult = activityService.getActivityPage(reqVO);

View File

@ -22,11 +22,7 @@ public class BrandExportReqVO {
private Integer status;
@ApiModelProperty(value = "开始创建时间")
private Date beginCreateTime;
@ApiModelProperty(value = "结束创建时间")
private Date endCreateTime;
@ApiModelProperty(value = "创建时间")
private Date[] createTime;

View File

@ -24,11 +24,7 @@ public class BrandPageReqVO extends PageParam {
private Integer status;
@ApiModelProperty(value = "开始创建时间")
private Date beginCreateTime;
@ApiModelProperty(value = "结束创建时间")
private Date endCreateTime;
@ApiModelProperty(value = "创建时间")
private Date[] createTime;

View File

@ -20,11 +20,7 @@ public class CategoryExportReqVO {
private Integer status;
@ApiModelProperty(value = "开始创建时间")
private Date beginCreateTime;
@ApiModelProperty(value = "结束创建时间")
private Date endCreateTime;
@ApiModelProperty(value = "创建时间")
private Date[] createTime;

View File

@ -25,11 +25,7 @@ public class CategoryPageReqVO extends PageParam {
private Integer status;
@ApiModelProperty(value = "开始创建时间")
private Date beginCreateTime;
@ApiModelProperty(value = "结束创建时间")
private Date endCreateTime;
@ApiModelProperty(value = "创建时间")
private Date[] createTime;

View File

@ -20,10 +20,6 @@ public class CategoryTreeListReqVO extends CategoryExportReqVO {
private Integer status;
@ApiModelProperty(value = "开始创建时间")
private Date beginCreateTime;
@ApiModelProperty(value = "结束创建时间")
private Date endCreateTime;
@ApiModelProperty(value = "创建时间")
private Date[] createTime;

View File

@ -19,11 +19,7 @@ public class ProductPropertyExportReqVO {
private Integer status;
@ApiModelProperty(value = "开始创建时间")
private Date beginCreateTime;
@ApiModelProperty(value = "结束创建时间")
private Date endCreateTime;
@ApiModelProperty(value = "创建时间")
private Date[] createTime;

View File

@ -21,11 +21,7 @@ public class ProductPropertyPageReqVO extends PageParam {
private Integer status;
@ApiModelProperty(value = "开始创建时间")
private Date beginCreateTime;
@ApiModelProperty(value = "结束创建时间")
private Date endCreateTime;
@ApiModelProperty(value = "创建时间")
private Date[] createTime;

View File

@ -37,11 +37,7 @@ public class ProductSkuExportReqVO {
private Integer status;
@ApiModelProperty(value = "开始创建时间")
private Date beginCreateTime;
@ApiModelProperty(value = "结束创建时间")
private Date endCreateTime;
@ApiModelProperty(value = "创建时间")
private Date[] createTime;

View File

@ -39,11 +39,7 @@ public class ProductSkuPageReqVO extends PageParam {
private Integer status;
@ApiModelProperty(value = "开始创建时间")
private Date beginCreateTime;
@ApiModelProperty(value = "结束创建时间")
private Date endCreateTime;
@ApiModelProperty(value = "创建时间")
private Date[] createTime;

View File

@ -43,11 +43,7 @@ public class SpuExportReqVO {
private Boolean status;
@ApiModelProperty(value = "开始创建时间")
private Date beginCreateTime;
@ApiModelProperty(value = "结束创建时间")
private Date endCreateTime;
@ApiModelProperty(value = "创建时间")
private Date[] createTime;

View File

@ -45,11 +45,7 @@ public class SpuPageReqVO extends PageParam {
private Boolean status;
@ApiModelProperty(value = "开始创建时间")
private Date beginCreateTime;
@ApiModelProperty(value = "结束创建时间")
private Date endCreateTime;
@ApiModelProperty(value = "创建时间")
private Date[] createTime;

