2022-12-06 22:52:33 +08:00

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<div style="position: relative" >
<div class="verify-img-out">
:style="{'width': setSize.imgWidth,
'height': setSize.imgHeight,
'background-size' : setSize.imgWidth + ' '+ setSize.imgHeight,
'margin-bottom': vSpace + 'px'}"
<div v-show="showRefresh" class="verify-refresh" style="z-index:3" @click="refresh">
<i class="iconfont icon-refresh" />
v-for="(tempPoint, index) in tempPoints"
'border-radius': '50%',
top:parseInt(tempPoint.y-10) + 'px',
left:parseInt(tempPoint.x-10) + 'px'
{{ index + 1 }}
<!-- 'height': this.barSize.height, -->
:style="{'width': setSize.imgWidth,
'color': this.barAreaColor,
'border-color': this.barAreaBorderColor,
<span class="verify-msg">{{ text }}</span>
<script type="text/babel">
* VerifyPoints
* @description 点选
* */
import { resetSize } from './../utils/util'
import { aesEncrypt } from '@/utils/ase'
import { reqGet, reqCheck } from '@/api/login'
export default {
name: 'VerifyPoints',
props: {
// 弹出式pop固定fixed
mode: {
type: String,
default: 'fixed'
captchaType: {
type: String,
// 间隔
vSpace: {
type: Number,
default: 5
imgSize: {
type: Object,
default() {
return {
width: '310px',
height: '155px'
barSize: {
type: Object,
default() {
return {
width: '310px',
height: '40px'
defaultImg: {
type: String,
default: ''
data() {
return {
secretKey: '', // 后端返回的ase加密秘钥
checkNum: 3, // 默认需要点击的字数
fontPos: [], // 选中的坐标信息
checkPosArr: [], // 用户点击的坐标
num: 1, // 点击的记数
pointBackImgBase: '', // 后端获取到的背景图片
poinTextList: [], // 后端返回的点击字体顺序
backToken: '', // 后端返回的token值
setSize: {
imgHeight: 0,
imgWidth: 0,
barHeight: 0,
barWidth: 0
tempPoints: [],
text: '',
barAreaColor: undefined,
barAreaBorderColor: undefined,
showRefresh: true,
bindingClick: true
computed: {
resetSize() {
return resetSize
watch: {
// type变化则全面刷新
type: {
immediate: true,
handler() {
mounted() {
// 禁止拖拽
this.$el.onselectstart = function() {
return false
methods: {
init() {
// 加载页面
this.fontPos.splice(0, this.fontPos.length)
this.checkPosArr.splice(0, this.checkPosArr.length)
this.num = 1
this.$nextTick(() => {
this.setSize = this.resetSize(this) // 重新设置宽度高度
this.$parent.$emit('ready', this)
canvasClick(e) {
this.checkPosArr.push(this.getMousePos(this.$refs.canvas, e))
if (this.num === this.checkNum) {
this.num = this.createPoint(this.getMousePos(this.$refs.canvas, e))
// 按比例转换坐标值
this.checkPosArr = this.pointTransfrom(this.checkPosArr, this.setSize)
// 等创建坐标执行完
setTimeout(() => {
// var flag = this.comparePos(this.fontPos, this.checkPosArr);
// 发送后端请求
const captchaVerification = this.secretKey ? aesEncrypt(this.backToken + '---' + JSON.stringify(this.checkPosArr), this.secretKey) : this.backToken + '---' + JSON.stringify(this.checkPosArr)
const data = {
captchaType: this.captchaType,
'pointJson': this.secretKey ? aesEncrypt(JSON.stringify(this.checkPosArr), this.secretKey) : JSON.stringify(this.checkPosArr),
'token': this.backToken
reqCheck(data).then(res => {
if (res.repCode === '0000') {
this.barAreaColor = '#4cae4c'
this.barAreaBorderColor = '#5cb85c'
this.text = '验证成功'
this.bindingClick = false
if (this.mode === 'pop') {
setTimeout(() => {
this.$parent.clickShow = false
}, 1500)
this.$parent.$emit('success', { captchaVerification })
} else {
this.$parent.$emit('error', this)
this.barAreaColor = '#d9534f'
this.barAreaBorderColor = '#d9534f'
this.text = '验证失败'
setTimeout(() => {
}, 700)
}, 400)
if (this.num < this.checkNum) {
this.num = this.createPoint(this.getMousePos(this.$refs.canvas, e))
// 获取坐标
getMousePos: function(obj, e) {
const x = e.offsetX
const y = e.offsetY
return { x, y }
// 创建坐标点
createPoint: function(pos) {
this.tempPoints.push(Object.assign({}, pos))
return ++this.num
refresh: function() {
this.tempPoints.splice(0, this.tempPoints.length)
this.barAreaColor = '#000'
this.barAreaBorderColor = '#ddd'
this.bindingClick = true
this.fontPos.splice(0, this.fontPos.length)
this.checkPosArr.splice(0, this.checkPosArr.length)
this.num = 1
this.showRefresh = true
// 请求背景图片和验证图片
getPictrue() {
const data = {
captchaType: this.captchaType,
clientUid: localStorage.getItem('point'),
ts: Date.now(), // 现在的时间戳
reqGet(data).then(res => {
if (res.repCode === '0000') {
this.pointBackImgBase = res.repData.originalImageBase64
this.backToken = res.repData.token
this.secretKey = res.repData.secretKey
this.poinTextList = res.repData.wordList
this.text = '请依次点击【' + this.poinTextList.join(',') + '】'
} else {
this.text = res.repMsg
// 判断接口请求次数是否失效
if (res.repCode === '6201') {
this.pointBackImgBase = null
// 坐标转换函数
pointTransfrom(pointArr, imgSize) {
const newPointArr = pointArr.map(p => {
const x = Math.round(310 * p.x / parseInt(imgSize.imgWidth))
const y = Math.round(155 * p.y / parseInt(imgSize.imgHeight))
return { x, y }
// console.log(newPointArr,"newPointArr");
return newPointArr