View File

@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ public interface BrandMapper extends BaseMapperX<BrandDO> {
.eqIfPresent(BrandDO::getCategoryId, reqVO.getCategoryId())
.likeIfPresent(BrandDO::getName, reqVO.getName())
.eqIfPresent(BrandDO::getStatus, reqVO.getStatus())
.betweenIfPresent(BrandDO::getCreateTime, reqVO.getBeginCreateTime(), reqVO.getEndCreateTime())
.betweenIfPresent(BrandDO::getCreateTime, reqVO.getCreateTime())
@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ public interface BrandMapper extends BaseMapperX<BrandDO> {
.eqIfPresent(BrandDO::getCategoryId, reqVO.getCategoryId())
.likeIfPresent(BrandDO::getName, reqVO.getName())
.eqIfPresent(BrandDO::getStatus, reqVO.getStatus())
.betweenIfPresent(BrandDO::getCreateTime, reqVO.getBeginCreateTime(), reqVO.getEndCreateTime())
.betweenIfPresent(BrandDO::getCreateTime, reqVO.getCreateTime())

View File

@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ public interface CategoryMapper extends BaseMapperX<CategoryDO> {
return selectPage(reqVO, new LambdaQueryWrapperX<CategoryDO>()
.likeIfPresent(CategoryDO::getName, reqVO.getName())
.eqIfPresent(CategoryDO::getStatus, reqVO.getStatus())
.betweenIfPresent(CategoryDO::getCreateTime, reqVO.getBeginCreateTime(), reqVO.getEndCreateTime())
.betweenIfPresent(CategoryDO::getCreateTime, reqVO.getCreateTime())
@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ public interface CategoryMapper extends BaseMapperX<CategoryDO> {
return selectList(new LambdaQueryWrapperX<CategoryDO>()
.likeIfPresent(CategoryDO::getName, reqVO.getName())
.eqIfPresent(CategoryDO::getStatus, reqVO.getStatus())
.betweenIfPresent(CategoryDO::getCreateTime, reqVO.getBeginCreateTime(), reqVO.getEndCreateTime())
.betweenIfPresent(CategoryDO::getCreateTime, reqVO.getCreateTime())

View File

@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ public interface ProductPropertyMapper extends BaseMapperX<ProductPropertyDO> {
return selectPage(reqVO, new LambdaQueryWrapperX<ProductPropertyDO>()
.likeIfPresent(ProductPropertyDO::getName, reqVO.getName())
.eqIfPresent(ProductPropertyDO::getStatus, reqVO.getStatus())
.betweenIfPresent(ProductPropertyDO::getCreateTime, reqVO.getBeginCreateTime(), reqVO.getEndCreateTime())
.betweenIfPresent(ProductPropertyDO::getCreateTime, reqVO.getCreateTime())
@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ public interface ProductPropertyMapper extends BaseMapperX<ProductPropertyDO> {
return selectList(new LambdaQueryWrapperX<ProductPropertyDO>()
.likeIfPresent(ProductPropertyDO::getName, reqVO.getName())
.eqIfPresent(ProductPropertyDO::getStatus, reqVO.getStatus())
.betweenIfPresent(ProductPropertyDO::getCreateTime, reqVO.getBeginCreateTime(), reqVO.getEndCreateTime())
.betweenIfPresent(ProductPropertyDO::getCreateTime, reqVO.getCreateTime())

View File

@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ public interface ProductSkuMapper extends BaseMapperX<ProductSkuDO> {
.eqIfPresent(ProductSkuDO::getBarCode, reqVO.getBarCode())
.eqIfPresent(ProductSkuDO::getPicUrl, reqVO.getPicUrl())
.eqIfPresent(ProductSkuDO::getStatus, reqVO.getStatus())
.betweenIfPresent(ProductSkuDO::getCreateTime, reqVO.getBeginCreateTime(), reqVO.getEndCreateTime())
.betweenIfPresent(ProductSkuDO::getCreateTime, reqVO.getCreateTime())
@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ public interface ProductSkuMapper extends BaseMapperX<ProductSkuDO> {
.eqIfPresent(ProductSkuDO::getBarCode, reqVO.getBarCode())
.eqIfPresent(ProductSkuDO::getPicUrl, reqVO.getPicUrl())
.eqIfPresent(ProductSkuDO::getStatus, reqVO.getStatus())
.betweenIfPresent(ProductSkuDO::getCreateTime, reqVO.getBeginCreateTime(), reqVO.getEndCreateTime())
.betweenIfPresent(ProductSkuDO::getCreateTime, reqVO.getCreateTime())

View File

@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ public interface ProductSpuMapper extends BaseMapperX<ProductSpuDO> {
.eqIfPresent(ProductSpuDO::getPrice, reqVO.getPrice())
.eqIfPresent(ProductSpuDO::getQuantity, reqVO.getQuantity())
.eqIfPresent(ProductSpuDO::getStatus, reqVO.getStatus())
.betweenIfPresent(ProductSpuDO::getCreateTime, reqVO.getBeginCreateTime(), reqVO.getEndCreateTime())
.betweenIfPresent(ProductSpuDO::getCreateTime, reqVO.getCreateTime())
@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ public interface ProductSpuMapper extends BaseMapperX<ProductSpuDO> {
.eqIfPresent(ProductSpuDO::getPrice, reqVO.getPrice())
.eqIfPresent(ProductSpuDO::getQuantity, reqVO.getQuantity())
.eqIfPresent(ProductSpuDO::getStatus, reqVO.getStatus())
.betweenIfPresent(ProductSpuDO::getCreateTime, reqVO.getBeginCreateTime(), reqVO.getEndCreateTime())
.betweenIfPresent(ProductSpuDO::getCreateTime, reqVO.getCreateTime())

View File

@ -127,8 +127,7 @@ public class BrandServiceImplTest extends BaseDbUnitTest {
reqVO.setCreateTime((new Date[]{}));
// 调用
PageResult<BrandDO> pageResult = brandService.getBrandPage(reqVO);
@ -162,8 +161,7 @@ public class BrandServiceImplTest extends BaseDbUnitTest {
reqVO.setCreateTime((new Date[]{}));
// 调用
List<BrandDO> list = brandService.getBrandList(reqVO);

View File

@ -135,8 +135,7 @@ public class CategoryServiceImplTest extends BaseDbUnitTest {
CategoryPageReqVO reqVO = new CategoryPageReqVO();
// 调用
PageResult<CategoryDO> pageResult = categoryService.getCategoryPage(reqVO);
@ -181,8 +180,7 @@ public class CategoryServiceImplTest extends BaseDbUnitTest {
CategoryExportReqVO reqVO = new CategoryExportReqVO();
// 调用
List<CategoryDO> list = categoryService.getCategoryList(reqVO);

View File

@ -147,8 +147,7 @@ public class SkuServiceImplTest extends BaseDbUnitTest {
// 调用
PageResult<ProductSkuDO> pageResult = ProductSkuService.getSkuPage(reqVO);
@ -202,8 +201,7 @@ public class SkuServiceImplTest extends BaseDbUnitTest {
// 调用
List<ProductSkuDO> list = ProductSkuService.getSkuList(reqVO);

View File

@ -155,8 +155,7 @@ public class ProductSpuServiceImplTest extends BaseDbUnitTest {
// 调用
PageResult<SpuRespVO> pageResult = spuService.getSpuPage(reqVO);
@ -218,8 +217,7 @@ public class ProductSpuServiceImplTest extends BaseDbUnitTest {
// 调用
List<ProductSpuDO> list = spuService.getSpuList(reqVO);

View File

@ -31,11 +31,7 @@ public class PayAppExportReqVO {
private String merchantName;
@ApiModelProperty(value = "开始创建时间")
private Date beginCreateTime;
@ApiModelProperty(value = "结束创建时间")
private Date endCreateTime;
@ApiModelProperty(value = "创建时间")
private Date[] createTime;

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@ -33,11 +33,7 @@ public class PayAppPageReqVO extends PageParam {
private String merchantName;
@ApiModelProperty(value = "开始创建时间")
private Date beginCreateTime;
@ApiModelProperty(value = "结束创建时间")
private Date endCreateTime;
@ApiModelProperty(value = "创建时间")
private Date[] createTime;

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